School Nutrition Program Academy

“Un-tapping Unlimited Potential”

Embassy Suites Hotel, Murfreesboro

Wednesday - September 16, 2015

1:00-1:15 Welcome Rasheeda Washington

1:15-2:30 Smarter Lunchroom Movement/4160 Kathryn Hoy

2:30-2:45 Break

2:45-4:00 Smarter Lunchroom Movement/4160 Kathryn Hoy

Professional Standards Coding: 4160/2.5 hours

Thursday - September 17, 2015

8:00-9:30 Procurement/2420 Phyllis Hodges/Cindy Cooper

9:30-9:45 Break

9:45-10:15 Procurement/2420

10:15-11:15 Healthier US School Challenge & Smart Snacks/4120

Brittany Grande/Felicia Redding

11:15-12:30 Lunch

12:30-1:00 USDA Foods/1170 Terry Minton

1:00-2:00 Tennessee Department of Health Updates/2630 Lori LeMaster

2:00-2:30 Governor’s Foundation for Health and Wellness Russell Cliche


2:30-2:45 Break

2:45-3:45 Governor’s Foundation for Health and Wellness Russell Cliche

Mini Training Preview/1110 Cindy Cooper

3:45-4:00 Parking Lot Questions Phyllis Hodges

Professional Standards Coding: 2420/2 hours, 4120/1 hour, 1170/.5 hour, 2630/1 hour, 1110/1 hour, 4160/.5 hour, and 2130/.5 hour. Totals: 6.5 Hours

Friday - September 18, 2015

8:00-8:45 Professional Standards/Resources Phyllis Hodges/Cindy Cooper

8:45-9:10 Administrative Review Updates Phyllis Hodges

Mini Training Preview/3320 Cindy Cooper

9:10-9:40 Civil Rights /3420 Jasmine Taylor

9:40-10:10 TMAC/List Serve Chris Crutcher

10:10-10:25 TSNA Updates Melanie Hamilton

10:25-10:50 Parking Lot Questions Phyllis Hodges

10:50-11:00 Wrap-Up Cindy Cooper

Professional Standards Coding: 3320/.25 hour and 3420/.5 hour. Totals: .75 Hour

School Nutrition Program Academy Guest Presenters:

Rasheeda Washington, Executive Director Operations & Facilities,

Tennessee Department of Education

Kathryn I. Hoy, MFN, RD, CDN

Cornell University Center for Behavioral Economics in Child Nutrition Programs

Brittany Grande & Felicia Redding, Program Specialists

Special Nutrition Programs, USDA Food and Nutrition Service

Terry Minton, Director of USDA Foods, Tennessee Department of Agriculture

Lori LeMaster, REHS, Program Manager, Division of Environmental Health

Tennessee Department of Health

Russell Cliche, Director of Program Implementation the Governor’s Foundation for

Health and Wellness

Melanie Hamilton, Tennessee School Nutritional Association (TSNA) Vice President

School Nutrition Program Staff Presenters: Cindy Cooper, Chris Crutcher, Phyllis Hodges, and Jasmine Taylor

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