National Peat Committee Russian Federation
International Peat Society
Tomsk State Pedagogical University
Gorno-Altaj State University
Tomsk Polytechnic University / Gorno-Altaj Research Institute of Agriculture
Institute Soil Sciences and Agricultural Chemistry
Institute of Petroleum Chemistry, Tomsk
Dokuchaev Society of Soil Scientists


September 13 – 15, 2010

Tomsk, Russia


On behalf of the Scientific and Organizing Committees, it is a pleasure to invite researchers and young scientists in the field of mires and biosphere to take part in the 7th All-Russian Scientific School of Young Scientists with International Participation. The School will be hosted by the Tomsk State Pedagogical University in Tomsk, Russia on September 13-15, 2010. September 16 – trip to Vasyugan mire (1 day) and September 16-19 – tour to mires of Gornyi Altaj (4 days).


The scientific programme will focus on all aspects of peat in the environment as well as on its technological application. The 7th All-Russian Scientific School of Young Scientists with International Participation will include keynote lectures, presentations of young scientists. Moreover, it will provide the opportunity for discussion and the exchange of ideas. The following information will be presented: the chronicle of the School, the illustrated program of scientific excursions, the photo exhibition of West Siberia’s mire landscapes and Gornyi Altaj, the exhibition of publishers. The School’s programme will also include the tour of the city, visits at museums and universities of Tomsk. The Museum of Peat will be also open.


1.  Functioning of mire ecosystems

2.  Biogeochemical processes of organic matter transformation in mire ecosystems

3.  Physico-chemical and biological properties of mires

4.  Directions of the use of mire resources


Prof. V.K. Bakhnov (Institute Soil Sciences and Agricultural Chemistry, Novosibirsk, Russia),

Acad. G.P. Gamzikov (Novosibirsk Agrarian University, Novosibirsk, Russia),

Prof. N. P. Gorlenko (Surgut State University, Surgut, Russia),

Prof. A.I. Es’kov (All-Russian Research Design – Technological Institute of Organic Fertilizeres and Peat, Vladimir, Russia),

Prof. L. V. Kirejcheva (All-Russian Research Institute of Melioration and Water Economy, Moscow, Russia),

Acad. B.S. Maslov (Moscow Institute of Melioration, Moscow, Russia),

Prof. A.S. Meerovskiy (Institute of Melioration, Minsk, Belarus),

Prof. S.M. Novikov (State Hydrological Institute, Saint-Petersburg, Russia),

Prof. A.T. Podkoryitov (Gorno-Altaj Research Institute of Agriculture, Gorno-Altajsk, Russia),

Prof. Yu.V. Tabakaev (Gorno-Altaj State University, Gorno-Altajsk, Russia),

Prof. L. W. Szajdak (Institute for Agricultural and Forest Environment, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poznan, Poland).


V.A. Vlasov (Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russia),

V.A. Dyirin (Tomsk State Pedagogical University, Tomsk, Russia),

Prof. N.P. Mironyicheva-Tokareva (Institute Soil Sciences and Agricultural Chemistry, Novosibirsk, Russia),

M.V. Shurova (Gorno-Altaj Research Institute of Agriculture, Gorno-Altajsk, Russia),

N. V. Yudina (Institute of Petroleum Chemistry, Tomsk, Russia)


Lidiya Ivanovna Inisheva – Prof. (Tomsk State Pedagogical University),


Golubina Olga Aleksandrovna , Bubina Alla Borisovna


TGPU, Tomsk, Russia, 634061, Street Kievskaya, 60, (building 6)

Tomsk State Pedagogical University

Phone/ Fax: +7(3822) 52-00-99, phones: +7(3822) 52-18-45, 8-913-852-47-25

The full program of the School will be formed when all abstract are collected.


January 2010 – First Announcement

April 30, 2010 – Deadline for the submission of abstracts and application forms

May 5, 2010 – Deadline for registration and early payment (150$)

May 10, 2010 – Deadline for late registration and payment (200$)

May 10, 2010 - Deadline for excursion payment

August 15, 2010 – The Second Announcement and the release of the School’s programme


One – day trip to Vasyugan mire. Cost: 100 $. The price includes: transportation and board.

Four – day Post –School to Gornyi Altaj. Cost: 400 $. The price includes: transportation (bus), accommodation and board.

The payment for the registration fee and the excursion to Vasyugan (100 $) should be made by postal order to the address: 634050, Tomsk, Main Post Office Porokhina Ekaterina Vladimirovna poste restante (Please add a note "Fee for participation in the conference).

Payment for the trip to mires of Gornyi Altaj (400 $) should be made by postal order to the address: 649100, Altaj Republic, s. Mayma, Main Post Office Shurova Maya Vladimirovna poste restante (Please add a note "Fee for participation in the excursion).

The cost of accommodation: from 30 $/single room, from 20 $/double room.


Deadline for on-line submission of abstracts ( oral and poster presentations): April 15, 2010.

Please follow the abstract submission guidelines given at the end of this invitation.

The symposium languages are: Russian and English.

Length of presentations: lectures – 30 min., reports – 10 min.

Requirements and guidelines for abstract

First author's first name initials and family name1, Second author's first name initials and family name2, Third author's first name initials and family name3, ... - size 10

1First author's affiliation, City, Country

2Second author's affiliation, City, Country

3Third author's affiliation, City, Country

E-mail: first author's e-mail address

The abstract should contain at least 200 words, but should not exceed one A4 page (210 mm x 297 mm), with page margins of 20 mm all around. Use font type Times New Roman, with single spaced lines. Title of the paper (size 12, bold, justify left and right) could span in maximum two rows, and is followed by one blank line, also size 12 points. Authors' names are written (size 12, justify left and right) with initials followed by a dot, family names are written in full. Authors are separated by commas and marked with superscript when necessary to distinguish authors from different affiliations. Authors’ affiliations (size 12, italic, justify left and right) are written in separate rows when there are more than one and the last one is followed by three blank lines. Abstract text (size 12) is justified at two sides; paragraphs are not indented, only separated by one blank line. References should be indicated in the text in square brackets and listed at the end of the paper (size 12, bold) [1] separated by two free lines (size 12) from the main body text.

Acknowlegdements may be stated as a sentence in italics at the end of the text (size 12, italics).

Text of article must be sent as attachment file to:

Application Form

Last name, first name (in full)
Place of work, position
Degree, academic status
Work address
Home address
Work phone (or home) with area code, mobile
Article title
The form of participation in the School (full-time or correspondence)
Participation in the excursion
Information on required accommodation (if needed)

Application Form must be sent as attachment file to: