/ College Hill FORUM
~ A Diverse, Friendly Neighborhood of Cincinnati, Ohio ~ /

Membership Meeting Minutes – July 25, 2017

I. Call to order

A. Pledge of Allegiance, led by Phyllis Slusher, President

B. Approval of last meeting’s minutes

C. Welcome to all new members and guests

1. Running for and introduced herself and spoke for a minute or so

II. Police and Fire Department Reports

A. Fire & Rescue Report – no one in attendance

B. Police Report – Sgt. Volkerding

1. This year is a record year with low in crime

2. Northside had a murder???

3. Things are going well for District 5

a) RESIDENT – asked about speed bumps which she was referred to traffic & engineering who works on that activity

(1) If you get a number of people to do a survey you can usually get them put in

4. RESIDENT – drug busts – you won’t hear a lot about big ones because they are kept under wraps until the time of the bust

C. COP Update

1. Next training is August 22-24 and there won’t be another training until next year

a) If you’re interested it’s a good venture and we welcome everyone to join

III. Treasurer’s Report

A. Gross: $25,441

B. Allocated: $13,195

C. Reserved: $10,000

D. To Spend: $ 2,246

IV. Old Business

A. CHCURC Redevelopment Update – Seth Walsh

1. Received funding for the $29.96 – to become a theater venue

2. Marlowe Court – bricks are going up in the last

a) Front side should be completed in September

3. Historic District is moving along and helps us to save historic buildings and tax benefits come in with this label on our community

4. Façade Improvement

a) Fern has a new glass door to the garage

b) Red Rose got new windows and sign for name is going in as well

c) Bacalls will get new awning

d) JR there will be new additions for Shaker’s

(1) Working with another vendor to get the job under 600K which the city is saying is needed for the venture

(2) Trying to keep the cost at $260+K

e) Doll House to have more work

f) Dixon and Marquette building have improvement coming to them as well

5. Still working with the city on College Hill Station

B. Calories for a Cause – Ruth Hartzell

1. An ice cream social for those residents who run out of money for personal grooming for men and women

2. Will be Friday, August 18th from 12:30 PM – 2:30 PM

3. Cost is $5 per sundae

4. The reds mascots will be there for entertainment

5. Ruth will accept donations for those who cannot be there themselves

C. 2017 CH Block Party

1. National Night Out is Tuesday, August 1st and 2nd from 6 PM – 8:30 PM

2. An Opera Truck will be there with a performance inside of the truck

3. Unity Walk

a) Begins with an overall prayer before it all begins

b) 1 mile & 2 miles

c) Pet friendly

d) 2 miles hosted by Good News Church

e) 3rd year for cyclers

f) You can also come and run with our local Andrew Wells

D. WIN Update – Samantha Reeves

1. New houses on Cedar Avenue

2. Currently working on a rehab outside of the regular area

3. Skilled workers are needed to volunteer like carpenters, plumbers, etc.

4. If award from the city is realized there will be four more homes to sell

E. Dangers of Fast Traffic on Hamilton Avenue – Kathy McLeod

1. There have been many traffic events in this area

a) Stood out on Hamilton Avenue {during the meeting} and during rush hour and Michael Moore got a fill of what goes on in this area

2. Colerain and Winton have the same issues that we do on Hamilton Avenue

3. Concurred that during rain and midafternoon peak time is the worst traffic issues

4. Next meeting is Wednesday, August 9th 4:30 PM – 6 PM here at the Rec Center

V. New Business

A. New Director of Cincinnati Recreation for the City of Cincinnati - Daniel Betts

1. Has been here a little of a year and hails from Chicago.

2. Has been in this field for over 20 years here and Chicago

3. Now resides in College Hill with his family

4. Intends to clean up the facility to make the environment at the Rec Center better for you

VI. Community Voice (College Hill residents and stakeholders – 2 minutes)

A. Concerned about speeding between Argus and Cedar

1. Accidents happen here quite often

2. What about speed bumps? To stop the speeding

a) Phyllis Slusher said the we could look into using this as a way to slow people, driving, down

b) Jim Bodmer will mention it to D5

VII. Committee and Organization Reports

A. Quality of Life Team (QOL)

B. College Hill Business Association (CHBA) – Karen Hartman

1. Portaluca will close at the end of August 2017

C. College Hill Gardeners (CHG) – Karen Hartman

1. October 14th Pumpkin Patch 10 AM – 3 PM

a) CHCURC will have a Pig Roast that evening

D. College Hill Recreation Center – Bryan Servizzi

1. Getting new equipment and updating current equipment

2. Climbing wall is being sold to anyone who wants to purchase it

3. Afterschool day camp – CH Fundamental also became a member of the afterschool program here

4. August 25th a concert named Ubon

5. Basketball 3 on 3 is for boys and girls

6. Soccer is offered at the center here, games are on Thursdays and practice is on Monday

7. Wants to update unused tennis courts – partner with FCC who will help to turn them over for soccer for the youth

E. College Hill Farm Market (CHFM) – Thursdays 3 PM – 6:30 PM

F. College Hill Historical Society (CHHS)

G. Arts Revival in College Hill (ARCH)

H. Christ Community in College Hill – No Report

VII. Announcements:

A. Weiser Award – need applicants- award is given out in September each year


IX. Upcoming Events

A. Blues & Brews 5K September 16th 6 PM – 9 PM at the future College Hill Station

X. Hillrise is now called The Bradford


NEXT MEETING: September 26, 7 PM