Minutes of the Environment & Recreation Committee Meeting
Date: / Thursday 19thMay2011 / Time: / 7.30pm
Place: / Committee room, Burghfield Village Hall
Present: / Mr C Greaves / Mrs C Jackson-Doerge
Mr J Sayer / Mr P Lawrence
Miss M Cresser / Mr S Hill
Mr R Hannington / Dr R Longton
In attendance: / Cally Morris (Clerk)
Apologies: / Mr I. MacFarlane
Resolved that Councillor C Greaves be elected Chairman for the duration of the meeting.
1. / Declarations of interest on agenda items
There were no agenda items requiring Members to declare either a personal or prejudicial interest.
2. / Minutes of the last meeting of the Committee
The minutes of the last meeting of the Environment and Recreation Committee held on 17th March 2011, having been circulated, were confirmed a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
3. / Matters Arising on the Minutes
i) / Following approval at the last meeting, the treatment works have been carried out at the Hatch and Common Recreation grounds.
ii) / A meeting was held with WBDC to resolve the issues relating to the positioning of the grit bins.
iii) / Permission was granted, and a successful May Fayre event was held. Council presence was noted.
iv) / Two litter wardens have been employed following interviews.
v) / Following concerns expressed at the last meeting, a review was carried out of the parish noticeboards. A request is to be forwarded to the finance committee to consider their replacement.
4. / Tree Report
Doug Mundy, the Parish Council Tree Consultant, reported on recent areas inspected, including Badgers Glade.
Resolved to undertake the additional work required within Badgers Glade, as per recommendation put forward by the council’s tree specialist and the tree officer at WBC.
The Christmas tree is to be delivered next week and installed accordingly.
5. / Recreation Ground Administration
a) / Common:
The RoSPA inspection has been carried out. Any recommendations are to be presented at the next meeting.
Disabled access to the play area was discussed. Cllr C Greaves is to investigate the possibility of Radar keys for the gates.
b) / Hatch:
WBDC have installed hoggin to the pathed area, minimising trip hazards.
A request has been received for a marquee to be erected to celebrate a weddingduring June, 2012. More information regarding the event is to be obtained. A decision will be taken by the committee at the next meeting.
Certification of the electricity supply at the Hatch is to be clarified.
c) / Old Rec. including Skate Board park:
A request from a local resident to address the noise level at the skate park by reinstating the bund was considered. A letter is to be sent advising that the bund was spoil created at the time of development of the skate park. Its intention was never to reduce noise levels. Following concerns expressed by RoSPA as to it being considered dangerous, the bund was removed.
d) / Wells:
No report
6. / Parish Maintenance – general issues
i) / A request was received regarding the erection of additional fencing at Badgers Glade. Responsibility and exact location is to be determined.
7. / Highways and Footways – general issues including:
i) / Remaining issues relating to Salt bins –
WBDC addressed all the requests for repositioning of grit bins within the parish by the council. A further review will be carried out later in the year.
ii) / Section 106 highway improvements
Work to the verge area at the Hatch has been undertaken this week. The path has been completed. The verge at the Hatch allotments is to be reviewed again at the end of the financial year.
A new component has been ordered for the traffic lights at Hose Hill. The remaining improvement works are to be carried out prior to the Autumn.
It was noted that a number of footpaths within the area were subject to overhanging vegetation. Cllr C Jackson-Doerge agreed to liaise direct with WBDC.
8. / Parish Burial Ground – to note current position and detail future actions or decisions
Upon release of the land for the proposed access track, all documentation will be ready for signing. Tenders have been received for the installation of the track.
Natural England has confirmed that the second Badger sett is inactive.
9. / To deal with any administrative issues for the:
i) / Common allotments – No report
ii) / Hatch allotments – The repairs required to the track have been carried out.
Thames Water has carried out further investigations with a promise of a fullinvestigation into the operations of the pumping station. The council are to request a full report from Thames Water. Cllr C Jackson-Doerge will liaise with the flood officer at WBDC to determine whether any pressure can be applied for progression of the issue.
iii) / Report from Allotments sub- committee meeting
The Allotment Rules werereviewed and presented to the Environment committee.
Recommendation to adopt amendments as presented. Proposed by Cllr M Cresser, seconded by Cllr R Hannington and agreed unanimously.
Resolved to reinstate the Allotment Sub-Committee for the ensuing year. Proposed by Cllr M Cresser and seconded by Cllr P Lawrence.
10. / Parish Footpath Map
Following completion, the leaflet was distributed at the May Fayre. PDF copies are to be placed on the council website.
Thanks were expressed and recorded to the clerk for her efforts.
11. / To consider litter collecting scheme by WBDC
Recommendedto replace open topped bins within the parish with the requested Topsy 2000 bins. Upon replacement the council are to enter into an annual contract with WBDC for the weekly emptying of all parish litter bins.
12. / Millennium pavilion
Required maintenance work has been completed by contractor.
A quotation has been requested for replacement fascia boards.
13. / To note current position regarding CCTV monitoring
A quotation was received for the CCTV monitoring at the pavilion and skate park. Further information is to be sought and presented at the next meeting for consideration.
14. / Review requests and associated charges for Football pitches
The committee were in receipt of formal applications for the coming season.
It was recommended that two pitches be marked out, side by side, to allow for the pitches to be alternated, therefore allowing the grass to recover fully in-between matches.
Recommendedto keep the annual charges the same for the new season. However , a clause will be included in the hire agreement advising that any damage caused is to be invoiced accordingly.
Resolved to respond to YMCA advising that the pitches were in full use for the coming season. It was suggested they contact CSA, Burghfield.
15. / Burghfield Parish Public Transport – to discuss outline proposal from WBDC
Information had been received from WBDC in relation to the style, design and positioning of a bus shelter on the Clayhill Road.
Recommendedto respond to WBDC advising that as a bus shelter had not been requested, it would be preferable for the monies to be allocated to Pedestrian safety within Burghfield.
16. / Consider development of an Emergency Plan
A draft template is to be forwarded to Cllr C Jackson-Doerge and Cllr P Lawrence to for consideration. A report will be presented to members at the next meeting.
17. / Items for information only
It was noted that complaints have been registered with WBDC regarding the chicane at The Bantam public house. Investigations are being made into its removal.
The installation of a pedestrian crossing at the Forge garage is being pursued.
Meeting closed at 21.09pm