Al Bahr Al Ahmar International School

First Term Session 2017-2018

Revision Sheet English Grade 6


Q .1 Match the words below into pairs to make compound words.

Book news text finger cross park case car guard door roads print paper cuffs life hand knob

Ans. Textbook , bookcase, handbook, newspaper, newsprint, fingerprint, hand finger, casebook, handcuffs, lifeguard, doorknob, crossroads, car par

Q .2 write down the given similes into sentences.

As bright as sunshine, as snug as a bug , as busy as a bee, as blind as a bat, as light as a feather, like cats and dogs, as deep as an ocean, as dry as a bone, as cool as cucumber, slept like a log, as quietly as a mice, as strong as an ox , as fast as lightning, as tricky as a labyrinth, as happy as dogs with two tails
  1. The glow of the tube-light was as bright as sunshine.
  2. In winter, when it rained he climbed into bed, and felt as snug as a bug in a rug.
  3. At exam time, the high school student was as busy as a bee.
  4. The beggar on the road looked as blind as a bat.
  5. When the examination finished, the candidate felt as light as a feather.
  6. When the teacher entered the class, the 6th-grade students were fighting like cats and dogs.
  7. The diplomat said the friendship of the two countries was as deep as an ocean.
  8. The desert traveler’s hopes were dashed, as when at last he reached a well, it was as dry as a bone.
  9. His opponent was trying to infuriate him, but he remained as cool as cucumber.
  10. The laborer remained busy at work all day long, and slept like a log that night.
  11. Theaudiencelistened to his spellbinding speech as quietly as mice.
  12. The young athlete looked as strong as an ox.
  13. The student moved as fast as lightning after getting permission from the teacher for an early release.
  14. The history paper was as tricky as a labyrinth.
  15. The boys in the playing field were feeling as happy as dogs with two tails.

Q .3 Use metaphors to compare expressions.

Simple / Metaphor
A brave knight and a lion / A brave knight had a lion’s heart.
An evil villain and a snake / An evil villain had a snake’s eyes.
A wise magician and an owl / A wise magician had an owl’s brain.
A beautiful princess and a swan / A beautiful princess had a swan’s face.
A strong man and an ox / A strong man had an ox’s power.
A trickster and a monkey / A trickster had a monkey’s tricks.

Q .4 Use apostrophe to show ownership.

Simple / Use of apostrophe
Mr.Seow has a big truck. / Mr.Sew’s truck is big.
The baby has a pink towel. / The baby’s towel is pink.
The elephant has a long and agile trunk. / The elephant’s trunk is long and agile.
Yusri has hair that is cut very short. / Yusri’s hair is cut very short.
Miss Lim has two cute puppies ! / Miss Lim’s puppies are cute !
Raymond has a house that can easily be seen from here. / Raymond’s house can easily be seen from here.
Madam Sim has two children .they are both extremely young. / Madam Sim’s children are both extremely young.

Q .5.Write down the rhyming words of given words.

Word / Rhymes
Choir / Buyer, admire, afire, aspire, empire
Chair / Bare, hare, pare, scare, stair
Flew / Blew, dew, few, clue, chew
Smother / Bother, mother, other, brother
Laugh / Buff, huff, luff, scruff, ruff
Wood / Could, loud, Dowd, shroud, mood
Fate / Bait, eight, gait, late, prate
Cold / Bold, gold, hold, told, sold, mold

Q .6write down the usage of given verbs.

Verb Usage

angrily / react angrily, speak angrily, say something angrily
anxiously / wait anxiously, say something anxiously
awkwardly / stand awkwardly, hold something awkwardly
badly / play badly, perform badly
beautifully / sing beautifully, play an instrument beautifully
calmly / act calmly, wait calmly
carefully / speak carefully, walk carefully, drive carefully
carelessly / drive carelessly, act carelessly
cautiously / speak cautiously, act cautiously
cheerfully / smile cheerfully, whistle cheerfully

Q .7 Write down the synonyms and antonyms of the given words.

Word / synonym / antonym
Late / After / Before
Tired / Fatigue / fresh
Happy / Glad , excited / Sad , unhappy
Remote / Wireless / attached
Fuller / Complete / empty
Larger / Longer / Smaller
Suddenly / Immediately / Slowly
Silently / Quietly / Noisily
Little / small / Large
Pathetically / Pitifully / Gracefully

Q .8 Join these words to form well-known similes.

Sound soft
Tough wise
Steady fit
dry / Nails fiddle
Rock butter
Bone owl


  1. As sound as bell
  2. As tough as nails
  3. As steady as rock
  4. As dry as bone
  5. As soft as butter
  6. As wise as owl
  7. As fit as fiddle

Q .9 Join these words to form well-known similes.

Off drink
Fight fit
Run spread / Fish hare
Glove shot
Wildfire cats and dogs
  1. Off like a shot
  2. Fight like a cats and dogs
  3. Run like a hare
  4. Drink like a fish
  5. Fit like a glove
  6. Spread like a wildfire

Q .10All those words have vowel ‘e’ repeated. What are the words?

