SE 521

Computer Builder

Use Case Specifications

Version 1.0

Computer Builder / Version: 1.0
Use Case Specifications / Date: 03/04/2009

Revision History

Date / Version / Description / Author
03/04/2009 / 1.0 / Initial version / Kevin Pheasey, Shahana Shahim, Mark Simko
Name / New User Registration
Brief Description / Registers a new user
Actor(s) / Users, Admins
Flow of Events
Basic Flow
1.  The user selects Register New User
2.  The user enters registration information (name, zip, bdate, password, etc.)
3.  System validates information
4.  User it prompted to log in
Alternate Flows
Title / Description
Registration information Errors / If the user enters invalid registration information then the system will identify which part is erroneous and prompt user to correct it.
Title / Description
Title / Description
Success / The user is registered and logged into the system.
Extension Points
Name / Sign in
Brief Description / Used would like to sign in to keep record of his builds
Actor(s) / User
Flow of Events
Basic Flow
This use case starts when the User clicks on the sign in feature of the system
5.  The system prompts the User for his/her username and password.
6.  The User enters his/her username and password.
7.  The system validates the entered information, making sure that the entered username and password is valid.
8.  The User is signed in. The system displays a message indicating that the user is signed in.
9.  The use case ends.
Alternate Flows
Title / Description
New User / If the User does not have an account, the System will give the User the opportunity to create an account. See the Create Account use case. Once the account is created, the User is considered signed in.
User Forgot User Name/Password / If the User forgot his/her user name or password, the System will prompt the user to answer his/her security question provided in the Create Account stage. Provided that it is answered correctly, the user name and password are emailed to the email address provided when the account was created.
User Fails Authentication / If the User entered an invalid username and/or password, the following occurs:
1.  The system describes the reasons why the User failed authentication.
2.  The system presents the User with suggestions for changes necessary to allow the User to pass authentication.
3.  The system prompts the User to re-enter the valid information.
4.  The Basic Flow continues where the User enters new information (see step 2 of the Basic Flow).
Title / Description
Title / Description
Success / The User is authenticated and the system displays all features available for the role the user is associated with as defined in his/her user account.
User not signed in / This can occur because the User repeatedly entered invalid sign in information. The User has been notified of the reason why he/she was not signed in. The User is not authenticated and remains in the Anonymous User role.
Extension Points
Name / Add Product
Brief Description / Admin enters a new part into the database
Actor(s) / Database Administrator
Flow of Events
Basic Flow
Admin must be logged in
1.  Click on add product
2.  Enter relevant product information
3.  System validates information and updates the database
Alternate Flows
Title / Description
Invalid Information / If the DB Admin enters incorrect data, the system will give an error and prompt the DB admin to re-enter the information again
Title / Description
Title / Description
Success / The data is uploaded into the database.
Extension Points
Name / Modify Product
Brief Description / Admin will modify an existing product details
Actor(s) / Admin
Flow of Events
Basic Flow
Admin must be logged in
1.  The admin selects modify existing product
2.  The admin then edits the existing information
3.  System validates information and updates database
4.  System displays the final product page displaying full product details.
Alternate Flows
Title / Description
Update information Errors / If the admin enters information that is incorrect the system will notify them and allow them to make the needed changes.
Title / Description
Title / Description
Success / The existing product information will have been updated.
Extension Points
Name / Build New Computer
Brief Description / User would like to create a new computer from scratch
Actor(s) / User
Flow of Events
Basic Flow
This use case starts when the User accesses the home page of the website.
1.  Log-on (optional)
2.  Click on build new comp
3.  User selects to build a custom computer or a pre-built
4.  Choose parts from drop down menu
5.  System validates parts
6.  User can save information (if logged on)
Alternate Flows
Title / Description
User Fails Authentication / System comes back with an error that certain items are not compatible and what they need to do to fix it.
User chooses a pre-built computer / 1.  User chooses from a list of pre-built computers
2.  User can save information (if logged on)
User chooses a builds a custom computer / 1.  Choose parts from drop down menu
2.  System validates parts
3.  User can save information (if logged on)
Title / Description
Title / Description
Success / The system displays the choices the user made and shows the cost.
Extension Points
Name / Replace
Brief Description / User enters existing build and can choose from equivalent parts
Actor(s) / Actor(s)
Flow of Events
Basic Flow
This use case starts when the User accesses the sign in feature of the system.
1.  Log-on (optional)
2.  Choose replace
3.  Enter current system
4.  Choose part(s) to replace
5.  System displays equivalent parts
Alternate Flows
Title / Description
User wants to replace everything / System gives a warning and advises the user to go to the build new computer screen,
Title / Description
Title / Description
Success / The system displays a list of compatible and comparable equipment to the user.
Extension Points
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