Name of Project: Request for AP Stylebook for teaching the Writing unit of the Agricultural Communications Curriculum.

Describe this project in detail – what are you planning to do, how are you planning to do it, and why are you planning to do it.

Students will explore the career field of agricultural journalism. They will view a video of an agricultural journalist in Arkansas and experience what a day in his or her job entails.

Students will learn the importance of AP Style when writing journalistic news or feature stories or news realeases. They will then have the opportunity to edit articles for correct journalistic writing, grammar, and punctuation. Students will then use the AP Stylebook to write their own articles.


1.Teachers will teach the Writing unit using the AP Stylebook as a reference and guide to correct journalistic format, grammar, and punctuation with 100% participation.

2.Students will use the AP Stylebook to correctly write journalist articles with 80% accuracy.

3.Students will use the AP Stylebook to edit journalistic articles with 80% accuracy.

Students will gain knowledge of agricultural journalism as a possible career choice after college.

On which performance indicator will this project have the major impact (check only one that is the primary focus of this activity/project):

/ Literacy
/ Math
/ Graduation
/ High School Completion
/ CTE Skill
/ Placement
/ Nontraditional Participation
/ Nontraditional Completion

Identify which of the Required uses or Permissive uses of funds this project meets (check all that apply):

/ Integration of academic and CTE skills (R1)
/ Link Secondary and postsecondary CTE programs (R2)
/ Experience in and understanding all aspects of an industry (R3)
/ Use of technology in CTE (training teachers to use technology or providing students with math/science skills to enter technology fields or collaborating with technology industries) (R4)
/ Provide professional development to teacher, administrators, and counselors who are involved in CTE (R5)
/ Provide activities to prepare special populations who are enrolled in CTE (R9/P4)
/ Initiate, improve, expand, and modernize quality career and technical education programs (R7)
/ Develop and implement evaluations of CTE programs (R6)
/ Involve parents, business, labor organizations in CTE programs (P1&3)
/ local education & business partnerships (P1&3)
/ Provide career guidance and academic counseling (P2)
/ Leasing, purchasing, upgrading or adapting equipment including instructional aids designed to strengthen and support academic and technical skill achievement (P7)
/ Activities to support entrepreneurship education and training (P11)
/ Improving or development new CTE courses including for high skill, high wage, or high demand occupations and dual or concurrent enrollment opportunities (P12)
/ Provide CTE programs for adults and school dropouts to complete the secondary school education or to upgrade technical skills (P15)
/ Support training in automotive technologies (P18)
/ Assist career and technical student organizations (P5)
/ Mentoring and support services for CTE students (P6)
/ Teacher preparation programs that address the integration of academic and CTE skills (P8)
/ Develop and support small, personalized career - themed learning communities (P13)
/ Support for family and consumer sciences programs (P14)
/ Provide CTE programs for school dropouts to complete secondary education (P15)
/ Provide assistance for students in transition to further education or employment (P10)
/ Support training and activities in nontraditional fields (P17)
/ Pool a portion of funds with other eligible recipients for innovative initiatives (P19)
/ Other CTE activities consistent with purpose of this act (P20)
/ Activities to support entrepreneurship education and training (P3)

“Required 8 – Provide services and activities that are of sufficient size, scope and quality to be effective;…”

How will the success of this project be measured? What data and what set of students will be used in the measurement? (Example: This project will be measured by [name of data set]. Our current performance is [current performance].Our goal for this project is an increase of [number or percent of increase] by [time of measurement]?

Successful instruction by the teachers will be evaluated though interviews with the teachers and the content of their journal entries.

Success of the project will be measured by a pre and posttest assessment before and after the writing unit.

This project will measure success by the increase of AP Style knowledge and skills of students enrolled in the Leadership and Communications course. Our current performance is 75%. Our goal for this project is an increase of 10% by the conclusion of this current semester.

School(s) in which this project will be conducted:

This project will be conducted in agricultural programs teaching the Leadership and Communications course.

Approximate number of teachers/counselors/administrators who will be involved:

One agricultural science teacher

Is this project new or continued from the previous year? If continued, the title of the project must be worded exactly as the previous year and you must describe your outcomes from the previous year(s) below.
New Continued
Please describe the outcomes (positive or negative) from previous year that affected your decision to continue or repeat this activity as well as any modifications being made to ensure success:

Describe the financial costs for this project that will be paid from the Perkins funds during the current year. Please include an estimated cost with each category.

Salary/benefits/stipends: $0.00

Professional development expenses (including travel): $0.00

Consultant costs: $0.00

Instructional materials/supplies: Class Set (20) AP Stylebook - $419.00

“The 2012 edition provides fundamental guidelines on spelling, grammar, punctuation and usage, with new chapters on fashion and broadcast terms and an expanded social media chapter, in addition to chapters on food, social media, business, sports and media law. The 2012 Stylebook includes more than 270 new or revised entries since 2011” (2012 AP Stylebook, n.d, para. 3).

Software: $0.00

Other: Shipping ($20.95)

Equipment and other non-consumable items that cost more than $200:

Item Name / Quantity / School / CTE Program / Teacher
AP Stylebook / 20 / Agriculture

(Attach additional page if needed)

Approximate cost of project during current year (from Perkins funds only): $439.95