Biochemistry Assignment 1

Fill in the blank

  1. What is the smallest stable unit of matter?
  2. What information does the atomic number of an element indicate about atoms of this element?
    Number of protons in the nucleus
  3. What is the element symbol for sodium?
  4. What is the full name of the element K?
  5. What is the element symbol for calcium?
  6. Draw a simple structure for 6C14, include the number of proton and neutrons.

  1. Which of the following does not contribute to the atomic mass?
  2. Protons
  3. Neutrons
  4. Electrons
  5. Which of the following does not contribute to the charge of and atom?
  6. Protons
  7. Neutrons
  8. Electrons
  9. Which describes atoms of the same element with different numbers of neutrons?
  10. Ions
  11. Isotopes
  12. Molecules
  13. Compounds
  14. Which is true of electron shells two and higher?
  15. There is an inherent stability in having their valence shell completely full
  16. There is an inherent stability in having all their shells full
  17. There is an inherent stability in having 8 electrons in their valence shell
  18. None of the above
  19. How many electrons would completely fill the first electron shell?
  20. 1
  21. 2
  22. 8
  23. 16
  24. What is the valence shell?
  25. The part of the atom that houses the protons
  26. The electron energy shell that has 8 electrons
  27. The outer energy shell of an atom
  28. None of the above
  29. What is the charge of a proton?
  30. Positive
  31. Negative
  32. Neutral
  33. Depends on how many electrons are in the valence shell
  34. If there are not 8 electrons in the outer energy shell, what might happen
  35. An electron will divide to create additional electrons and fill the outer shell
  36. Neutrons will be converted to electrons and help fill the shell
  37. The atom will gain, loose or share electrons with another atom
  38. Electrons will be purchased at the local store
  39. What is an ion?
  40. An atom that has a negative or positive charge
  41. An atom that has gained or lost electrons
  42. Both of the above
  43. Neither of the above
  44. What is a cation?
  45. An ion with a positive charge
  46. An ion with a negative charge
  47. An atom with 7 electrons in its valence shell
  48. An atom with more neutrons than protons
  49. Which indicates a bond where electrons are shared between two atoms?
  50. Covalent
  51. Ionic
  52. Polar ionic
  53. Nonpolar compounds
  54. For the type of bond above, which describes electron sharing that produces a partial positive charge around one atom and a partial negative charge around another?
  55. Nonpolar
  56. Neutral
  57. Ionic
  58. Polar
  59. Oxygen has 6 electrons in its valence shell. If it bonds with another oxygen atom, what type of bond would be formed?
  60. Single ionic bond
  61. Double ionic bond
  62. Single covalent bond
  63. Double covalent bond
  64. How many covalent bonds can carbon form?
  65. 1
  66. 2
  67. 3
  68. 4
  69. How many covalent bonds can hydrogen form?
  70. 1
  71. 2
  72. 3
  73. 4
  74. Which is true of ionic bonds?
  75. Ionic bonds can form between certain atoms of two different elements
  76. Ionic bonds can from between atoms of the same element
  77. Both are true
  78. Neither are true
  79. Which is true of covalent bonds?
  80. Covalent bonds can form between certain atoms of two different elements
  81. Covalent bonds can from between atoms of the same element
  82. Both are true
  83. Neither are true
  84. Which is true of ionic bonds?
  85. They involve atoms that gain electrons
  86. They involve atoms that lose electrons
  87. They involve atoms that share electrons
  88. Both a and b
  89. All of the above
  90. What holds ionic bonds together?
  91. Shared electrons
  92. Opposite charges
  93. Covalent bonds

Lesson 3

Fill in the blank

  1. Colloids, suspensions and solutions are homogenous mixtures with dissolved substances in a dispersing medium. Write them in order of smallest to largest particles.
  2. Solutions
  3. Colloids
  4. Suspension
  5. What type of bond forms between the δ+on a hydrogen atom in a covalent bond and the δ- on an oxygen, nitrogen or fluorine of another covalent bond?
    Hydrogen bonds
  6. Does water have a high or low heat capacity?
  7. Which situation would cause a colloid to become more soluble?
  8. Cold
  9. Heat
  10. Immobility
  11. Inflammation
  12. Which is true of blood?
  13. It is a solution
  14. It is a colloid
  15. It is a suspension
  16. None of the above
  17. True or False ______In a hydrolysis reaction, a complex molecule is broken down and the components of water (H+ and OH-) are added to the fragments?
  18. What is the solute in a solution?
  19. A uniform mixture of two or more substances
  20. A dispersed substance
  21. The medium in which other atoms, ions or molecules disperse
  22. True or False______Electrolytes are soluble in water.
  23. True of False______Hydrocarbons are soluble in water.
  24. What type of metabolic reaction would result in a net gain of a water molecule in a solution?
  25. Hydrolysis
  26. Dehydration synthesis
  27. Both of the above
  28. None of the above
  29. What is the term for a substances ability to absorb or retain heat?
  30. Heat capacity
  31. Heat ratio
  32. Temperature holding
  33. None of the above
  34. What intramolecular force is found between atoms in water molecules?
  35. Ionic bonds
  36. Polar covalent bonds
  37. Nonpolar covalent bonds
  38. Hydrogen bonds
  39. What intermolecular force is found between atoms in water molecules?
  40. Ionic bonds
  41. Polar covalent bonds
  42. Nonpolar covalent bonds
  43. Hydrogen bonds
  44. What can be said about oxygen in a water molecule?
  45. It has a neutral charge
  46. It has a partial positive charge
  47. It has a partial negative charge
  48. It has no charge
  49. Which is NOT true about solubility of substances in water?
  50. Solubility of substances in water involves hydrogen bonds
  51. Molecules with many polar covalent bonds tend to be soluble in water
  52. Molecules with many nonpolar covalent bonds tend to be soluble in water
  53. Molecules many with ionic bonds tend to be soluble in water
  54. Which indicates ‘water hating’
  55. Hydrophobic
  56. Hydrophilic
  57. Solubility
  58. Electronegativity
  59. Which is true of ionic bonded compounds in water
  60. They are not soluble
  61. Cations are surrounded by the δ+ of oxygen
  62. Cations are surrounded by the δ- of oxygen
  63. Anions are surrounded by the δ- of oxygen
  64. How are hydrogen bonds indicated in structural formulas?
  65. With a single solid line
  66. With a double solid line
  67. With a dotted line
  68. With no line
  69. What are ionic bonded compounds called that dissociate in water and form solutions that can carry an electric charge?
  70. Charge gradient ions
  71. Electrolytes
  72. Electronic ions
  73. Radioactive ions
  74. Which is NOT true of phospholipids
  75. They have a polar end and a nonpolar end
  76. They have two hydrophobic ends
  77. They have a hydrophilic end and a hydrophobic end
  78. They are a major component of the plasma membrane of cells