Agenda Item 3

Hull 2020 Programme Delivery Board

Tuesday 4 August 10:00-12:00

Boardroom, Wilberforce Court, Hull, HU1 1UY


Emma Latimer (Chair) / Chief Officer, NHS Hull CCG
Dr Dan Roper (DR) / Chair of CCG Board, NHS Hull CCG
Sandra Hills (SH) / Programme Director for Hull 2020
Sarah Smyth (SS) / Director of Quality & Clinical Governance/Executive Nurse, NHS Hull CCG
Jacqueline Myers (JM) / Director of Strategy & Planning, HEYHT
Lynda Whincup (LW) / Operational Services Director Adults, City Health Care Partnership CIC
Jason Stamp (JS) also representing Julia Weldon (Thriving Communities) / Lay Member Patient and Public Involvement Lead, NHS Hull CCG
Scott Young (SY) / Chief Superintendent, Humberside Police
John Gilbert (JG) / Managing Director, Eskimo Soup
Sue Lee (SL) / Head of Communications and Engagement, NHS Hull CCG
Elaine Nisbet (EN) / Employer and Resources Director, City Health Care Partnership
Tracey Harsley (TH) on behalf of Mil Vasic / City Manager, Hull City Council
Alison Flack (AF) on behalf of Teresa Cope / Care Group Director, Humber FT
Matthew Sutcliffe (MS) / Humberside Fire & Rescue
Tina Kulikowski (TK) / Programme Officer, NHS Hull CCG
Julia Weldon (JW) / Director of Public Health and Adult Social Care, Hull City Council
Paul Jackson (PJ) / Lay Member (Strategic Change), NHS Hull CCG
Emma Sayner (ES) / Chief Finance Officer, NHS Hull CCG
Lee Rickles (LR) / Head of Innovation and Programmes, Humber NHS FT
Allen Cunningham (AC) / Humberside Fire & Rescue
Teresa Cope (TW) / Chief Operating Officer, Humber NHS Foundation Trust
Milorad Vasic (MV) / Director for Children & Family Services, Hull City Council
Nick Howbridge (NH) / Estates
Paul Kirby (PK) / DCI, Humberside Police
1 / Apologies, Welcome and Introductions
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and those present introduced themselves.
2 / Declaration of Interest
In relation to any items on the agenda of the meeting, or emerging discussions, members were reminded of their individual needs to formally declare any interests or potential areas of conflict.
There were no Declarations of Interest.
3 / Minutes of the meeting held on 10 June 2015
The minutes of the meeting held on 10 June 2015, were agreed as an accurate record.
4 / Actions – as per Action Log
Action 66– ToR - The status of this action is closed and will now be removed from the actions list.
Action 68 – The status of this action is closed and will now be removed from the action list.
Action 71– ES will provide a presentation on the Estates Review of the Cityat the October meeting. The status of this action will then be closed.
Action 72 – The status of this action is closed and will now be removed from the action list.
Action 73 – The timescale for this action 28/09/15
Action 74 – The timescale for this action 28/09/15
Action 76– The status of this action is closed and will now be removed from the action list.
Action 77 – The status of this action is closed and will now be removed from the action list.
Action 78 – The status of this action is closed and will now be removed from the action list.
Action 79 – The status of this action is closed and will now be removed from the action list.
Action 80 – The status of this action is closed and will now be removed from the action list.
Action 81 – The status of this action is closed and will now be removed from the action list.
Action 82 – The status of this action is closed and will now be removed from the action list.
5 / Revised Terms of Reference
SH explained the changes that have been made to the Terms of Reference. The following changes were noted.
  • Page 2 Governance – The Programme Delivery Board can make decisions but does not have an allocated budget therefore if resource is required the decision will have to go through the CCG Board, Health and Wellbeing Board, Cabinet or Police and Crime Commissioner.
  • Quoracy – as decisions are being made the meeting needs to be quorate as described.
(a) / The members of the Programme Delivery Board agreed the Revised Terms of Reference.
6 / Programme Update – Work steams
SH gave an introduction to the report and each Work stream lead gave an update on their programme.
Workforce & OD
EN reported that the group met on the 8th July for a workshop to develop objectives, EN reported that the work is nearly complete.
