Town of Oriental Planning Board Meeting

October 26, 2010

The Oriental Planning Board met on Tuesday, October 26, 2010, at 7:00 pm at the Oriental Town Hall.

Present were: Board members: Marlowe, Hardison, Creighton and Sage. One position vacant.
Interim Town Manager Artley and Recording Secretary Wagoner
Mayor Bill Sage and Commissioner Bohmert

Bob Maxbauer, new Interim Town Manager

Chairman Marlowe opened the meeting at 7:00 pm.

MOTION: Mrs. Sage made a motion to approve the September 28, 2010 minutes. Second by Mr. Hardison. Vote 4-0.

VILLAGE FOOD EMPORIUM EXPANSION - This discussion was delayed until the arrival of Mrs. Deal.

RECOMMEND ZONING OF SILOS - Before beginning the discussion Mrs. Sage disclosed that her husband is the attorney for the owners of the Silos. The board felt this was not a conflict of interest and that she did not need to recuse herself.
MOTION: Mr. Creighton made a motion to recommend to the Town Board zoning the Silos property MU. Second by Mrs. Sage. Vote 4-0. The Justification Check List and Recommendation are attached to the minutes.

PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD - Mr. Bob Maxbauer, the new Interim Town Manager, was present to introduce himself and stated that he looked forward to working with the Planning Board. Mrs. Sage commended Ms. Artley and Ms. Wagoner for the excellent work they have done in the absence of a permanent town manager.

REVIEW OF GMO DEFINITIONS - TOWNHOUSE/CONDO/UNIT - Planning Board members agreed that it will take more than a definition to adequately describe a townhouse. Specific development standards for townhouses need to be added to the GMO. The Planning Board will come up with suggested standards along with other recommended changes to the GMO, which will be presented to the Town Board in March 2011.
MOTION: Mrs. Sage made a motion to adopt the definition of Townhouse as ;
“Townhouse: A structural unit, being part of a multi-unit structure, in which each unit fully or partially abuts one or more units. Each unit shall be conveyed with an underlying parcel of land being designated as a lot within the townhouse subdivision.”
Second by Mr. Hardison. Vote 4-0. This will be subject to further fine tuning.
MOTION: Mrs. Sage made a motion to adopt the definition of Condominium as;
“Condominium: A structural unit, being part of a multi-unit development, portions of which are designated for separate ownership and the remainder of which, including the parcel of land on which the units are located, is designated for common ownership solely by the owners of the units. A development is not considered a condominium unless the undivided interests in the common elements are vested in the unit owners.”
Second by Mr. Hardison. Vote 4-0

MOTION: Mrs. Sage made a motion to adopt the definition of Unit as;
“Unit: An enclosed space consisting of one or more rooms occupying all or part of a building whether it be designed for residence, for office, for the operation of any industry or business, or for any other type of independent use or combination of uses.
Second by Mr. Hardison. Vote 4-0.

VILLAGE FOOD EMPORIUM EXPANSION - Mrs. Bama Deal reported that she would like to expand her food business by providing indoor /outdoor casual seated dining. The Board informed her that she will need to fill out a Change of Use form since she will be changing the residential portion of the building to restaurant space and provide the square footage of the outside eating area. The consensus was, without having seen the plans, that she may already have adequate parking.

SIGN INVENTORY - Ms. Wagoner reported that Letter #1 (thanking business owners and reminding them to check the Sign Ordinance before adding or changing signage) has been sent out and Letter #2 (thanking business owners and informing them we do not have a sign permit on file) will be sent soon.

COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE - The committee is still working on compiling the data from the various boards and committees. Information from the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee has yet to be submitted.

NON-AGENDA ITEMS - Ms. Wagoner stated that the building permits currently in use are not user friendly and asked the Board to review them again. She also presented a spreadsheet listing all of the building permits issued for the last few years, including the SUP’s granted that may qualify for permit extensions in accordance with new laws recently passed.

Mrs. Sage noted that in Article XII, Section 96(e) the word “not” before “reasonably” appears to be missing. Staff will investigate whether or not this is a clerical error.


Jeff & Ellen Troeltzsch 1428 Seafarer Drive Addition to home


There being no further business to discuss;
MOTION: Mr. Hardison made the motion to adjourn. Second by Mr. Creighton. Vote 4-0. Meeting ended at 8:05 pm.

William Marlowe, Chairman

Lori Wagoner, Recording Secretary

Planning Board Meeting - October 26, 2010 Page 1 of 2