
Hawaii is beautiful. The beautiful green plants and mountains show the pure, true beauty of Hawaii. That’s what picture in their head when they think about Hawaii. I honestly wish Hawaii were still like that. The rapid development is taking over the land. When you fly into the United States you see all these buildings and it has a brownish tinge to it. Well, flying into Hawaii is almost the same now days. The amount of forests and agricultural lands has decreased. Contractors are building so many things on the land like businesses, stores and houses and pretty soon there won’t be any land left. Some of the things they build here aren’t necessary.

I live in Kailua and it’s ice there. It’s more country than town and I like it that way. The state is going to open a “Target” in Kailua yet we already have one in town. Building a huge store like “Target” in a small town is a bad idea. It’s going to cause a lot of traffic. They are also going to build a “Whole Foods” in Kailua when we already have two “Safeways”. “Whole Foods” could put them out of business. “Whole Foods” is known to sell fresh, healthy, vegetables and fruits. Well, if the public wants that, we should preserve our own agricultural lands to grow our own crops, instead of needing to get them shipped in from the mainland.

There use to be a law called, “The Hawaii Land Use Law’. It was a system that helped us manage the land. It’s sad that we now ignore that law. It’s great to have businesses, stores and housing but we don’t have a lot of land left.

In the next 50 years I think we should preserve our agricultural lands and benefit from it, like a farmers market. I think we should only build what we need. Save some land, and help it grow back by planting vegetation. It’s not like we’d lose any tourist. But why build things here the tourist already have back home? Saving land and knowing how to use it wisely could earn Hawaii more money. We already have a bad economy so why would they start building things they can’t finish? Some people care about the land and some people don’t but I think everyone should have a say on what happens to the land. Let the people of Hawaii, the people who have lived here for years, let them decide what’s best for their land. Maybe if the people had more say Hawaii could be the best place to live and work.