Year 3 Report August 2011


Table of Contents

Summary outcomes 2010/11


1. Involving people, professionals local organisations

2. Oral Health

3.NHS Registrations – Routine Care

4. Workforce

5. Service Developments PArt 1 priority services and service redesign

6. Service Developments Part 2 MCN and MCN priority services

7. Service Developments Part 3 preventive care networks children and adults

8. Premises Developments

9. Quality standards, clinical governance and clinical effectiveness

10. Education and training to develop and enhance the workforcE - DEntists

11. Dental Care professionals

12. Monitoring and evaluation and resources

APPENDIX 1 19Summary outcomes 2010/11

Main achievements 20010/11
  • National adult oral health targets 2010 achieved with continued oral health improvement
  • National child oral health targets 2010 achieved Primary 1 and Primary 7 with continuedimprovement and further expansion of preventive programmes- Childsmile by CHPs.
  • All operational responsibilities for managed dental services devolved to CHPs
  • Continued (but slower) increases inNHS registrations.
  • Continued predicted increase in dental workforce
  • Largest annual impact (decrease) in routine dental waiting list since waiting list establishedin 2005 with estimated waiting list now below 19,000 for first time in 5 years
  • Intermediate care specialised dental service network and special care networks developed with referral quality assurance and organisation through a new primary care referral centre.
  • Continued improvement in quality and quantity of dental premises with 90% of practices achieving new decontamination standardsprior to target dateof December 2012.

Positive Impact onhealth and services

69.4% of children start school in Grampian with no obvious dental decay compared with 48.9% in 2003, over 20% improvement, with the main improvements seen in the last 3 years

Number of general anaesthetic hospital day cases for tooth extraction in children reduced by over 50% over last 5 years now down to 844 with major revenue savings for the Board

NHS registrations at March 2011increased by 97,774 since June 2007 and on target to reach 124,000 by 2012

Primary care dental waiting list at July 2011 down to lowest for 5 years at circa 19,000. High in 2009/10 of over 32,000.

Ahead of targets on recruitment of all dental professionals including dentists and dental nurses.

Continued interest in opening new dental premises across NHS Grampian. Practices encouraged in Aberdeenshire and Moraydue to an estimated 25,000 Aberdeenshire population travelling to AberdeenCity for dental care.

Primary care referrals to Intermediate and special care networks presently at 3000/yr

Challenges for the Future

Childsmile progress in signing up all dental practices has been slower than planned, although plans now in place to attain all CHP targetsby December of 2011.

Despite being on target to achieve 124,000 additional registrations over 4 yrs of the dental plan,child registration figures are lower than planned and registration levels in all age groups are among the worse in Scotland.

Recruitment of all dental professional groups improved with concern over unfilled senior academic consultant posts in AberdeenDentalSchool

Lack of ability to provide new high quality premisesmay lead to a lack of local posts for emerging graduates from Aberdeen Dental School due to lack of training practiceaccommodation.

Despite a concerted effort at a local and national level with over 90% of practices recording decontamination compliance before the end of 2012, there remains a risk for possibly 3 independent practices and 2 community practices (Appendix 1)

Primary 1 Children in Grampian - no decay on starting school 2003-2010

The latest 2011 statistics are the most comprehensive ever collected with over 96% of schools inspected and gives confidence that the improvements are consistent across the whole of Grampian and the 3 CHPs. A further improvement should occur from this year forward as the Childsmile programme expands targeting preschool and school children.
The above reduction in disease levels has directly contributed (in addition to service redesign) tothe substantial changes in the number of young children requiring a general anaesthetic for dental extractions.

Number of day case general anaesthetics for children for extraction of teeth


NHS dental registration

The number of registrations in total remains on target i.e. an additional 124,000 between June 2007 and March 2012. However the speed of increase in registrations has slowed considerably and there seems to be several unexplained differences in what is happening within CHPs. These include

an estimated 25,000 people from Aberdeenshire attending NHS dental services in AberdeenCity

AberdeenCityrecording the only fall in registrations in an age group primarily in school children aged 6 to 16 yrs with the younger preschool children in AberdeenCityshowing small increases.

