November Parent Meeting Minutes
11-10-14, 7 pm
Gretchen Marks opened meeting.
Evan LaHote said he hoped the rowers enjoyed their time off.
Gretchen stated the Ergs need to be removed from the boathouse for the winter. There is a sign-up sheet if a rower would like to take one home. We have 10 Ergs.
Dave Jernas submitted budget. He reminded group that although cash balance looks large, revenue would be limited until the March Beer and Wine Fundraiser.
Foundation: The Foundation Board voted to spend $1,250 to send Evan LaHote to a Youth Coaching Symposium in New Jersey. Evan stated that he is looking forward to gaining additional knowledge, which will benefit the team.
Foundation board member, Bob Huntsman is stepping down. Anyone knowing of someone who may be interested, please let Gretchen or Andrea Wilder know. The election of AW Foundation board members will be at the March parents meeting. The group was informed that the AW Crew Vice President automatically serves on this Board as well.
Andrea Wilder stated that anyone willing to help with the Foundation is welcome. The Foundation seeks funding from grants, donations, etc. It is a Big job.
The Beer and Wine Fundraiser is set for March 7, 2015 at the AW Community Center. Many volunteers will be needed to assist in a variety of areas including: stuffing donation envelopes, assembling baskets, set –up and clean up. Please note that all parents are asked to donate a themed basket for raffle. More information on this will be forthcoming.
Maggie Mcloughlin is in charge of holiday wreath sales. She stated that prices remain the same as last year. The parking lot at the Waterville Community Church will be used for distribution. Also, two neighborhood blitz events will be scheduled. Watch the website for updates.
The Toledo Mudhens have already contacted the Club regarding spring season. Currently, a parent has expressed interest in taking over the scheduling for Mudhens/Walleye games. Volunteering to work concession stands at these games applies to those families that Opt-In, and thereby reduces their fees.
Ken Kuhlman is chairperson of a committee that is being established to review and update the AW Crew Club’s bylaws.
Chris Spotts will be looking into locations for winter conditioning which will begin mid-late January.
Dave Jernas read a text message from Trevor Jones, which stated that he is submitting his resignation.
Gretchen opened the meeting floor for discussion. No discussion took place.
Gretchen stated that the Club’s next parent meeting would be Dec. 8 at 7 pm.
Meeting Adjourned by Gretchen Marks.