Announcing Student Travel Scholarships to the 2013 Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association in Honolulu, Hawaii!

The Society of Counseling Psychology (Division 17 of the American Psychological Association) is offering scholarships to support doctoral students in Counseling Psychology programs traveling to the 2013 APA Convention.

There will be 15-20 available awards for this cycle to help defray the cost of students’ travel to Honolulu for the APA annual convention.

Award: Each awardee will be given $300 to spend on travel and accommodations to attend the 2013 APA Annual Convention in Hawaii. This award can be used to defray costs related to transportation, lodging, and food costs.

Eligibility: Any student enrolled in a doctoral program in Counseling Psychology during the 2012-13 academic year and who will not have received his or her degree prior to August 1, 2013 will be eligible for this funding. Applicants for this award should have a poster or presentation accepted for the American Psychological Association convention in Honolulu, Hawaii, for August 2013

Application: Submit the following materials to Dr. Theo Burnes at by Thursday, February 28, 2013:

1. SCP Travel Scholarship Application form (attached)

2. Current CV

3. Statement from program director or department chair verifying that applicant is currently enrolled in a PhD or PsyD program in Counseling Psychology.

Please submit all three documents as attachments to one e-mail. Multiple e-mails with different documents will not be considered.

Award Distribution: Award recipients would be reimbursed for actual expenses up to $300 based on original receipts AFTER the 2013 APA annual convention.

This award is made possible by the support of the Executive Board of the Society of Counseling Psychology. The Board contributed portion of proceeds from the 2013 National Multicultural Conference and Summit in Houston, Texas to support professional development travel for doctoral students and Leadership Academy participants.

SCP Travel Scholarship Application


Doctoral Program:



Year admitted to program:

Anticipated graduation date:

Briefly describe (up to 250 words) how this travel will support your professional development:

Will you be presenting a paper or poster at the 2013 APA meeting? YES NO

If yes, please attach acceptance letter(s) or email(s)

Anticipated costs of travel:

Airfare (economy class): Food/per diem:

Lodging: $ per night, # of nights

Other sources of funding obtained or sought:

From home department or university:

From APA or other professional organization:


Department Chair or Program Director who is verifying student status:

Name: email:

Please cc your endorsing faculty member on the email when you submit your application. Submit your CV and this form to with the subject line SCP TRAVEL SCHOLARSHIP-LAST NAME by Thursday, February 28, 2013.