Grampian / Moray / A Shire / A City
Children / Adults / Children / Adults / Children / Adults / Children / Adults
June 2007 / 62,240 / 119,868 / 9,475 / 10,009 / 29,201 / 62,036 / 23,564 / 47,823
March 2010 / 74,173 / 181,652 / 12,606 / 23,304 / 39,424 / 92,725 / 22,143 / 65,623
March 2011 / 76,983 / 202,899 / 12,680 / 25,757 / 40,877 / 101,355 / 23,426 / 75,787
2007/11 increase / 14,743 / 83,031 / 3,205 / 15,748 / 11,676 / 39,319 / -138 / 27,964
Total / Increase 97,774

The registration statistics whilst encouraging and improving as planned remain well below the Scottish average.The next dental plan 2012 - 2016 may require to set a target to register a further additional 100,000 patients if Grampian is to reach the levels achieved elsewhere in Scotland. Comparison NHS registrations NHSG and Scottish average :-

Children NHSG 70.7% Scottish Av 84.2%.

AdultsNHSG 46.5% Scottish Av 70.5%.

Detailedoutcomes of all recommendations and targets

1. Involving people, professionals and local organisations

Recommendation /Target / Timetable
Assessment / Actions / Outcomes/Comments
Rec 1. NHS Grampian should develop a communication and involvement plan to support the implementation of the Dental Plan and enable ongoing engagement and involvement of the public and stakeholder groups in
Modernising dental services and improving oral health. / 2010-12 / NHS Grampian dental newsletter has been regularly published and distributed keeping all stakeholders informed of the key developments throughout the process
Achieved and ongoing / Regular reports circulated to key NHS Grampian committees including Health Board and regular reports shared with MPs /MSPs

Oral Health survey 3300 adults undertaken and shared with population and professionals

Referral guidance published July 2011to ensure clarity of all referrals within dental systems

Children’s annual oral health survey published circulated all dental professionals schools and education authority every 2 years.

TLC – a web based health promotion programme developed and promoting oral health throughout Grampian

Re-established Area Dental Committee as a working group

Set up the Managed Clinical Network for Oral and Dental Health with regular sub group meetings

Public involvement within MCN for oral and dental health committees

Joint developments/ close working relationships with CHPs/Acute Unit /AberdeenUniversity/ NHS Education Scotland

Welcome pack for all new dentists in preparation

Main risk
Public views of dental care / Low / Dental services still perceived as private dental servicesrestricting access to NHS care for families.

2. Oral Health

Recommendation /Target
Health improvement / Timetable
Assessment / Actions / Outcomes/Comments
Target 1Adults- by 2010 - less than 10% of adults (over 16 years) with no teeth / 2010
Achieved /

Whole Grampian 9.1% of adults with no teeth.AberdeenCity just missing target

Rec.2NHSGrampian should commission a Community Health Partnership based Adult Oral Health Survey in 2008 as part of the baseline assessment for the Dental Plan. / 2010
Achieved / Report published and will continue to be the basis for needs based planning for our dental services
Target 2 Primary 1 by 2010 - 60% children with no obvious dental decay / Achieved 2010 target / Grampian has shown continued improvement in this vital age group now at 69.4%
Target 3 Primary 7 by 2010 - 60% children with no obvious dental decay / Achieved 2010 Target / Grampian has shown continued improvement in this vital age group
Rec.3NHS Grampian should set new targets for dental health improvement for 2015 and 2020 for the above age groups / In preparation / Part of the 2012-16 dental plan
Rec.4NHS Grampian with Information and Statistics Division (ISD Scotland) should identify the incidence of oral cancer and the 5 year survival rate by Health Board. Once identified Grampian should set targets for improvement of both incidence and survival. / No action / Continued discussion with ISD
Main risks
Diet change through continued support through schools and nurseries / Medium / Schools local authorities more challenging budgets may be less supportive of healthy eating restricted sale of high sugar items
Oral health prevention Childsmile expansion and contacting highest need children / Medium/low / As above plus hard to reach children need to be better targeted and supported.