  1. Ten ad five fifteen
  2. Among; in combination with between
  3. Experiencing ; undergoing feeling
  4. A talk given to and audience speech

Q .11 Arrange these words according to their intensity.

Re-arranged / Arranged
Canter, gallop, walk , trot / Walk, trot, canter, gallop
Massive, huge, gigantic, enormous, large / Large, huge, massive, enormous, gigantic
Tiny, small, miniscule, minute, microscopic / Small, tiny, minute, miniscule, microscopic
Frightening, horrific, formidable, terrifying, alarming / Alarming, formidable, frightening, horrific, terrifying
Sweet, sugared, sickly, syrupy / Sugared, sweet, syrupy, sickly
Dark, dim, shaded, murky, gloomy / Shaded, dim, gloomy, murky, dark

Q .12 What do you think the poet means by the following ?

Questions / Answers
His notice sudden is. / He appears without warning
A whip-lash/ Unbraiding in the sun / A piece of unraveled rope or leather
Nature’s people / Wild animals
Attended or alone / On one’s own or with other people
Zero at the bone / Freezing inside

Q .13 Explain the following expressions:

Idioms / Explanation
Have a clear-out / Throw away things that are no longer used
Holding it rather gingerly / Not holding it very confidently
Bowling it over / Knocking it over in a careless way
Worked amid the lop and top / Working in the top, branching part of the tree to cut the branches
Half a tick / Just a moment

Q .14 Match the collective nouns given in the column A with the correct nouns in the column B.

A / B
A sheaf of
A squadron of
A bundle of
A suite of
A clump of
A plague of
A shoal of
A cooperative of
A cabinet of
A drove of / Oxen
Women labourers


  1. A sheaf of corn
  2. A squadron of aeroplanes
  3. A bundle of firewood
  4. A suite of furniture
  5. A clump of trees
  6. A plague of locusts
  7. A shoal of fish
  8. A cooperative of women labourers
  9. A cabinet of ministers
  10. A drove of oxen

Q .15 Match the concrete nouns in column A with the abstract nouns in column B.

A / B
wafers / Hardness


A / B
wafers / Sweetness

Q .16 Change the common nouns to abstract nouns.

Common noun / Abstract noun
Mother / Judgement

Q .17 Change the following sentences into plural form.

Singular form / Plural form
  1. There’s a person in Mrs Malik’s room.
  2. I took the child to the doctor.
  3. Sara said that her tooth was aching.
  4. A man helped me to find a taxi to go home.
  5. Every child has brought his copy of the book
  6. A leader should lead by example.
  7. The woman refused to take ‘no’ for an answer.
  8. Her mother-in-law is very old.
  9. Look! There’s a mouse scampering off.
  10. The goose stretched its long neck.
  1. There are many persons in Mrs Malik’s room.
  2. We took children to the doctors’.
  3. Sara said that her teeth were aching.
  4. Two men helped us to find taxis to go home.
  5. All children have brought their copies of those books.
  6. Leaders should lead by examples.
  7. The women refused to take ‘no’ for an answer.
  8. Their mothers-in-law are very old.
  9. Look! There are two mice scampering off.
  10. The gees stretched their long necks.

Q .18 Use the correct word form the brackets to fill in the blanks .

  1. His house in a complete shambles .(shamble, shambles)
  2. Our team made a good score in the second innings .(innings, inning)
  3. May I borrow your scissors ? (scissors, scissor)
  4. They think that by giving away money they have made amends for their earlier crimes.(amend, amends)
  5. She picked up all her luggage and moved towards the train. (luggage, luggages)
  6. She received prior information about the arrival of the two officials. (information, informations)
  7. The police are looking for the criminal. (is, are)
  8. The news is not good. (is , are )
  9. He was the brain behind the crime. (was, were )
  10. He was only the means to an end. (was, were )

Q .19Rewrite the following sentences using possessive pronouns.

  1. I own this house. This house is mine.
  2. This book belongs to me. This book is mine.
  3. Hamza owns this camera. This is his .
  4. The dog belongs to her. The dog is hers.
  5. The garden belongs to them. This garden is theirs.

Q .20 Use the suitable reflexive pronouns to complete the sentences blow.

  1. Have you looked at yourself in the mirror lately ?
  2. She does all her housework herself.
  3. She can pick up the parcel herself from the post office.
  4. You can only blame yourself for the confusion caused by your statement.
  5. They have given themselves ten months to make a success of their hotel.

Q .21 Use the words in the box to complete the following sentences.

That those whose who which this whom
  1. The first boy who answer the question correctly will get a prize.
  2. The table which was placed here earlier has been removed.
  3. This is a neem tree. Those over there are peepal trees.
  4. To whom does this pen belong?
  5. This is the finest painting he has ever made.
  6. That which is good is beautiful.
  7. Who would like to see son?
  8. The nurse who was giving you medicines just now is Harry’s sister.

Q .22 Fill in the blanks with the type of adjectives stated in the brackets.

