Executive Committee, New Jersey Geospatial Forum
October 24th, 2008
The meeting was called to order by David Kunz, Chairperson, at 9:40 a.m. Members present were Don, John, Will, Andy, David, Lyna and Trish. No members of the public were present.
This meeting of the Executive Committee of the New Jersey Geospatial Forum is held in compliance with N.J.S.A. 10:4-6, known as the Open Public Meeting Act. Adequate notice of this meeting has been filed with the Secretary of State and distributed to the Trenton Times, Star Ledger, Atlantic City Press, and posted on the New Jersey Geographic Information Network (NJGIN) site.
Old Business
- Previous Executive and General meeting minutes: Andy moved and John seconded the approval, as corrected, of the minutes of the Executive Committee of September 5, 2008, and the Forum meeting of September 19, 2008. Motion passed.
- Elections: Brian reported the following nominations (as of October 24th):
Counties: Matt Mathan, Doug Kunz
State: John Reisner and John Bocchino
Private Sector: Tom Tiner, Bob Berardo, Atanas Entchev
Municipality: Trish Long
Education: Allison Hayes, Joan Leder, Dawn McCall and Josh Greenfeld
Brian has sent requests for bios to be received by the end of the acceptance period, October 31st.Voting via the web will start on November 8th.
3. Task Forces:
a)CORS: Don will contact Josh and request a short final report from the CORS Network Task Force.
b)Parcels: Rich has sent Andy the results of the database work of the Parcel Task Force. Dawn is aware of the need to complete a short written summary by the next Forum meeting.
c)Elevation: This group met last Monday (October 20th). The Elevation Task Force likely to continue on into next year. Mercer and part of Salem are the current products expected this winter. The data format will leave the point clouds intact at their original resolution. Products will include 2-3 meter DEM datasets. The original point data available from CLICK.
d)OPRA: This group has not met since the last Exec meeting. Minutes are being prepared.
e)Strategic Planning Task Force: There are some volunteers, but we need greater representation from other state agencies. Kate McGuire will call a meeting before Christmas.
f)Digital Subdivision Standards Task Force: Volunteers for Chairperson include Sue Zitzman (Maser), Matt Mathan (UnionCounty) and Bruce Blair (Surveyors). Lyna ovedand Will seconded to ask Matt and Bruce if they would serve as Co-
Chairs. Motion passed. Don will be the Exec Committee liaison.
4: Constituency Groups: Trish noted that a successful municipal constituency meeting was held, with around 20 people attending, Participants included some municipal environmental committee participants. Trish also ran an online survey for this constituency group.
New Business
- Annual endorsement of NJGS geologic mapping proposal. The Geologic Mapping subcommittee (inherited from SMAC) oversees and approves the annual grant proposal from the state to the federal government for the USGS. Andy will sign the document for the Exec Committee. This year there are 5 projects proposed. Andy moved and Don seconded to approve the annual grant proposal. Motion passed.
- Training. There was a general discussion about training at the municipal level, including possible county and state involvement. DEP is planning to do public training after NJGeoWeb is released. There was a discussion of potential formats for providing training (evenings?) on using interactive map servers to public officials, planning board members and environmental commissioners. David and Trish will meet to talk about possible approaches to structuring local training and potential roles for the Forum.
- NJ Data Inventory Project. As an expansion to the metadata training that has been conducted, a simple spreadsheet has been constructed by DEP (John Bocchino) and OGIS (Doug Schleiffer and Edith Konopka). Information can be collected through interviews with data producers. Information from the spreadsheet can be extracted into xml metadata formats to be harvested into NJGIN.
- Meeting Agenda for December 5th, 2008. Andy will contact the state geologist, Carl Muessig, for a possible presentation on geology data. Another possibility is Gary Casabona for a discussion on the status of the soil datasets. Ideas for agendas in 2010 are a Census/MPO session and a repeat of the “Look What I Did” theme.
Don moved and Andy seconded to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 11:50 a.m.