Will I be an expert in Outlook when I leave today? No, you will have attended a basic survival class. Microsoft Office software programs today are very complex, very capable; it is doubtful that anyone knows everything about these programs.

Are there differences between Outlook and Eudora? Yes, Eudora is a mail program that downloads the mail to your personal computer. This means with Eudora connection to the server was short in duration. Outlook is an information management program that contains email as well as calendar, tasks, and notes. Outlook stores everything on the mail server until archived to archive files on your personal computer. Storage on the server facilitates web access to your materials. With Outlook, you will almost always be connected to the Exchange server.

What will my new email address be? It will be the same as it is now, i.e., , , .

What do I need to do to get Outlook for Exchange Server loaded on my computer? Attending the training class and signing the roster will begin the procedure. The class roster is taken to the “HelpDesk” after class; the “HelpDesk” personnel will create your Outlook mail account and a work order to the CSS on your site to install Outlook.

How long will it be until I receive Outlook? At present, the time between taking the class and receiving the program on your personal computer is only a few days to a couple of weeks – depending on the work schedule of your CSS.

Do I have to use Outlook after my computer is configured? Yes, if you don’t, you may miss messages that are being sent to you from other employees using Outlook. Remember the Eudora server will eventually be switched off.

What will happen to my Eudora mail once my computer is configured for Outlook? The CSS or person setting up your computer with Outlook for Exchange Server will import your personal addresses from Eudora - these become Contacts and your email will be imported to Outlook as “Archived” mail. This includes sent mail. These folders will appear above the Outlook Today icon on the Folder list. However, Filters, stationery, and signatures do not import and will need to be recreated in Outlook.

What about mailing lists in Outlook? Good news, you will not have to update your address book in Outlook. For now, there are the three mailing lists in Outlook, which is more different than it is bad news. Until everyone has been through training, the College will be using the “Global list” - these are employees that have completed the training and currently use Outlook; “LDAP list” - these are the employees currently awaiting training using Eudora; and the “Contact List” consisting mainly of people outside the College. The Contact list should contain your imported personal Eudora phone book as well as new additions added in Outlook.

What about security issues with Outlook? Once you have logged in to the College’s network you will have unrestricted access to your email account. Other employee’s will also have unrestricted access to your email account, too. It is recommended that you set up a password protected screen saver that activates quickly or get in the habit of logging off the network when you leave your computer unattended.

What about Network Security? The College Network experts assure us that the College’s firewall, the Exchange Server, and the virus program in use by the College offer a high level of protection from problems. You may receive messages that note “whatever” has been stripped from the message. If this happens often with legitimate College work related items, please contact the HelpDesk.

Will my attachments still be saved in my attachment folder? No, attachments remain with the email message in Outlook. You will have to save them if you do not wish to lose them when you delete the message. Also, after your Eudora email is imported into Outlook, all imported messages that have email attachments will now have only a shortcut instead of an attachment. If you wish to forward the email, along with the original attachment, you will need to re-attach the file to the email message.

For an undetermined period of time both systems will be up and running on each employee’s computer. Mail will be forwarded from your Eudora account to your Outlook account. A copy remains in Eudora and this means housekeeping duties will still be required in Eudora. It will be necessary to periodically open the program and delete from the Inbox and Outbox.


The College is encouraging everyone to use the calendar feature. This feature can greatly reduce the amount of time and frustration required to schedule meetings as well as locate available resources; however, success is contingent on employee participation.

URL for Helpdesk Outlook Web Page: http://www.spjc.edu/helpdesk/outlook/