Equity Action Council Agenda: 10/25/17

Time / Topic / Process / Facilitator(s)
2:30 pm / Introduction / Welcome and Introductions / Edmundo Norte
EAC Community Agreements / Tony Santa Ana
2:50 pm / Organization / Equity and Engagement Division –
·  Organizational Structure & Programs
·  Mission of EAC and Governance Group / Alicia Cortez
3:00pm / Past, Present and Vision for EAC / Roots, Branches and Seeds Activity / Alicia Cortez, Tony Santa Ana Edmundo Norte Anita Muthyala-Kandula
3:35pm / Gallery Walk – Look for common themes and reflections / Alicia Cortez and Tony Santa Ana
3:45pm / Discussion, Reflection and Action / ·  Shared Governance
·  Equity Core Teams
·  Meeting Times / Alicia Cortez

EAC Community Agreements

Show up, and choose to be present
Pay attention to what has heart and meaning
Tell the truth without blame or judgment
Be open to outcome, not attached to outcome

From The Four-Fold Way® by Angeles Arrien, Ph.D

EAC Mission: The Council helps facilitate campus wide development and support, engagement, implementation of programs, evaluations, policies and procedures that are in line with De Anza College's vision of equity, social justice, and multicultural education. The Council helps meet the goals and objectives of equity at De Anza and in particular, the Equity Office.

Equity Action Council Agenda: 10/25/17

EAC Mission: The Council helps facilitate campus wide development and support, engagement, implementation of programs, evaluations, policies and procedures that are in line with De Anza College's vision of equity, social justice, and multicultural education. The Council helps meet the goals and objectives of equity at De Anza and in particular, the Equity Office.

Equity Action Council Agenda: 10/25/17

EAC Mission: The Council helps facilitate campus wide development and support, engagement, implementation of programs, evaluations, policies and procedures that are in line with De Anza College's vision of equity, social justice, and multicultural education. The Council helps meet the goals and objectives of equity at De Anza and in particular, the Equity Office.