Homework Grid
Topic: Planet Protectors Autumn Term 2016
easiest hardest
Remembering / Understanding / Applying / Analysing / Evaluating / Creating
I enjoy reading,
writing &
speaking / Find out about 5 different animals that are endangered because of the loss of their habitat. Why? Include facts and figures / Find out about a place in the UK that has been damaged by humans. How have they damaged it and how, if possible, can it be repaired? / Find out about Surfers Against Sewage. Choose one of their campaigns to look more closely at. Explain about the issues and include pictures / Find out about the work of an organisation that recycles plastics, paper, glass or metal. What do they do with the material? Include facts and figures / Research the pros and cons of renewable energy sources such as wind, solar or wave energy / Write a short story or diary entries about someone working on a Fairtrade farm. Really try to get into that person's shoes
I enjoy working
with numbers &
science / Find out about food banks in the area. How do they work? Write a report or make a leaflet or film a documentary about it / Find an electricity bill at home and try to work out how much it costs to run 5 different household appliances and suggest ways you could save money / School has to cut back on its bills this year so need to find ways of saving money. Think of 5 things we could do that wouldn't affect anyone's safety, comfort or learning / Consider ways you could reduce, reuse and recycle more at home or at school. Make a poster of your ideas / Keep a diary of your recycling for two weeks (between collections). Weigh it, sort it. How much of it could be reduced by less packaging? / Design and make a card game with at least 12 different cards with the theme of protecting the Planet. Each card should have a picture and some information
I enjoy painting,
drawing &
visualizing / Design a Heath Robinson type machine to recycle materials and label it
/ Bake a showstopper cake on the theme of Planet Protectors.
/ Make a shoe box diorama of a habitat where there are endangered species still living. Add plenty of information about the endangered species / Find out about Fair Trade. How does it work? What countries or goods are involved? Include facts and figures. You could find out about just one item such as bananas / Find out about the Amazon Rainforest. Why is it important and what is happening to it? Include pictures, information and facts and figures / Design a poster to persuade people to save energy around their homes by telling them what they could do
I enjoy doing
activities / Design and make a meal for your family where all the ingredients are locally produced. Say where each ingredient comes from. Take pictures and include costings / Make a wind turbine out of recyclable materials. Take photos and explain how you did it / Up cycle an old piece of clothing to make something completely different. Include an explanation of what you have done with photos / Make something useful like a reusable bag or a trinket box out of newspapers or magazines. Take photos and explain how you did it / Make paper out of natural materials. Experiment with different ingredients. Take photos and explain how you did it / Design a vehicle that runs on wind, solar or steam power. Draw diagrams and explain each part
I enjoy making &
Listening to music / Write a performance poem about one area of our project and film your performance of it / Research Stomp and what they use for their performances. Devise and film your own Stomp performance / Write a song or compose a piece of music to fit with our project. Remember the African drums / Research Skiffle bands. Find out how they started and what instruments they used. Include pictures and information / Make a short documentary about some aspect of protecting the planet. You can add music and graphics or film it as a docu-drama / Make a musical instrument from junk materials. Take photos and explain how you did it
The aim of this project is to build upon the skills that are your strengths and also to improve those areas where you may feel less confident!
Therefore, you may choose only two tasks from each column and three from each row
Remember you can email homework in to school