Course Outline - Detailed

Fall 2017


Prerequisite: Graduate Student Status or permission of instructor.

Purpose: This course is to provide Graduate Students in Nutrition and Health Professionals with the background, knowledge and understanding of the physiological changes and other effects of aging.

Course Description: How and why aging affects the physiology, health, fitness, lifestyle and other aspects of the mature adult population. Includes aging effects on daily activity, prescribed exercise and the resulting physiological adaptations, the principles of training other systems and variables. Includes demographics, theory of aging, sociocultural aspects, cardiovascular system, muscle function, bones, joints, neurological, falls, physical assessment, motor function, goal setting, and training. (3H, 3C)

Class Times and Location:

Online: All self-paced. Schedules and suggested deadlines are to help pace the student to be able to complete the course by the end of the semester. All interaction with the instructor will be arranged during mutually convent times.


William B. Zuti, PhD

Adjunct, HNFE Phone: 540-231-4672 (Messages only)

E-mail: Office hours: By appointment only

Skype: billzuti4vt .

Course Objectives:

Having successfully completed this course, the student shall be able to:

·  Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the components of physical fitness as they must be modified for mature adults.

·  Evaluate rehabilitation, developmental physical conditioning and training as appropriate for age.

·  Integrate physiological, psycho-social and individual characteristics affected by aging.

·  Assess physiological changes which occur on an acute, chronic and lifelong basis.

·  Interpret body systems changes and the effect of exercise for mature adults.

·  Recognize diseases and injuries common for mature adults.

·  Summarize the limiting factors associated with aging.

·  Analyze how aging affects detraining.

·  Synthesize scientific literature related to exercise, physical activity, health, and aging.

·  Apply evidence-based concepts to a variety of settings and populations.

Recommended resources:

Jones, C.J., & Rose, D. (2005). Physical Activity Instruction of Older Adults. Human Kinetics.

ACSM’s “Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription,” Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, Latest Edition.

ACSM’s “Resource Manual for Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription,” Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, Latest Edition.


% of course
Components of fitness as they must be modified / 5
Principles of rehabilitation, developmental physical conditioning and training / 5
Physiological, psycho-social and individual characteristics that affect development / 20
Physiological changes which occur on an acute, chronic and lifelong basis / 20
Body systems changes and the effect of exercise / 20
Diseases and injuries / 10
Limiting factors which affect development / 15
Components which affect detraining / 5
Total / 100

Grading Scale (based on final points):

Measure / Points
General Assignments / 210
Research Assignments / 150
Presentation / 40
Case Study / 100
Mid-term Exam / 100
Final Exam / 100
Total / 700

Description of Course Content

Exercise Prescription:

·  Four/Five health related components of health

·  Non-Health related components

·  These are dependent on:

o  Age

o  Goals

o  Ability

o  Body Type

o  Nutritional Intake and Overall Status

o  Psychological Factors

o  Gender and Hormonal levels

o  Drugs and Medications

o  Resources

Physiological Changes

A.  Acute: short term, immediate response

B.  Chronic: Long Term, time to develop

C.  Life Long: aging

Body Systems Affected: How, Why, Health Implications and Time Line. (Focus on the most critical.)

·  Heart, cardiovascular and related diseases

·  Muscular (including connective tissues related injuries and recovery)

·  Skeletal (development, disease, injury and rehabilitation)

·  Immune System (Both resisting disease and recovery)

·  Digestion, Gastrointestinal and related

·  Vital (most others)

·  Brain, psychological and sleep

·  Reproduction and Sexual activity

Changes: Limiting factors/ Items that influence, slow or prevent normal response.

·  Injury and rehabilitation

·  Medications and drugs

·  Commitment

·  Attitude

·  Lifestyle

·  Culture

·  Socio-economic

·  Job

·  Family

·  Heredity

·  Friends

·  Education

Research Assignments - Students shall complete a research assignments on a topic within their field of study, the student and the instructor will jointly select the topic. By completing this assignment, the student shall demonstrate their knowledge of the topic, the current published research within the field and their ability to present a summery in a clear concise manor. The final presentation will be made to the instructor via Skype.

Case Study Assignment – Each student will be assigned a case study within their field of study. Whenever possible these will be mature adult patients/clients to provide personal interaction. If mature adult patients/clients are not available, the instructor will create a theoretical model from which the student will work. The student will create a plan, implement it and evaluate the results. The student will document all plans, procedures and submit a final report. When mature adult patients/clients are directly involved, they will be asked to evaluate the students work and that will be shared to provide feedback.

Honor Code:

“As a Hokie, I will conduct myself with honor and integrity at all times. I will not lie, cheat, or steal, nor will I accept the actions of those who do.”

Students enrolled in this course are responsible for abiding by the Honor Code. A student who has doubts about how the Honor Code applies to any assignment is responsible for obtaining specific guidance from the course instructor before submitting the assignment for evaluation. Ignorance of the rules does not exclude any member of the University community from the requirements and expectations of the Honor Code.

All assignments submitted shall be considered “graded work” and all aspects of your coursework are covered by the Honor Code. All assignments are to be completed individually unless otherwise specified. For additional information about the Honor Code, please visit:

Tentative/Suggested Schedule:

Week of / Topic / Comments
Week 1 / Introduction to Class / Start Assignments #1 and 3
Topics For Class Assignment #1 / Start Assignment #2
Week 2 / Theories of Aging
Theories of Aging and Discussion of #3
Week 3 / Understanding Interaction with Mature adults / Use the time for #3
Interaction with Mature adults / Start #4
Week 4 / Complete Interaction and start Physical Activity / Research Assignment Started.
Complete Exercise and Physical Activity / Start Assignment #5
Week 5 / Cardiovascular Physiology
Cardiovascular Physiology continued. / Start Assignment #6 & 7
Week 6 / Physiology: Muscles, Joints and Bones
Physiology: Muscles, Joints and Bones Continued / Start Assignment # 8
Week 7 / Physiology: Neurological and Brain
Physiology: Neurological and Brain Continued / Start Assignment # 9
Week 8 / Physiology: Body Composition – Over and Under
Physiology: Body Composition – Over and Under
Weight / Start Assignment # 10
Week 9 / Physiology: Other Systems-
Other Systems- Liver, Kidneys, GI, Temperature Regulation, etc.
Week 10 / Catch-up Day / Case Study Started
Mid-term Exam / Start Assignment # 11
Week 11 / The Senses
Open for additional topics
Week 12 / Screening and Evaluations / Start Field tests and Assessment 12
Screening and Evaluations / Start Final Project
Week13 / Field test / Assessment 13
Field testing / Interim #1 Report Final Project
Week 14 / Setting goals and objectives / Assessment 14
Developing a personal plan / Assessment 15
Week 15 / Program development / Interim #2 Report Final Project
Program development / Assessment 16
Week 16 / Falls, other topics / Final Project Submission
Final / Final Exam

Updated: August 16, 2017

File: COUT HNFE 5984 Adv. Ex and Aging F17