Course Syllabus
Course Title: English LS RP
Teacher:Ms. Maria Sell
732-981-0700 ext.7167
Extra help: every morning between 6:30 and 7:00 a.m.; after school on Monday and Wednesday-Friday.
English (5 credits):
This course enables students to study diverse literary works. Students will read, analyze, respond to and discuss various forms of literature and their major themes. In addition, students will enhance their writing skills through the use of the writing process.
English Course Schedule: Scope and Sequence
Approximate Time Frame
/ Topics/SkillsMarking Period 1 – Sept. to Nov.
Semester 1 / Topics/Title:
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Sir Arthur Conan DoyleSkills:
Recognizing signal words
Writing a narrative
Keeping a journal
Understanding author’s purpose
Literary analysis
Character and characterization, plot, foreshadowing, suspense, first and third person omniscient point-of-view, tone and mood, voice, theme
Preparing effective presentations
Using rubrics for self-assessment
Marking Period 2 – November to January
Semester 1
/ Topics/Title:
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Recognizing cultural details
Analyzing/appreciating diverse perspectives
Recognizing author’s purpose
Using context clues
Drawing conclusions
Autobiographical writing
Persuasive writing and speaking
Literary analysis
Persuasion and speech
Using technology to enhance verbal presentations (PowerPoint and Publisher programs)
Marking Period 3 – January to March
Semester 2 / Topics/Title:
Romeo and Juliet
William Shakespeare
Making and verifying predictions
Recognizing author’s purpose
Using the writing process to develop organized and clear essays
Evaluating text format
Using word origins and context clues to understand vocabulary
Identifying, describing, evaluating, synthesizing central ideas in text
Literary analysis
Marking Period Four – April to June
Semester 2 / Topics/Titles:
Myths and Folktales
Liu Ye and the Dragon King– A tale from China retold by Cynthia M. Martin
Perfection Learning: Making Sense – Fiction, Poetry, Informational Reading
(Terry Ofner et al, ed.)
A Different Home –Hopes and Dreams/The Cubans
(Tana Reiff)
Jesse Jackson: Rainbow Coalition Leader
16 Extraordinary African Americans
(Nancy Lobb)
Identifying cultural details
Evaluating text format
Evaluating visual aids
Using technology to enhance verbal presentations (PowerPoint and Publisher programs)
Using the writing process to develop a critical stance
Asking questions to analyze cause and effect
Literary analysis