EN reported that she is a member on all of the sub groups. All are working well and attendances are very good.
Promoting Careers sub group
EN reported that she is working with Helen Knowles from HEYHT on promoting careers in the public sector.
In terms of the development of a workforce plan - EN, SH and Jacqui Blesic are meeting to work on this next week. EL requested that this include East Riding of Yorkshire.
SH stated that another objective to be added to the plan was a work stream that focuses on where we might collaborate and reduce cost. Example of an area to work on would be Training and Development across the city which could potentially reduce some of our overhead costs.
EL reported that she would like to see the following:
  • Priorities for the next 12 months
  • Baseline to measure against
  • Workforce projections
JM reported that Health Education England have done a Hull and East Yorkshire wide forecast for nursing for Hull 2020 taking into account all of the providers and not just acute trusts.
Action: link in with Health Education England
Frailty and Isolation
LW gave an update on what work is currently being done.
LW reported on the Falls pick up sub group the business case for consideration later on the agenda in relation to 2 areas where outcome measures need to be developed.
  • Rapid Response
  • Prevention
The Safe & Independent Live Group from Health and Wellbeing Board – merging the two groups, currently looking at the objectives. 2 key areas that don’t match, Housing and System Resilience. System Resilience is being picked up in that programme.
A workshop is scheduled for the 11th September where objectives will be agreed for the work stream. Frailty & Isolation is also participating in the development of the ‘Test Bed’ bid.
Thriving Communities
JS gave an update on the work stream.
JS discussed the objectives for the next 12 months and summarised as follows.
  • Working on what the voluntary sector strategy for the city will be.
  • Start to develop capacity.
  • Look at creativity and innovation
  • Look at business cases and where they thread in.
  • Alignment of small grants – collective use of monies to buy right things and outcomes
Moving towards community asset based approach – what is achievable and the critical framework element.
JS reported that the Chair of the Building Health Partnerships sits on the VCS Group, Tish Lamb, Chief Executive from Corner House.
SY reported that he has an innovation and development team who have all the voluntary coordinators in it.
Action: JS to send information on the Hull 2020 Thriving Communities Group to SY who will identify a different police representative to the group.
SL gave an update on the Communications Work stream.
SL reported that the group has now been re-established.
Have now aligned a communication lead to each of the Work streams and have asked them to be involved in the scoping workshops and help in developing the short and longer term objectives.
SL reported that where they didn’t get a volunteer they nominated someone for each of the Work streams, it is not clear if all of the links have been made yet.
Action: Follow up on the nominated individuals
SL reported that a couple of organisations are no longer represented on the group because of leaving.
Action: Follow up with organisations
SL discussed the development of the e-newsletter.
SL reported that Communications will be taking the lead on the mechanics of uploading information but it is down to each individual communication lead to provide the information.
SL reiterated that the link between work stream leads and communication leads is really vital.
SL reported that communications continue to provide practical support in terms of social media.
SH reported that communications will be working to ensure communications is a more automated process.
Clinical and Professional Reference Group
DR gave an update on the proposal going forward for the group.
DR reported that the group lacked any specific business to discuss therefore attendance was poor.
DR discussed the bullet points in the update report and one of the priorities of the group is looking at providing oversight and governance for the Medical Health Care Academy.
A discussion took place regarding business cases and DR reported that the group would hold virtual meetings to consider them and make comment via the Chairman.
There is also the potential to hold formal meetings again if going through a full transformational change consultation process.
SH explained how the process works to consider business cases on a virtual basis.
  • Business Cases are initially sent to the PMO for distribution to the supporting work streams
  • CPRG
  • Finance
  • Workforce & OD
  • IM&T
  • Estates
These Work streams will critique the content.
The challenge is actually receiving the comments back.
SH gave an update on behalf of Lee Rickles.
One of the issues has been with attendance. LR has put some action into place and written to the members of the group; highlighting that some providers/developers i.e. BT/Microsoft had been organised to attend and the group didn’t have a good attendance from members. This was not good for the image of the programme.
Action: SH and LR to continue working on ensuring good attendance
SH reported that the work plan hasn’t been formulated yet as further high level discussions need to happen regarding ‘Digital City’ and what this means for each organisation.
