Digital Mosaics

Mosaics are traditionally made up of broken/cut ceramic pieces (tiles) that are placed close together to create a larger picture. These tiles are held together with a cement-like paste, called grout. Your assignment is to create a digital “mosaic” by using the following Elements of Design and tools in Adobe Illustrator:

Shape (Geometric and Organic)
Color Theory (monochromatic, achromatic, complimentary (O/B, Y/P, R/G), warm, cool)
Shape tools
Direct selection tool
Pen tools
Solid color fill

1. Create a sketch of your image. You may use images online for inspiration, but the sketch should be your own. Your composition should follow the Rule of Thirds.

2. Scan your image (or take a photo of it with your phone) and email it to yourself so you can access the image from the MacLab. You can do this on a school printer—either in the library or Mr. Ross’ room.

3. Create an 8.5 x 11” document in Adobe Illustrator.

4. File > Place this image in Adobe Illustrator.

5. Resize the image to fit across your whole page, whether that is landscape or portrait. While still selecting the image, change your opacity to 30% and then lock your layer. This will be your template.

6. Create a new layer to build your tiles on.

7. Using the pen and shape tool, you will create small tiles that fit together to make up the larger image. You must include both geometric and organic shapes!

7. Using the Color Tools, you will create your own unique color palette that follows a Color Theory. These will be the colors used for the tiles in your mosaic.

8. After you are done building all of your tiles, create another layer underneath your tile layer(s). This will be your background color. Using the shape tool, create a rectangle that will cover the whole page. Fill it with a color that fits into your Color Theory.

You will be graded on:

-Creativity and effort of your sketch

-Use of the Illustrator tools (pen, shape, color swatches and overall directions on this sheet)

-Use of the Elements of Design (line, geometric shape, organic shape, Color Theory)

-Creativity and Craftsmanship (are your “grout” lines uniform, how creative and successful is your finished design)

-Use of class time, effort, challenge