3. NHS Registrations – Routine Care

Recommendation /Target / Timetable
Assessment / Actions / Outcomes/Comments
Target 4 Child Registrations
By 2010 - 80 % of 3-5 year olds registered (HEAT Target) / Not achieved
Slow progress / 75% only in March 2011
Need major drive on registrations of preschool children i.e. minimum additional 900 3-5 yr children required by March 2012
Target 5 Child Registrations
By 2010 - an additional 25,000 child registrations which include an estimated 3800 registrationsfor children aged 3-5 years (HEAT ) / Below target by 16%(4000 children
less than predicted) / 14,700 since additional NHS child registrations since June 2007well below target
Additional minimum 11,000 children by March 2012
Target 6 Adult NHS Registrations
By 2012 - an additional 99,000 adult registrations / Above target by 7 % circa (7000 adults) / 83,031 additional adults registered since June 2007
Additional minimum 17,000 adults by March 2012
Rec. 6 NHS Grampian should adopt the NHS Registration Targets above (Targets 4 to 6) as Health Board targets for monitoring performance of the Dental Plan. / Agreed as policy 2008 /

NHS Grampian now needs to set new targets for 2012-16 as part of a new dental plan.

Main risks
Child registrations
Lower than expected especially in preschool children. / High Risk /

Generally disappointing requires more work linked to CHPs /Dental School Childsmile and preschool childrenwith targetingand support for vulnerable groups such as Children in Care.

Target circa 90% by 2014

Adult registrations
Above planned level but requires planned continued expansion over next 5 years / High Risk /

Need to increase from 46.5% to 70% by 2016 i.e.achieve minimum 100,000 additional NHS reg in next dental plan

4. Workforce

Recommendation /Target / Timetable
Assessment / Actions / Outcomes/Comments
Target 7 Total number of dentists
By 2010 - to increase the total number of dentists working in
Grampian to 300(Base - 270 Sept 2007) / Achieved and exceeded / 316 at September 2010
Target 8 Total number of dentists
By 2012 - to increase the total number of dentists working in
Grampian to 350(Base - 270 Sept 2007) / On target to achieve by September 2012 /

Present estimate circa 330 Local estimate to be confirmed in September census

Target 9 Number of primary care dentists. By 2012 - to increase the number of primary care general dental practitioners (salaried and independent) working in Grampian to 300 (Base - 223 Sept 2007) / On target to achieve by 2012 /

March 2011 275

25 extra dentists this year will be a challenge.
Rec.7NHS Grampian should adopt the Workforce Targets above (Targets 7 to 9) as Health Board targets for monitoring performance of the Dental Plan. / Agreed /

Increasing numbers of dentists now working in primary and secondary care/teaching statistics above do not reflect

NHS Grampian should establish a Dental Workforce Database which includes all dental professionals working in Grampian.
NHS Grampian should establish Workforce Targets for all dental team members by 2010 / Not achieved
Achieved /

Cost benefit of database difficult to justify.

Reviewing more cost effective, in house options
Report approved by MCN Project Board
Main risks
Number of dentists / Low/Medium /

AberdeenDentalSchool will graduate first graduates in 2012 andstabilise dentist numbers in North of Scotland

Number of dental care professionals nurses/dental technician / Low/Medium /

New dental nurse course and dental technician course at AberdeenDentalSchool will help to bolster numbers in Grampian

5. Service Developments Part 1 priority services and service redesign

Recommendation /Target / Timetable
Assessment / Actions / Outcomes/Comments
Rec. 8 NHS Grampian should develop dental service teams based on the pathways identified. Priority should be given to the following services
Childsmile – preventive and anticipatory care
Emergency and urgent access
Undergraduate teaching services
Intermediate specialist care services / 2012
in principle / All services are now in place and are at different stages of development
Dental Advice line changed to a comprehensive service dealing with all primary care services and referrals for routine, specialist referral and emergency care services.
Develop a children’s preventive service / Achieved / Childsmile -continued development programme to all dental practices. Establishment of Children’s MCN subgroup this year
Emergency and urgent care
(Over 2000 normal working hours urgent slots provided annually by Independent GDPs for unregistered patients.) / Achieved / Emergency care serviceexpanding in locations and coverage, numbers reducing as routine in hours services become available.
Undergraduate teaching services
AberdeenDentalSchool opened 2009 - a 60 surgery teaching and dental service centre of excellence / Achieved / .Now into 4th and final year of course 90% staffing in place but key senior posts remain unfilled.
Full integration with primary secondary care services
Develop an intermediate care network for dental specialties based in primary care / Partially Achieved /

