The topic of discussion for May wasPositive Response including the new Enhanced Positive Response. There were a lot of good questions asked regarding the new Enhanced Positive Response.
- As a facility operator, do I still provide a response to Positive Response if a ticket is placed but the portion of the work that I need to mark, won’t start for a few months?
Yes, you still must meet the requirements of PA 174 by placing a response in Positive Response. You could use response 003, NOT COMPLETE which says more time is needed: coordination or assistance is required to complete the locating. It appears as if the excavator is calling in the ticket too soon. The excavator would have to call in another ticket if he is not starting a portion of the work for several months.
- If I call in an Emergency ticket, wait the required 3 hours,yet nothing is marked, what am I then supposed to do?
You would need to call MISS DIG 811 for an UNMARKED FACILITIES request. At that point, the facility owner/operators have another 3 hours to mark lines and/or post to positive response. This is a good reason to use enhanced positive response. If it is an emergency situation that is dangerous, and you have to start digging right away,you can explain what happened at the job site and upload pictures which will document the issue.
- Will an excavator be notified if a locator uploads a document?
The excavator is not automatically notified when a document is uploaded. The locator should always contact the excavator when they have questions. Likewise, the excavator must not neglect contacting MISS DIG 811 to place a retransmitted ticket when concerns arise. Uploaded documents are part of the “enhanced positive response.” Noone is required to use enhanced positive response.
Destroyed markings is to be used when the facility line was marked at least once as requested, however, the markings are no longer dependable or visible, or markings are confusing or inaccurate.
Use Unmarked Facilities when one or more of the utilities have not responded to the request or when markings are incomplete.
Always use the true reason for the retransmit. The locators will know when they get on site if the real reason for a retransmit was given. The law does not require that you remain on site for the entire 3 hours you are waiting for unmarked facilities. Make sure, however, you provide a good contact number.
- What is the reason the member codes OAKDRSWROAKCRWTR didn’t show the 010 EXEMPT FROM MARKING response code on a ticket placed in Oakland County?
Although these two codes belong to the Oakland County Drain Commissioner, they represent water and sanitary sewer. The only Oakland County Drain Commissioner code exempt from marking is OAKDRSTRM and it is used for storm sewers only.
- How do I access Enhanced Positive Response and how do I attach something to it?
You access it through our Ticket Search Lite feature. An upload feature is available. In order toattach a response or documents to a ticket, you must be the person or company that placed the ticket.