Maurisa Payne, 5231 Pond Mountain Rd, Broad Run, VA 20137

(540) 347-1223 Email:


As an owner and breeder of English Springer Spaniels for the past 30 years, I have considerable knowledge and experience with this much loved breed. These dogs make wonderful family companions, but not all puppies are suitable for every family situation. Therefore, in order to make sure the ideal puppy is placed with your family, please provide the requested information and I’ll do my best to share my knowledge and experience with you in finding the family companion that suits your lifestyle! Please keep in mind that this is not a test and there are no right or wrong answers.

l)  Your name, address, telephone number and email address:

2)  A brief description of your family, including number, sex and ages of any children currently living at home:

3)  A brief description including number, sex and ages of any pets currently living in your home:

4)  Have you ever owned an English Springer Spaniel? If so, please provide information as to how long ago you owned the dog, where you obtained it (breeder, rescue, pet shop, etc.), and how old it was when you got it?

5)  Have you owned other breeds of dogs? If so, what breeds? How old were they when you got them?

6)  Will the puppy be left alone during the day while you are at work? If so, approximately hours per day will he/she be left alone?

7)  Do you have, or intend to get, a crate?

8)  Do you have or plan to install a fenced yard?

9)  Do you have or plan to install an invisible fence?

10) Please provide a brief description of your home/neighborhood: (i.e., apartment/townhome/SFH/suburban neighborhood/farm/acreage, etc.)

11) Have you ever taken a dog to obedience classes? Please explain:

12) Do you have any interest in showing your puppy in conformation, obedience or agility?

13) Would you be interested in joining a local English Springer Spaniel club?

14) Who do you plan to use as your regular veterinarian and are you a client there now?

15) Your preference in your puppy choice: Color and sex. Type of personality? (i.e. active puppy/laid back puppy/mellow couch potato puppy)

16) Is everyone living at home equally positive about getting a new puppy? If not, please explain:

17) Who in the family will be the primary care giver to the puppy?

18) How did you find out about Northgate English Springer Spaniels and what prompted you to contact us?

Thank you for taking the time to answer this questionnaire. Please feel free to ask any questions of me as we move along in finding the perfect puppy for your family! Please email this back to me at: or .
