Warm up ring etiquette
Carleton Riding Club is very aware of health an safety and as such requests that competitors do not invite instructors or helpers into the warm up ring. This is consistent with BD rules. Instructors. Helpers are welcome to stand behind the rails and provide encouragement. Instruction provided this in carried out discreetly and doesn’t interfere with or distract fellow competitors. Please observe the left-to-left warm up etiquette and remember to look up and be are of fellow competitors. If you are in walk on the track, please give way to all riders in trot and canter (this is the only time the left to left rule is not observed).
Warm up is on a surface directly next to the outdoor competition arena.
Lunging is not permitted in the competition warm up area. However, lunging may be arranged with prior permission directly from Easton College, in another area.
Dressage Tests
All dressage tests are the current British Dressage Tests. Test sheets are available from British Dressage - Tel. 02476 698830.
Prizes & League Trophies
Rosettes to 6th place in all classes. If more than 15 entries in a section, rosettes to 10th Place. There are member’s perpetual trophies for Classes D2R, D2O, D3R, D3O, D4, D5, D6, D7 and D8.
League Points are awarded at each show on the following basis. This may be different to the class placing’s if non-members are competing. For example if you are placed 3rd in a class, with the 1st and 2nd placing awarded to a non-member, you will receive 7 points:
Place / League PointsHighest placed member / 7
2nd highest placed member / 6
3rd highest placed member / 5
4th highest placed member / 4
5th highest placed member / 3
6th highest placed member / 2
For competing in class / 1
Points are added up for each combination in each class throughout the season; those horse/rider combinations who have collected points at a minimum of 2 shows, will be eligible for the dressage league prizes. Rosettes and perpetual trophies are awarded to the class winners at our AGM in November. For the overall ‘Rug’ league, members will need to have competed at least two shows and competed in both disciplines.
Professional and amateur photographers are present at the shows. By entering these classes you are deemed to have accepted that photographs of juniors will be taken, which may be used for publicity purposes. The Club will try to contact you to let you know about proposed use, but this is not guaranteed.
In the unfortunate event that you need to withdraw from a class please contact Louise Nevard(07787554085) at the earliest opportunity.
In all cases of dispute, a written protest should accompany a deposit of £10.00 and be delivered to the Show Secretary before the close of the show, otherwise the protest will not be considered. The Show Secretary shall as soon as possible after receipt, give notice of the protest to the Committee members present and if possible decide the case before the conclusion of the show; otherwise, it will be referred to the Committee for later determination. In either case, the decision shall be final. The deposit of £10.00 will be forfeit save in the event that the protest is upheld. When the protest has been determined all parties shall be notified of such determination.
Carleton Riding ClubDRESSAGE SCHEDULE 2017
/16 April
/21 May
/25 June
/20 August
/17 Sept
/29 Oct
/Intro Dressage – NON LEAGUE
Combination never to have been placed 1stor scored over 65% in any dressage test. Normal riding bit, martingale, and lead rein allowed. Competitors winning this class with 65% or more may not enter again competitively.Intended for nervous riders, those trying dressage for the first time or a young horses’ first test. Horses or riders affiliated to British Dressage may only enter this class HC or Training. / Intro A
(2008) / Intro B
(2009) / Intro C
(2016) / Intro A
(2008) / Intro B
(2009) / Intro C
A restricted and a separate open section will run in this class. Please indicate D2R or D2O) on your entry form. If you don’t specify, you will be entered intothe open section.Restriction: Horse/pony to have no British Dressage or British Eventing points (Inc. BE Foundation Points) as at 01/01/17 and / or combination not to have won more than two Prelim classes (unaff or aff) prior to 01/01/17 with a percentage of 67% or more.
Group6 or above riders are not permitted to enter the restricted section. Group 3 or above riders are not permitted to enter the open section. / Prelim 7
(2002) / Prelim 1
(2006) / Prelim 7
(2002) / Prelim 13
(2006) / Prelim 14
(2006) / Prelim 18
A restricted and a separate open section will run in this class. Please indicate D2R or D2O) on your entry form. If you don’t specify you will be entered into the open section. Restricted / open as per D2. / Prelim 15(2008)
(Long Arena) / Prelim 17
(Long Arena) / Prelim 19
(Long Arena) / Prelim 15
(Long Arena) / Prelim 17
(Long Arena) / Prelim 19
(Long Arena)
/Restricted Novice
Horse/pony to have no more than 124 British Dressage points & combination not to have won more than two Novice tests prior to 1/1/17, with a percentage of 67% or more.Group 3 riders are not permitted to enter this class competitively. / Novice 24
(2010) / Novice 27
(2007) / Novice 28
(2008) / Novice 30
(2006) / Novice 34
(2009) / Novice 28
/Open Novice
Horse/pony to have no more than 124 British Dressage points. / Novice 22(2007)
(Long Arena) / Novice 23
(Long Arena) / Novice 37
(Long Arena) / Novice 38
(Long Arena) / Novice 39
(Long Arena) / Novice 38
(Long Arena)
/Open % Level of test ridden is riders’ choice - please indicate on your entry form.
Combination to be within the points limit for level as per BD Rules 2016. / Elem 40 (2010)Medium 61
(Long Arena) / Elem 43 (2006)
Medium 73 (2007)
(Long Arena) / Elem 45 (2010)
Medium 75 (2002)
(Long Arena) / Elem 40 (2010)
Medium 61
(Long Arena) / Elem 43
Medium 73
(Long Arena) / Elem 53 (2007)
Medium 75
(Long Arena)
/Open % Level of test ridden is riders’ choice - please indicate on your entry form.
Combination to be within the points limit for level as per BD Rules 2016. / Elem 53 (2007)Medium 73 (2007)
(Long Arena) / Elem 57 (2007)
Medium 75 (2002)
(Long Arena) / Elem 59 (2010)
Medium 61 (2002)
(Long Arena) / Elem 57
Medium 73
(Long Arena) / Elem 53 (2007)
Medium 75
(Long Arena) / Elem 57 (2007)
Medium 61
(Long Arena)
/ Pairs Dressage TestCreate your own floor plan incorporating set movements. Please visit and download the BRC 2017 Rulebook. Details can be found at CR APPENDIX 15: Pairs Dressage Test / Pairs Dressage Test 5 (2014) / Pairs Dressage Test 5 (2014) / Pairs Dressage Test 5 (2014) / Pairs Dressage Test 5 (2014) / Pairs Dressage Test 5 (2014) / Pairs Dressage Test 5 (2014)