Minutes of the

January 8, 2008


Township of Mahwah

Community Cable TV


Members Present: David May, Alex Michelini, Gail Reynolds (vice-chairperson), Peter Wendrychowicz

Meeting was called to order at 7:40 P.M.

1. Minutes of December 11,2007 were approved.

2. 2008 Proposed Operating and Capital Budgets were accepted by, and included in, the

mayor’s 2008 Township Budget.

3.  John Roth met with Brian Campion, the Township Administrator, and expressed the committee’s concerning regarding the police department use of the Township’s Bulletin Board. Mr. Campion, in turn, spoke with Chief Batelli stating that the Cable Committee has no problems incorporating any of the department’s non-emergency messages as long as the procedures in place are followed.

4.  A short discussion was also entertained regarding the increased number of Bulletin Board requests from Ramapo College, Senior Citizens, and the Township Library. The stations importance to the community continues to grow.

5.  Ms. Reynolds, together with Mr. Michael Meyers-Jouan, met with representatives from Cablevision, Messrs. Gary Shaw and Dan Cecconie. The minutes of that meeting, presented in an e-mail to committee members dated 1/7/2008 (e-mail attached), were discussed.

6.  In the very near future, Gary , Michael, and other available committee members will be arranging visitations to television sites at New Rochelle, Ridgewood, Wayne, and Ramapo College.

7.  The MCN station reached a new milestone in station capabilities by broadcasting a recorded video of a community event. The event was a half-time Mahwah Marching Band Routine. The approximately 4 - minute video is played once at the top of each hour. The committee members took the time during the meeting to view the event. Everyone was excited over this advancement. It was suggested that we could work on an introduction for future videos, possibly, an animation of our MCN logo (with an accompanying recognizable music theme).

8.  Mrs. Storms informed Ms. Reynolds that our new Gateway computer has been coming in pieces. No one was sure how many of the “pieces” have arrived.

9.  The committee had hoped to begin reviewing our current Policies & Procedures, but because three members were absent the committee opted to table this discussion until out February meeting.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:28 P.M. on a motion from Alex Michelini and a second from David May.

The next meeting of the committee is scheduled for Tuesday, February 12, 2008 at 7:30 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Peter. J. Wendrychowicz