EDA Meeting Agenda

Wednesday,October 25, 2017

8:30 a.m.

Pine Government Center

Council Chambers

Attendees:Mayor Carl Pederson; EDA President Kevin Anderson; City Councilor Steve Ovick; EDA Vice President Frank Christopherson, Mike Sauser, Doug D’Aigle, Tom Gahler.

Absent: None

Staff:Ken Cammilleri, City Administrator Matt Van Steenwyk, City Treasurer and Mark Steffen, Admin. Assistant.

Call Meeting to Order by Christopherson at 8:30am.

Approval ofSeptember 27, 2017 Meeting Minutes – Motion to approve minutes by Pederson, with correction of D’Aigle attendance, seconded by Gahler. Motion carried.

Approval of September2017 Bills- Motion to approve bills by D’Aigle seconded by Ovick. Motion carried.

Presentation ofSeptember2017 Treasurer’s Report- Presented by City Administrator Cammilleri.

Presentation of 2017 2nd Quarter Treasurer’s Report – Presented by Treasurer Van Steenwyk

Other Items for Discussion:

Business Updates (Mayor/Ken/Robert Musgrove)

Shovel Ready update

HRA updates

Community Venture Network business prospects update

Hotel Developers

U of M Fair Study, Business retail survey and Market Area Profile- Expected to be completed in December 2017.

Pine City Economic Gardening Participation: Businesses have been pleased with the data collected through the program.

Chamber Updates (Becky Schueller)- “Shop Pine City” cards that encourage buying locally and offer prizes for completing the card by visiting local businesses and purchasing items.

Closed session: Enter Closed Session pursuant to Minn Stat. 13D.05 Subd. 3 (c) to consider purchase of real property located at Airport RD NE, Pine City, MN, PID# 42-0089-003 at 9:57am.Motion by Pederson to enter closed session, seconded by Ovick. Motion passed by unanimous rollcall vote. Closed session resulted in an agreement on an initial offering amount to start negotiations for purchasing the property.

Reconvene into open session- Motion to reopen the session by Christopherson, seconded by Ovick. Motion carried.Returned to open session at 10:02am.

Approval to recommend to proceed with property purchase of PID# 42-0089-003- Motion by Gahler to proceed with negotiations for property purchase, seconded by Sauser. Motion carried.

Adjourn- President Anderson adjourned the meeting at 10:08am