October 2003

Troop 226 certainly enjoyed this month!! We had a great time camping at the school and riding the Virginia Creeper Trail. We also finished up taking popcorn orders to raise funds for our troop.


NEWS FLASH!! Troop 226 held elections on Septebmer 30 th and here are the results!!

Troop 226 Senior Patrol Leader (SPL):CAMERON MORELOCK6 month term

Flying Eagle Patrol Leader (PL):DANIEL TAYLOR6 month term

POPCORN: All popcorn orders have been collected and turned in to the Sequoyah Council Office.

Troop Dues: Just a reminder to all of our Scouts that dues are $5.00 per month. This money is used to cover the troop’s expenses for the materials needed to complete troop activities during our weekly troop meetings, troop insurance, cost of patches, ribbons, pins, etc. awarded to our boys, and for troop equipment needs (camping equipment, troop flag, etc.). Dues are to be paid to Dora Hill, who serves as an Assistant Scoutmaster and our Troop Committee Treasurer.

Upcoming 2003 Ocanosta District and Sequoyah Council Events: Our next Sequoyah Council Event will be Scouting for Food on November 8th and 15th. The troop will be doing some camping at the school during these weekends too.

Troop 226 Planning Calendar for 2003-2004: Let us know if you have any dates that need to be on our calendar. If you don’t have a copy, an updated copy is always available at

UPCOMING EVENTS!! (see 2002-2003 Troop 226 Calendar for more information)

November 4, 20036:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Troop Meeting @ TCCS – Airport Campus

November 8, 2003Troops pick up popcorn at Builder's Source in Bristol for distribution and payment.

November 8, 2003Troop 226 Campout at TCCS – Airport Campus

November 8 & 15, 2003Scouting for Food - Bag distribution on 11/8/03 - Bag collection, boxing up food, & delivery on 11/15/03.

November 10-14, 20038th Grade Class Trip - Williamsburg

November 11, 20036:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Troop Meeting @ TCCS – Airport Campus

November 18, 20036:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Troop Meeting @ TCCS – Airport Campus

November 25, 20036:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Troop Meeting @ TCCS – Airport Campus

November 26-28, 2003Thanksgiving Holidays – School OUT

December 2, 20036:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Troop Meeting @ TCCS – Airport Campus

December 5, 2003Popcorn money due at SequoyahCouncilServiceCenter.

December 9, 20036:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Troop Meeting @ TCCS – Airport Campus

December 16, 20036:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Troop 226 Christmas Party

December 18, 2003School is OUT at noon for Christmas Break!!


Youth Night at Tri-CitiesBaptistChurch Revival, October 7, 2003. Almost the entire troop was able to attend the Youth Night portion of Revival at Tri-CitiesBaptistChurch!! During a fellowship time before the evening service, Evangelist Steve Hale from Woodstock, GA spoke to all of the youth about dating and relationships. The Youth were treated to pizza (a LOT of pizza!!), cookies, and soft drinks. There were some prizes given away and Cameron won a Christian music CD!! Everyone then went to the sanctuary for the evening service. Pastor Arden Taylor had Troop 226 to stand and be recognized as attending tonight!! It was a great time in the Lord.

Troop 226 Campout at TCCS – Airport Campus and Bike Hike down the Virginia Creeper Trail,October 17-19 2003. The troop wanted to camp at the school this month and also ride the Virginia Creeper Trail… so we did!! The boys did a great job during this weekend!! They worked well together getting camp set up, organized, building fires, cooking, cleaning, and packing up once our weekend was over. By working so well together, everyone had a good time!! Yes it did RAIN Friday, but just a little bit and quit. We all worked to get camp set up quickly… and instead of trying to fix supper at 10:00 p.m., the boys actually had supper READY by 7:30 p.m.!! As you can see, it was VERY good!!

We all met at the school at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday morning and drove to Damascus to pick up our bikes and get a shuttle ride to White Top Station by noon. We met Mark Taylor on the trail… since he had ridden UP from Damascus to White Top on his bike to meet us and ride back down!!

The leaves were almost in full color and the weather was very nice!! We had a great bike hike!!

We stopped in Taylor’s Valley for lunch… it was a LOT more crowded today than it was back in April!

This was the ONLY picture I got of our boys and their bikes! Mr. Taylor was gracious enough to ride ahead with our speedy boys as they rode the Creeper Trail back to Damascus. We didn’t have any First Aid cases either… although Grayson and Josh Landers did try letting their bikes ride them down the Creeper trail once during the day. We went back to camp, built a very nice campfire, and tried making pizza in a Dutch oven… which didn’t work too good, but we also hobo-packed hamburgers.

It was almost cold Saturday night and the campfire and sleeping bags felt really good! We got up Sunday morning and Grayson did a GREAT job as Chaplain leading our church service. Grayson’s message this morning focused on teamwork and getting along with each other. We also learned that while Casey Link is our hobo-pack expert… Grayson Krtausch has become our Dutch oven cobbler expert!! We then packed up our stuff and went home.

In closing, I want to brag on our boys this month. They really worked well together as a troop during this month’s outing. We missed Josh Baker camping and bike hiking with us. We missed Casey on Friday night, but we enjoyed him camping with us Saturday night. The Lord has blessed our boys with talents and , for those who are saved, spiritual gifts that can be used to minister to others, build strong relationships with others, and honor Christ… all which make for great memories!!

Birthdays:Josh LandersOctober 27

Next month we’ll be trying to get those last few days of camping completed so our boys can earn their National Camping Award for 20 days. We’ll also be working on our annual service project, Scouting for Food. So come on back to see what adventures we have in November!!

Tenderfoot2nd Class 1st Class Star Life EAGLE

ScoutScoutScoutScoutScoutSCOUT !!!!!