  1. I told him three stories.(quantitative adjective )
  2. May I have some tea ? (quantitative adjective )
  3. Whose book is this ?this is My book. (interrogative /possessive adjective )
  4. Each boy got an apple from the teacher. (distributive adjective )
  5. My pen is lost. May I borrow your pencil? (possessive / possessive adjective )
  6. I could not make any sense of his words. (quantitative adjective )
  7. Which girl is the class monitor ? (interrogative adjective )
  8. Is there any light available here ? (quantitative adjective )
  9. Only some children were sitting in the classroom. (quantitative adjective )
  10. The Punjabi woman could speak only Punjabi. (proper adjective )

Q .23 Use the words in the box below to complete the sentences.

Fifty some thirty little much
A no all any a lot of
  1. Pass me some butter please.
  2. There are thirty boys in my class.
  3. Kindly send me any shirt with Anna.
  4. There is no flour in the bin.
  5. How much milk is there in the jug ?
  6. Where have all the chocolates gone, if you didn’t eat them ?
  7. Could you buy me a packet of biscuits ?
  8. I have to pay fifty rupees more to the tailor.
  9. Does he still have a lot of work left ?
  10. He has done little work since he has come.

Q .24 Answer the following questions.

  1. Where does Penny write the date of her letter ?

Ans. She writes the date at the top left corner.

  1. How does Penny begin her letter ?

Ans. She begins her letter with dear Mr. or Mrs.

  1. What was Mrs. Lansell about to do when Penny arrived ?

Ans. She was about just about to make a sponge cake.

  1. How did Mrs. Lansell break her arm ?

Ans. She slipped on a bit of margarine paper, fell against the refrigerator and broke her arm!

  1. How does Penny conclude her letter ?

Ans. She conclude her letter with “love from Penny”.

  1. Who did king Uther promise to give his newborn child to ?

Ans. King Uther promised to magician Merlin to give his newborn child.

  1. Who delivered the baby to Merlin ?

Ans. Two knights and two ladies secretly delivered baby to Merlin.

  1. Sir Ector raised Urther as his son.
  2. Who was sir Ector’s real son ?

Ans. Sir Kay was sir Ector’s real son.

  1. When was the tournament to be held ?

Ans.On the Christmas day.

  1. What is a diary ?

Ans. A diary is a daily record of a person’s thoughts and experiences.

  1. What is a recount ?

Ans. A recount is a description of events in the order they occurred.

  1. What are the features of writing a diary ?

Ans. Dates to indicate when each diary entry made, Recount of personal feelings and experiences, use of the first person, frequent use of the simple past tense and informal language.

  1. How does Zlata begin each entry ?

Ans. She begins each entry with the reference of day and date.

  1. List four of the jobs that Zlata’s family have to do as soon as the electricity comes on .

Ans. They have to wash the clothes, bake the bread, watch television and press clothes.

  1. How much bread does Zlata get to eat every three days ?

Ans.She gets to eat only 300 g for three days.

  1. What is a verse ?

Ans. A verse is a separate group of lines in a poem .

  1. What is a rhyme ?

Ans. A rhyme is a word that ends with the same sound as another word.

  1. What is a poem ?

Ans. A poem is a form of writing that is arranged in a pattern of lines and sounds.

  1. What is a ballad ?

Ans. A ballad is a poem that tells a story and which has been set to music.

Read the passage and give answers :

The Great Dinosaur Hunter

Barnum Brown was named after the owner of The Greatest Show on Earth, the P.T. Barnum traveling circus. Barnum Brown was born in 1873. Barnum Brown was just four years old when the Great Dinosaur Rush of 1877 was happening. Dinosaur fossils had just been discovered in the United States and dinosaur hunters were searching for new treasures and undiscovered types of dinosaurs. By the time he started school, Barnum already loved to explore the farm fields near his home in Kansas looking for fossils. Fossils are the remains of ancient creatures or ancient plants. When he grew up Barnum Brown studied paleontology, the study of ancient prehistoric creatures. He began working for the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. His job was hunting for dinosaur fossils in the American West. Soon the museum was receiving dinosaur bones by the crate load. In 1898 Barnum was hunting fossils in Wyoming where he found the complete skeleton on an Apatosaurus dinosaur. In 1902 Barnum found Triceratops bones but his greatest discovery was yet to come. One day Barnum spotted some bones and it took two years to extract them from the surrounding sandstone. Barnum Brown had found the first Tyrannosaurus Rex dinosaur.

1. What are fossils?

Ans. Fossils are the remains of ancient creatures and plants.

2. What was the Great Dinosaur Rush of 1877?

Ans.During the Great Dinosaur Rush of 1877 dinosaur hunters were searching fornew fossils and undiscovered types of dinosaurs.

3. What is paleontology?

Ans. Paleontology is the study of ancient prehistoric creatures.

4. Who or what provided the money for Barnum Brown s

dinosaur hunts?

Ans. Barnum Brown worked for the American Museum of Natural History in NewYork City.