Cell Energy: Photosynthesis and

Cellular Respiration

Photosynthesis Explorations

Go to the website http://science.nhmccd.edu/biol/bio1int.htm and click on the Photosynthesis icon at the top to take you down to the section on Photosynthesis. Click on Metabolic Processes by Terry Brown (5th animation from the bottom of the list) for our next exploration. When you get to the listings, click on Regulation of the Guard Cells to begin exploring and answer the following questions.

1. What is the function of the guard cells? regulate the stomatal openings of the leaf

2. What factors regulate these cells? CO2 water and light

3. What results when K+ ions are actively pumped into the guard cell? a high concentration of K+

5. What is the name of the process that pumps ions against a concentration gradient (hint: it was in our last unit!)? active transport

6. Water then enters the cell by what process? osmosis

7. When water enters the guard cells, what happens to them? they swell

Now play the animation by clicking twice on the arrow to the lower right of the diagram.

8. What do the red and yellow structures represent? water molecules

9. What can diffuse into the stoma? carbon dioxide

10. What can diffuse out of the stoma? water and oxygen

11. What is the CO2 that enters the stoma used for? the Calvin cycle or light dependent reaction of photosynthesis

Using your back arrow button on the browser, return to the main page of this website. Click now on the chloroplast to explore it.

12. Make a quick sketch of the structure of the chloroplast here and label its parts.

13. What is the chloroplast composed of? double layer of a modified membrane containing proteins, chlorophyll and phospholipids

14. The inner membrane invaginates or folds in on itself to form ______disks, arranged in stacks called ______, where ______and other pigments are concentrated. thylakoid, grana, chlorophyll

15. In words, write the equation of photosynthesis. carbon dioxide + water + sunlight and chlorophyll become glucose and oxygen

Now play the animation by clicking twice on the arrow to the lower right of the diagram

16. What do the yellow lightning bolts represent? sunlight

17. What are the reactants (ingredients or starting material) of photosynthesis? carbon dioxide and water

18. What are the products (materials after reaction has occurred) of photosynthesis? oxygen and glucose

Using your back arrow button on the browser, return to the main page of this website. Click now on the Chemiosmosis to explore it.

19. How is ATP produced in the chloroplast? chemiosmosis

20. What are the requirements of chemiosmosis? phospholipid bilayer, protein pump, protons, and ATPase

21. What does pumping protons (H+ ions) through the proton pump create? a high concentration of H+ ions inside the thylakoid membrane

22. ATP Synthase has a ______that allows for facilitated ______of protons or H+ ions back through membranes. channel, diffusion

23. What molecule catalyzes the formation of ATP? ATP synthase

24. Any biomolecule that catalyzes or speeds up a reaction is called______. (Hint: This is from our study on biomolecules and is not found on the website. See if you can remember.) enzyme

Now play the animation by clicking twice on the arrow to the lower right of the diagram

25. What 2 molecules are used to form ATP? ADP and P