British Regime 1763 -1867..... I Knows....(19)

1-that the Treaty of Paris was signed in 1763 and officially ended French rule,the French elite went back to France but for the lower class Peasant/Habitant life did not change much .New France was now called BPOQ.

2-that the Royal Proclamation was signed in 1763 and the British King tried to anglicize and assimilate the French majority by stripping away language and religious rights.

3-that both governors Murray and Carleton often sided with the French against the English/British merchants and did not follow the Royal Proclamation. These same merchants petitioned the King to complain. Murray was removed as a result.

4-That the Quebec Act was passed by the British King to ensure the loyalty of the French Canadians as the 13 colonists or Americans were starting to think about rebelling. It restored all rights to the French, and was referred to as an Intolerable Act by the Americans.

5-that Bishop Briand and Governor Carleton often worked together to accomplish the goals of the church and engaged in a policy of Ultramontanism.

6-That the Loyalists emigrated from the newly created USA after 1783 and changed the population as they spoke English and were Protestant.

7-That these same Loyalists asked for,and got a Constitutional Act which gave people the right to vote by creating an elected assembly, but divided the colony into Upper and Lower Canada.

8-The Constitutional Act was not responsible government because of the veto held by the upper class.

9-that the idea of Liberalism took hold in the colony and this means people believed in the individuals right to vote, freedoms and voice opinions.

10-That this new Liberalism was reflected in the 92 Resolutions which were written by the elected assembly. It asked for Responsible Government among other things.

11-that people in Lower Canada in the 1830’s were unhappy because of the economic downturn, overcrowded seigneuries,the agricultural crisis/ drought and also political or power problems.

12-that the Rebellions in Lower Canada were led by French leaders like Louis Joseph Papineau showing increasing French Canadian nationalism but the Rebellions were also about class conflict...not just language. Rebellions also occurred in Upper Canada and everybody was English there.

13-That Lord Durham came and wrote his report asking for the union of the 2 Canadas and responsible government.

14-That the Act of Union was passed in 1840,created 1 assembly but did not grant responsible government.

15-that responsible government was passed in 1848 and it means the elected officials are responsible to the people who elected them and can be voted out .

16-That the Timber trade replaced the fur trade as the new staple because of the Napoleonic wars and this led to the creation of new banks, building of new canals and other things and helped the economy increase.

17-that the British government followed a policy of Protectionism up until 1854 or so and this means that preferential tariffs were used to help Canadian goods end up cheaper in British colonies.

18-that the British abandoned protecting the Canadian economy and thus Canada signed a Reciprocity Treaty with the USA in 1854, and this means that we followed a policy of Free Trade with them for 10 years.

19-that Confederation will start to take shape and in 1867 and the country of Canada is created as the BNA Act is signed .