(Report MUST be completed on diskette with eight hard copies!)

School: Miami University Chapter: Epsilon Xi

Delegate: Michelle Schoepper

Number of Actives Present: 11

Officer Slate: Phone and Address of President Total Number of Actives: 32

Michael Zimmer Number of Candidates Present: 2

256 Scott Hall

Miami UniversityTotal Number of Candidates: 7

Oxford, OH 45056

(513) 529-7675

When are Chapter Elections? December

Sponsor’s name and address: David Shaffer

123 Center for Performing Arts

Oxford, OH 45056

Number of Alumni, Life or Honoraries Present: 2

Kent Covert, Life and Peter Murray, Life

Please list the following:

Fundraisers: Band T-shirts, Active Dues, Jazz Festival Concession Stand

Social Activities: Brotherhood hours, KKCrush Intramural Hockey Team, Founder’s Week

Service Projects: Water at Football games, plastic covering of seats at football games, helping out at OMEA Solo and Ensemble, Ushering Wind Ensemble and Symphony band concerts, helping percussion at Pep Band Events

Awards/Honors: Created the Dr. Thomas Clay Award

Community Service: Adopt-a-Highway, canned food drive

Joint Activities: Founder’s Week, Adopt-a-Highway

Important Upcoming Events:

Annual Softball Tournament, Saturday, April 17, 1999


Is there anyone or anything you would like the Committee on Credentials and Resolutions to recognize?

Again this year, we would like the committee to recognize Brother Kent Covert. Kent is a former active and current life member of Epsilon Xi. He is our own personal Guiding Spirit, and we couldn’t survive without his wisdom and encouragement.

In one paragraph (not to exceed one minute when read) discuss/address one significant event or occurrence which has had an impact on your chapter.

Epsilon Xi has been extremely active this school year with various service projects and brotherhood events. Our current membership class of seven has been working hard this semester with a project of building a double-decker pit cart, along with learning about KKPsi’s purposes and traditions. Although they are one of the smallest classes we’ve had in years, they are certainly full of enthusiasm and drive. One of our most notable joint projects with the sisters of Tau Beta Sigma for many years, has been Ohio’s Adopt-a-Highway. This event has been very rewarding for both chapters.

Please take one activity listed on the previous page unique to your chapter and explain in some detail what you chapter involvement is.

Our Founder’s Week with Tau Beta Sigma was cut short this year due to Miami’s unexpected advancement to the Sweet 16. It traditionally begins with a Football game against Tai Beta Sigma, in which Psi ties their shoelaces together. The week has several joint bonding events, such as festive gatherings and games. The week concludes with our joint Adopt-a-Highway service project. This week helps to improve Chapter relations, have a good time, and still do a service project. This event is a highlight of our spring semester and is rescheduled for sometime later.

Delegate’s signature

Michelle Schoepper

Kappa Kappa Psi, Epsilon Xi

Alumni Secretary

Communications Chair