SH to keep EL posted if resource is an issue and is causing an obstacle for the work stream.
Children, Young People and Families
TH gave an update on behalf of Mil Vasic.
TH is planning a development session in September to work on developing a strategy. EL to be invited to attend.
TH reported on the consultation and how successful that has been with GP Practices, the role out of locality workshops and the health action meetings. TH reported that all partners including VCS were really keen.
Next steps is how to incorporate ‘best start in life’ framework
  • Identifying priorities
  • Key issues
  • Who is leading on them
  • Broader discussion with partnerships
EL raised a point that the CYPF doesn’t have providers on the group which lacks that expertise around the table. EL and MV have met to discuss working more collaboratively on the high risk areas within the city i.e. CAMHS, SALT.
EL referenced that Julia Weldon reported that she has someone from the Public Health England team [who has experience with best start in life project] starting work with them so maybe this person could support the programme.
EL advised she will be making CYPF a priority area over the next 3-6 months.
Life Choices
SH gave an update on behalf of Paul Kirby.
SH will be meeting next week with Paul Kirby and Tim Fielding to review the Terms of Reference in the context of the Health Inequalities work stream from the Health and Wellbeing Board.
Identified gaps in terms of membership of the group and have targeted different areas to get replacements.
Looking to get back on track with the revised ToR and what the group should deliver by mid September.
Community Hubs
SH gave an update.
SH discussed the workshop and reported that it was well attended.
The outputs from the workshop will be entered on the work plan.
SH described the work as action orientated.
Next step is to look at specific real cases from each agency and do a ‘look backs analysis exercise’, looking back 6 months/1 year and 2 years at a time through the case. Look at what can be put into community hub that would enable people and communities to prevent getting to that stage.
The Fire Service will be the first to present a real case to look review and identify what services or approaches could have prevented it happening.
Action: EL requested a presentation on where we are up to for the next meeting.
EL thanked everyone for their input.
7 / Risks & Issues Log
SH discussed the overall risks and issues log.
SH reported that this has now been revised to demonstrate which work streams have got leadership for some of the risks and issues and who the individual owners are.
SH described the high level risks and issues that should be listed on the log, which are attendance and capacity but currently do not appear.
SH will be meeting with each individual work stream leads during August to discuss and test the risk and issues in relation to their group.
Action: SH to simplify the log and break it down to the top 10 ten risks and issues for reporting to the Programme Delivery Board.
8 / Business Case Process & Proposed Documentation
The purpose of this report is for members to consider the process and the proposed documentation.
SH gave a summary of the process.
  1. The Work stream or sub group will write the business case that supports delivering an objective in the programme.
  2. Expectation is to write the business case as a group as you are less likely to miss anything and ensure relevant information.
  1. The business case should then go to the oversight group for discussion and any amendments.
  1. The business case will then go to the PMO for circulation to other Work streams, for scrutiny and to identify any interdependencies between the groups.
  1. The business case will then go to the Programme Board for sign off.
  1. If the commentary is quite critical, the business case may need to be returned to the authors for amendment prior to being considered and signed off at Board.
  1. The business case will then go to the Executive Board for their information only.
It was agreed that because of the frequency of the Programme Delivery Board in relation to signing off the business cases in a timely manner, any further comments could be reviewed via email then ratified at the formal meeting as long as there are no real challenges.
If the business case requires an allocation of resource, the decision should be agreed within the appropriate resource allocation groups such as the priorities panel (Hull CCG) or Joint Commissioning Committee after being approved by the PDB.
If there is a time limit then the business case can get Chairs action.
A discussion took place around the process and members raised the following:
  • Simplify in terms of looking at resource and different ways of working
  • Some scope needs to be added to the document
  • Exhort groups where you can, to try things themselves (Is an enabling group needed?)
  • Approval Form – what is it your measuring, not clear on describing what it is that is being measured, no baseline
  • Accountability – clear about decision making process
  • Community benefit needs to be measured
Action: All comments to S Hills
Action: S Hills to facilitate a workshop in writing business cases
9 / Stage 1 Gateway – Project Initiation Document
  • Service Directory
The purpose of this report is for members to consider and determine how it should proceed.
SH reported that the PID has been circulated to all Work streams for comments. SH discussed the received comments.
