Internship Syllabus (Principal)
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A Course Syllabus
Internship in School Administration: Principal
Fall Semester EDAD 6969
Spring Semester EDAD 6971
(2 Semester Hours)
Prerequisites: Advisor or Departmental Approval
I. Purpose of the Course
The purpose of this course is twofold. First, it will provide graduate students with actual experiences in school administration that allow application of administrative theory. The course will also provide students the format and process to identify and reflect upon the interrelationships between real life experiences, activities and assignments from their program of study, and the accepted professional standards of school administration.
II. Belief Statement and Mission
The Central educator is a competent, caring, reflective practitioner committed to the premise that all can learn.
As a cornerstone of the institution for over 130 years, the University of Central Missouri's Teacher Education Program develops teachers and other school professionals who are well grounded in theory, display competence in content knowledge and instructional strategies, and possess the dispositions to ensure success for all learners. The Teacher Education Program prepares individuals as professional educators for an ever-changing, culturally diverse population. Faculty and candidates provide support and service to schools in meeting their present and future challenges by developing communities that learn through research and scholarly activities. Educator preparation is a campus-wide responsibility, a commitment that reflects the honor and worth of serving a vital profession.
Each student will:
1. Increase their understanding of the professional standards (ELCC) adopted by the State of Missouri as guiding principles for school administrators.
2. Work closely with a practicing school administrator throughout the internship experiences to become more aware of the practices, demands and expectations encountered as a public school administrator.
3. Identify, plan, and complete, specific administrative tasks under the supervision of their mentor and with the approval of their instructor.
4. Identify, plan, and complete specific administrative experiences at sites other than their Internship site. This will include an in-depth visit to a school of different size and cultural diversity.
5. Reflect upon and apply the professional certification standards to actual administrative experiences and real-life situations encountered during the internship experience.
6. Reflect upon and apply the professional certification standards to course materials and activities encountered during the degree and/or certification program of study.
7. Create an Educational Administration Program Portfolio highlighting their program of study, internship experiences, real-life experiences, and other activities and artifacts relating to their preparations for school administration.
Each student is encouraged to work with their instructor and mentor to plan activities and experiences which will broaden their administrative knowledge and skills. Each item on the following list should be addressed during the Internship experience.
Administrative Focus Areas:
1. Supervision of students and behavior management
2. Planning and supervising student activities
3. General personnel management and supervision
4. Recruitment, interviewing, and induction of personnel
5. Evaluation of personnel
6. Role of the Principal as instructional leader
7. Curriculum development
8. Professional development
9. Development and implementation of M-SIP and C-SIP
10. School facility planning, constructing, equipping and maintaining
11. Education of special need students
12. Multi-cultural student population
13. Utilization of technology
14. Board/administration relationships
15. School/community relations
Fall Semester
Session I Reflections and application of ELCC Standard I (School Vision) to student’s Program of Study and Internship Experiences.
Session II Reflection and application of ELCC Standard II (School Culture) to student’s Program of Study and Internship Experiences.
Session III Reflection and application of ELCC Standard III (Safe and Effective Learning Environment) to student’s Program of Study and Internship Experiences.
Spring Semester
Session IV Reflection and application of ELCC Standard IV (Families and Communities) and V (Fair and Ethical Actions) to student’s Program of Study and Internship Experiences.
Session V Reflection and application of ELCC Standard VI (Political, Social, Legal, and Cultural Context) to student’s Program of Study and Internship Experiences.
Session VI Practitioner Session, completion of all Internship requirements, and submission of EDAD Program Portfolio.
(Note: The practitioner session may be conducted during Session IV or V).
The following methods and techniques will be utilized to successfully complete the objectives of this course:
1. On-site observations and reflections relating to the day to day administrative roles, responsibilities, and experiences encountered by practicing school administrators.
2. In-depth interviews and shadowing of practicing school administrators, including, but not limited to the student’s mentor.
3. Planning and completion of specific administrative tasks on-site under the guidance and supervision of the on-site mentor.
4. Planning, observing, and/or participating in specific educational environments, functions, and/or activities off-site.
5. Reflective observations and writings
6. Structured interaction with practitioners
7. Participation in seminar sessions
1. Attendance and participation in all scheduled seminars.
2. Completion of 200 hours of administrative experiences, tasks or duties during the course of the Internship and course-related field experiences.
3. These tasks are to be planned and completed in collaboration with your mentor and instructor.
4. In addition to the ongoing onsite experiences, students will complete a minimum of three off-site administrative experiences or activities. These activities should be completed at sites other than the school where the Internship is being conducted. At least one of these activities must include an in-depth visit (1/2 day or more) to a school different in community characteristics, student populations, and cultural diversity.
5. Conduct in-depth interview with the on-site mentor or other practitioners covering the Administrative Focus Areas not satisfactorily addressed as part of the on-site and off-site tasks and activities. Each interview is to be summarized in a written paper.
6. Completion of the Internship Log , documenting your experiences and activities. The log should be organized and completed on a weekly basis.
7. Completion of reflective papers relating the ELCC standards to the student’s program of study and internship experiences.
8. Completion of an Education Administration Program Portfolio. The portfolio should represent those components of the student’s program of study which exemplify the best of the student’s academic work. The portfolio will include the following:
o Required and student-selected artifacts from the student’s program of study.
o Student-selected artifacts from the student’s Internship experiences.
o A log of the experiences, activities, and interviews completed during the Internship. The log should be organized and completed on a weekly basis.
o A description and reflection of the on-site and off-site administrative tasks completed as part of the Internship
o A summary of each of the interviews with practitioners covering the Administrative Focus Areas not covered by the administrative tasks and activities.
o Reflection and application of the ELCC standards to the course material and activities encountered during the student’s program of study.
o Reflection and application of the ELCC standard to the experiences and activities encountered during the student’s Internship experiences.
Attendance, punctuality, and participation in seminars (20%)
Completion of Internship requirements (20%)
Quality of written log of Internship activities and experiences (20%)
Quality of ELCC Reflective Papers (20%)
Feedback from on-site administrative mentor (20%)
A = 90-100 % B = 80-89 % C = 70-79%
Revised 7.1.08