CAPC Minutes for October 7, 2008
11:30 – 12:30 University Center Room 268
Members present: Maria Bullen; John Burningham; Wendy Burns-Ardolino; Jennell Charles; Nikki Finlay; Rebecca Gmeiner; Toddy Janke; Cathy Jeffrey; Sam Maddox; Catherine Matos; Charlene Romer; Manning Sabatier; Zi Wan; Ximena Zornosa.
Non-Members present: Tom Barnett; Ethel Callen; Michelle Furlong; Joe Johnson; LaJuan Simpson; Celeste Walley-Jean; Tammy Wilson
Approval of Minutes
A motion was made to approve the minutes from the meeting of September 16, 2008 by Sabatier, seconded by Maddox, there was no discussion and the minutes were approved by council. They are posted at
New Business
1. BIOL 1111 and BIOL 1112, prerequisite changes – Furlong explained the prerequisite changes. A motion was made by Burns-Ardolino, seconded by Finlay and approved by Council. A second reading is not required.
2. CHEM 3811, new course proposal - Furlong gave an overview of the proposed course, it is going to be used in the proposal for B.S. in Chemistry, once the lab space is acquired. It will not require additional faculty and is a standard course that will work in the Chemistry Minor. Biology majors may also use the Biology faculty will meet to discuss. A motion was made by Maddox, seconded by Burns-Ardolino, and Council approved unanimously. A second reading is not required. CHEM3811.pdf
3. HLTH 4900, new course proposal - Course was introduced by Charles as a course that is needed for the Study Abroad trip to Guatemala. The course is generic and is open to all students who might be interested. Council discussed and a motion was made by Charles, seconded by Finlay and approved by Council. A second reading is not required. 4900 special topics_nsg.pdf
4. African American Studies Minor - Barnett - Minor request is submitted due to the changes in the Integrative Studies program. This is a new minor that does not have a Bachelor degree so it will go to the Board of Regents for final approval. Barnett explained the need to change African-American in all previously approved courses to remove the hyphen. A motion was made by Maddox, seconded by Burns-Ardolino to approve the minor. Council approved unanimously therefore a second reading is waived. A motion was made to remove the hyphen from African American by Maddox, seconded by Burns-Ardolino. Council approved unanimously. A second reading is not required. Minor Proposal2008.pdf
5. Theatre Minor proposal – Barnett gave an overview of the addition of the Theatre minor. This is a year old bachelor’s degree program that has grown to thirty-five students. High demand from Music and Integrative Studies major is expected. A motion was made by Burns-Ardolino, seconded by Finlay, and approved by Council. A second reading is not required. Minor CAPC with UL course attachment.pdf
6. Psychology Minor proposal – Walley-Jean explained the new minor proposal. A motion was made by Burns-Ardolino, seconded by Maddox and approved by Council. A second reading is not required. in Psychology Draft updated.pdf
7. Spanish and French Minor proposals (revised) – Second time that the minors in Spanish and French have been to CAPC, they have been editorially revised and will be presented to the Board of Regents in a manner that address faculty issue. There were no substantive changes other than faculty: three Spanish instructors and one French. Eaves will submit the proposals to the Board of Regents with explanation. One additional editorial change was suggested. A motion was made by Burns-Ardolino to approve as revised, motion was seconded by Charles and approved by Council. A second reading is not required., Minors in French & Spanish.pdf Minor proposal draft.pdf Minor proposal draft.pdf Dennis Miller Jr..pdf Joe Johnson.pdf Khedija Gadhoum.pdf
Old Business
1. Excused Absences in Minutes – Council discussed, issue was tabled and may be taken to Faculty Council for review.
A motion was made to adjourn by Burns-Ardolino, seconded by Maddox; meeting was adjourned at approximately 12:15 p.m.
Submitted by: Tammy Wilson