How We Do Business in Mr. Hensley's Science Class
Policy – Tough love. No excuses. Do your work, on time, or you won't make the grade. It's that simple.
Calendar – I will list most, if not all, assignments on my Calendar page. It may change, but it should be up-to-date every day. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to come see me for makeup work.
How To Organize Your Assignments (Formative) - Your Assignments and due dates will be listed on the board in my room. You will list these on a Cover Page. This Cover Page lists all Contents and Due Dates. It will go inside either a folder or a binder or tab, however you choose. Here, you will keep all work together, in chronological order, until the end of the unit. Then, you will staple all of the Assignments behind the Cover Page, in order, and turn the whole packet in for one grade. If you lose any of your work, that will be considered a lame excuse and you will be graded accordingly. It is up to you if you want to transfer any of this information to your personal tracker or planner. Your Cover Page should be enough. Don't lose it, and you'll always know what's due.
Mini-Quizzes (Formative) – These are very short, even fun assessments, done on the spur-of-the-moment. They are used to help clear up misunderstood concepts. For example: we might ask three pertinent questions about a very narrow concept to make sure there is understanding. It may be counted as a formative grade, or not even graded at all, depending upon the circumstances.
Regular Quizzes (Summative) – Many, though not all, of our Quizzes are "Pop" Quizzes. This means that they are administered without notice. We do it this way because they are really not something you can study for. They are application-oriented, meaning you have to take what you’ve learned and use it to solve a problem. If you actively participate in class you should be plenty ready, so please do not fear a Quiz! In Science classes, unlike other subjects, these quizzes are factored into the Summative portion of your grade.
Tests (Summative) – There will be at least one Test per grading period, in all 4 grading periods. A test is weighted double the amount of a Quiz. Like a Quiz, it will be application-oriented, meaning you have to take what you’ve learned and use it to solve a problem. Again, if you actively participate in class you should be plenty ready, so please do not fear a Test! Test dates will be posted on the Calendar. Before the test, we do two things: first, we hand back any relevant work packets from the unit, so you can use these for study. Second we hand out a Review sheet, usually the day before the Test. If you’ve done all of your work, you probably won’t even need to use much of your Review. It is really there only to help you do a last-minute search through your work packets to see if there are one or two concepts you need to refresh in your mind. (NOTE: This year we may or may not be experimenting with some other methods of Review, so please don’t hold me firm to this method. Yes, we teachers are always learning!)
Grading: Quizzes and Tests – VERY IMPORTANT; PLEASE READ: The Formative portion of your grade carries a weight of 40% of your total grade. The Summative portion of your grade carries a weight of 60% of your total grade. This means that you will need to pass your Quizzes and Tests in order to pass this class. Make a resolution NOW that you will NOT say to yourself "I am a poor test-taker." Participate in class, do your work, help and be helped by your teammates, and you will pass your quizzes and tests. If you are not happy with a quiz or test grade, it can be remediated after school, at your initiative. I will not beg you to take action. Come ask me, and I will be happy to oblige!
Grading: Daily Work & Labs – VERY IMPORTANT; PLEASE READ. As stated above, your work will be handed in at the end of each unit, and given one grade for the entire packet. There may be some exceptions in which I choose an individual assignment for a separate grade, but a packet is the norm. You will always have a chance to improve the quality of your work if it receives a low grade, if you choose. I will not beg you.
Internet Research – We will use personal devices such as cell phones and tablets quite frequently in our class, so please be prepared for this if you have one. Although you are not required to share with those who don’t have one, you may be asked to. That is up to you. You will be given the school's WiFi code so you do not have to use your data plan; however, be advised that occasionally you might need to use your data plan if the WiFi is not functioning properly. If you are not allowed to use it, I understand.
Charging Station for Your Devices - I have a 20-slot charging station in my classroom. You can use it any time, even when you are not in my class. It consists of 2 industrial-grade power strips, and it depends upon the generous donation of chargers from sympathetic families. Right now I have zero Android
chargers and only 1 Apple charger. I'd like at least 10 more Apples, and a few more Androids. Sometimes they disappear or malfunction. Please donate chargers, especially Apple!
Our Mission Statement:
Accountability If one of us isn't doing our job, we should talk.
My job
What: Help empower you for independence…
Why: So you can achieve your goals…
How: By encouraging you to do your best…
Your job
What: Empower yourself for independence.
Why: So you can achieve your goals.
How: By doing your best.
To do your best means to:
Work hard.
Be professional.
Develop career habits.
DIRFT (Do It Right The First Time) or do it again!
Eliminate excuses.
Don't fear mistakes!!!
Ask questions!!!