Need to involve AberdeenDentalSchool as training centre for intermediate care North of Scotland

Special care / Established network /

Referral Centrehas been established and is now processing 60 referrals/week

Specialised intermediate care oralsurgery, restorative, orthodontics. / Developing network /

3 practitioners providing newly established service Further practitionerssupported fordeveloping similar services

Main risks
Establishing the network and funding training for primary care practitioners
Ensuring secondary care support / Low /

Programme now established joint working and training established primary and secondary care

6. Service Developments Part 2 MCN and MCN priority services

Care Pathways

Recommendation /Target / Timetable
Assessment / Actions / Outcomes/Comments
Develop an overarching MCN for dental and oral health which to achieve single system working in partnership / 2010 Network in place / Network has now been set up and requires nurturing and development 2010-15 to establish its full potential
Develop a defined special care service and pathway / 2011
Achieved / Network and pathway document published 2010
Service development ongoing
Service redesign - salaried dental services
-dental services and management devolved to CHPs and Acute unit / Achieved / All salaried services now organised and managed in CHP/acute unit
Service redesign –salaried dental services
- Oriented towards those with highest need / Partially achieved needs more focus / Through redesign process each CHP has additional dentist and dental nurse staff with specialised skills to focus on those with highest needs
Clear pathways for routine primary dental care for adults and children To achieve the above pathway ensure
- no waiting list
- easy local access / Partially achieved
Waiting list remains at 19,000 / Routine dental care is becoming more accessible throughout Grampian.
The waiting list has seen the largest single year reduction since its inception (partially due to system cleansing) However the Adult Dental Health survey indicates that there are a potential 100,000 patients who are not receiving the service they wish ie routine NHS dental care
Main risk
Access to dental care through continued expansion /increase of NHS new practices / High /

NHS Grampian require to continue the expansion of access to NHS with a further targeted development of up to 10 additional independent practices (30- 40 dentists) over the next 3 years primarily in Aberdeenshire and Moray

7. Service Developments Part3 preventive care networks children and adults

Recommendation /Target / Timetable
Assessment / Actions / Outcomes/Comments
Rec. 9NHS Grampian should develop an Integrated Child Care Dental Service which incorporates Childsmile and a new School Dental Service / Ongoing / MCN for Children developing in 2011
Rec. 10NHS Grampian should adopt a guarantee of 12 weeks for routine care of children under 12 years of age and
seek to set a similar target for all children under 16 years of age. / Achieved 2009 / Achieved though increased uptake from Independent practices and salaried services
Achieved 2010 / Achieved though increased uptake from Independent practices and the DentalSchool
Rec.11NHS Grampian should adopt the above health improvement programme targets for monitoring performance of the Dental Plan / Achieved
Develop an adult preventive care service for those with greatest needs including
-Adults in the community
-elderly in care
-learning difficulties
-disabilities inc medically compromised
others prisoners /drug users / In development 2011 /

Funding from SG and service redesign will deliver Caring for Smiles which will ensure Oral Health Improvement Services for these and other vulnerable groups across Grampian

Rec.12 NHS Grampian should support the development of enhanced service contracts for dental practitioners. / Achieved in principle /

Independent Primary Care Practitioners are working within Secondary Care and a range of Salaried Practitioners are working in an intermediate setting

Main risk
Intermediate specialist care in independent practices / Medium /

NHS Grampian have not established a contracted (funded) system for Rec 12

If intermediate specialist care is to impact on secondary care services a minimum of 10 contracts should be established with independent contractors

8. Premises Developments

Recommendation /Target / Timetable
Assessment / Actions / Outcomes/Comments
Rec. 13 NHS Grampian should undertake a survey of all premises used for dental care and develop and resource a plan to modernise and improve premises offering NHS dental services. / Completed in 2010 / A combination of an external survey commissioned by Physical Planning along with Practice Inspections and Assessments from Dental Practice Advisor allowed initial
Premises Strategy to be developed. However with redesign, views of CHPs ,capital plan and service needs are being reviewed with recommendations to MCN Board 2011 - 2012
AberdeenDentalSchool – dental graduates 2013 onwards / Achieved
Aberdeen Dental Outreach Centre Elgin Spynie / Achieved /

Open to full patient care offered by dentist (Aberdeen students) and dental therapist trainees (Inverness)