Further comments were received from members round the table as follows:
  • VCS and Age UK have been omitted
  • Review what we have already
  • VCS are already to go with this, how do we connect with them
  • Needs to be searchable
  • Lots of people are doing this in the city, need one way
  • More comprehensive content
  • Common technical solution, voluntary and public sector
  • Ownership and sustainability
It was agreed that the PID would be rewritten with the input from the following:
  • Thriving Communities as the lead with a task and finish sub group
  • Communications
  • IM&T
Timescale – back to PDB October
10 / Stage 2 Gateway – Business Cases for Consideration
  • Falls
  • Medical Health & Social Care Academy
The purpose of the Falls Business Case is to establish a 6 month pilot service for the Programme Delivery Board to approve.
MS talked through the content of the business case seeking assurance from board members and any comments.
Comments received from members were as follows:
  • Care Homes – was the service offered to them
  • Police/Crime Group – Authority hasn’t been given, needs to be removed
  • How can HEYHT support
  • Patients who have dementia
  • Quantative measures
  • HEYHT are currently working on a model to reduce length of stay. Implementing a community rehab fracture neck of femur. Careful we are not measuring the same benefit twice
  • Build in a metric of the impact of the blue light responses
The board approved the Business Case subject to the removal of the reference to the Police/Crime Group and build in the blue light response measures.
Medical Health & Social Care Academy
For Information to the members.
11 / Safe at Home – Connected Home Trial Evaluation Report
The purpose of this report is to provide an evaluation of the trial for members to comment.
A discussion took place around the process and lessons learned.
It was agreed for the Safe at Home to sit with the Frailty & Isolation Work stream and link in.
SH reported that there is still some capital investment sitting with KC.
Action: SH and EL to discuss
12 / Overarching outcome measures for Hull 2020
The purpose of this report is to provide a draft set of outcome measures for the board to discuss and consider.
SH explained that the outcome measures were historical ones that had been picked up but have never been approved.
SH is asking the board to consider the following:
  1. Adopt the historical ones and elaborate on them to reflect the full requirements of all partnerships members or
  2. Scrap them or
  3. Rewrite them
It was agreed to keep with the historical ones and make the relevant changes i.e. add partnership measures.
Action: SH to meet leads to get the top 3 objectives of their Work streams.
13 / Real world testing of ‘combinatorial innovation’
SH discussed the content of the report.
SH reported that Hull had made it through the first selection process.
SH reported back from the next stage of the processwhich was a national matching meeting where the Hull team were expected topitch their case as a test bed and met with various companies who had expressed an interest in meeting with us and potentially being a partner with us.
Next steps
  • Meet with more local companies over the summer. Look at who we would wish to partner with.
  • The focus on aspirations for Hull 2020 will be put forward as what we wish to solve.
  • Technology that supports individuals to manage their own conditions
  • Technology that supports professionals working with individuals to manage their care better
  • Central point, where an individual could determine what technologies were available to support them.
Calendar of the process for the next few months.
October – Attend a peer review where we will be heavily scrutinised and challenged.
Late October – The final test beds proposal goes in. Need to be clear about the specific challenge that we are trying to address and how much funding we require and what our test bed methodologies will be.
November – Clarification and Interviews.
December – Decision who will be going forward.
EL suggested sourcing some expertise to help write the bid.
Suggestions were:
  • YHASN – Yorkshire, Humber, Academic Science Network
  • C4DI – Centre for Digital Innovation
  • Professor Esme Cook, Director of Research who is the lead for dementia University of Hull
Action: Agree task and finish group
14 / Communications – key messages from the last meeting
SL reported on the key messages going forward.
  • Reiterate within the Communications group, to make sure attendance is a priority, we have the right person on that group and that they have the authority to act.
  • All information coming in that we can disseminate back, pictorial manner.

15 / AOB
There were no other items of business.
16 / Date and Time of Next Meeting
Monday 5th October 2015
3:00 – 5:00 pm
NHS CCG Boardroom, Wilberforce Court, Hull HU1 1UY

Y:\HULLCCG\Commissioning and Service Improvement\Hull 2020\Programme Delivery Board\8. Meeting docs\2015\7. Board Papers Oct 15\Final PDB Minutes 040815.docx 1 | Page