
Table 1. Employment Situation of 2012 Full-time Undergraduates

Table 2: Employment Industry of 2012 Full-time Undergraduates

Table 3: Monthly Income of 2012 Full-time Undergraduates

Table 4: Employment industry with highest increase in average monthly gross income of 2011 Full-time Undergraduates

Table 5: Average Gross Income of 2012 Full-time Graduates in Professional Services

Table 6: Distribution of Gross Monthly Income of 2012 Full-time Undergraduates

Table 7. Time taken to receive first job offer for 2012 Full-time Undergraduates

Table 8: Job Satisfaction of 2012 Full-time Undergraduates

Table 9: Job Change of 2012 Full-time Undergraduates

Table 10: Employment Situation of 2012 Full-time Non-Local Graduates

Table 11: Further Studies Destination of 2012 Full-Time Non-Local Graduates

Table 12: Employment Destination of 2012 Full-Time Non-Local Graduates

Table 1:Employment Situation of 2012 Full-timeUndergraduates

Employment Situation / 2012 / 2011 / Difference
Employed / 78.9% / 80.6% / -1.7%
Further Studies / 19.7% / 18.0% / +1.7%
Unemployed / 0.3% / 0.3% / 0.0%
Others1 / 1.1% / 1.1% / 0.0%

1 Others included those returning to home countries or those not seeking employment in Hong Kong.

Table 2: Employment Industry of 2012 Full-time Undergraduates

Employment Industry / 2012 / 2011 / Difference
Civil Service / 12.9% / 10.4% / +2.5%
Education / 9.0% / 11.5% / -2.5%
Community, Social & Personal Services / 19.0% / 17.2% / +1.8%
Commerce & Industry / 59.1% / 60.9% / -1.8%
Trading/Marketing/Retailing / 6.7% / 4.7% / +2.0%
Business Services / 14.4% / 16.6% / -2.2%
Financial Institutions / 10.1% / 12.6% / -2.5%
Others / 27.9% / 27.0% / +0.9%

Table 3: Monthly Income of 2012 Full-time Undergraduates

Monthly Income / 2012 / 2011 / Difference
Average Monthly Gross / $19,598 / $18,350 / +6.8%
Average Monthly Gross (excluding MBBS and BDS) / $17,077 / $16,516 / +3.4%
Median Monthly Gross / $15,833 / $15,000 / +5.6%
Median Monthly Gross(excluding MBBS and BDS) / $15,000 / $15,000 / 0.0%

Table 4: Employment industry with highest increase in average monthly gross income of 2011 Full-time Undergraduates

Employment Industry / 2012 / 2011 / Difference
Insurance / $17,971 / $15,681 / +14.6%
Trading/Marketing/Retailing / $13,989 / $12,826 / +9.1%
Construction / $18,822 / $17,420 / +8.0%

Table 5: Average Gross Income of 2012 Full-time Graduates in Professional Services

Employment Industry / 2012 / 2011 / Difference
Quantity Surveying Firms / $14,439 / $13,194 / +9.4%
Architectural Firms / $29,461 / $28,237 / +4.3%
Law Firms / $33,864 / $32,821 / +3.2%

Table 6: Distribution of Gross Monthly Income of 2012 Full-time Undergraduates

Gross Income Group / 2012 / 2011 / Difference
Less Than $10,000 / 3.5% / 3.1% / +0.4%
$10,000 to $14,999 / 39.6% / 43.3% / -3.7%
$15,000 to $19,999 / 24.8% / 22.6% / +2.2%
$20,000 to $24,999 / 12.5% / 17.1% / -4.6%
$25,000 to $29,999 / 8.1% / 4.2% / +4.0%
$30,000 or more / 11.4% / 9.8% / +1.7%

Table 7:Time taken to receive first job offer for 2012 Full-time Undergraduates

Time to receive first job offer / 2012 / 2011 / Difference
Before Graduation(May) / 38.9% / 38.3% / +0.6%
Before August / 81.8% / 80.9% / +0.9%
Before November / 93.3% / 93.0% / +0.3%
Before February 2013 / 100.0% / 100.0% / -

Table 8: Job Satisfaction of 2012 Full-timeUndergraduates

Job Satisfaction / 2012 / 2011 / Difference
Very satisfied / 23.9% / 24.0% / -0.1%
Satisfied / 56.6% / 58.3% / -1.7%
Average / 17.4% / 15.6% / +1.8%
Not Much Satisfied / 2.1% / 2.0% / +0.1%

Table 9: Job Change of 2012 Full-time Undergraduates

Job change / 2012 / 2011 / Difference
Changed job since graduation / 10.9% / 11.8% / -0.9%
No job change since graduation / 89.1% / 88.2% / +0.9%

Table 10: Employment Situation of 2012 Full-time Non-Local Graduates

Employment Situation / 2012 / 2011 / Difference
Employed / 63.8% / 67.9% / -4.1%
Further Studies / 33.0% / 30.0% / +3.0%
Unemployed / 0.9% / 0.4% / +0.5%
Others / 2.2% / 1.7% / +0.5%

Table 11: Further Studies Destination of 2012 Full-time Non-Local Graduates

Studies Destination / 2012 / 2011 / Difference
Hong Kong / 47.9% / 44.4% / +3.5%
USA / 34.2% / 30.6% / +3.7%

Table 12: Employment Destination of 2012 Full-Time Non-Local Graduates

Employment Destination / 2012 / 2011 / Difference
Hong Kong / 87.7% / 89.9% / -2.2%
Mainland China / 4.1% / 7.2% / -3.1%
Canada / 0.8% / 0.0% / +0.8%
United Kingdom / 0.0% / 0.7% / -0.7%
Other Asian Countries / 7.4% / 2.2% / +5.4%

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