Crenshaw High School
Positive Behavior Matrix for Common Areas
Common Area / Be Respectful / Be Responsible / Be SafeHallways /
- Use appropriate language and volume.
- Respect school’s and others’ property.
- Use drinking fountains appropriately.
- Move to class on time.
- Walk at all times.
- Keep hands and feet to self.
Restrooms /
- Respect privacy of others.
- Respect school’s and others’ property.
- Inform adults of vandalism.
- Flush toilet.
- Keep restroom clean.
- Wash hands.
- Put towels in garbage.
- Leave immediately.
- Horseplay is prohibited.
Assemblies /
- Listen responsibly.
- Applaud appropriately.
- Focus on presentation.
- Remain with your class.
- Wait for dismissal instructions.
Before School /
- Respect the community.
- Socialize appropriately on campus.
- Pick up litter.
- Move to class on time.
- Refrain from gathering on the perimeter of the school.
After School /
- Respect the community.
- Move expeditiously to next activity or home.
- Refrain from gathering in the community.
- Walk in pairs.
- Observe all traffic ordinances.
Lunch Area /
- Eat your own food.
- Keep your hands, feet and objects to yourself.
- Wait in line patiently.
- Clean your area and place trash in proper containers.
- Sit only in appropriate places.
- Walk at all times.
- Wait in line patiently.
- Report spills.
Campus /
- Respect authority.
- Keep your hands, feet and objects to
- Respond to adults appropriately.
- Attend to a clean campus.
- Remain on campus in a supervised area.
- Adhere to Safety Dress Code.
Be Respectful! Be Responsible!! Be Safe!!!
Crenshaw High School
School-wide Positive Behavior Support Plan (SW-PBS)
Statement of Purpose
The learning community of Crenshaw High School includes students, parents, community partners, teachers, staff, and administrators, must work collaboratively to create and maintain a respectful, responsible and safe environment which promotes teaching, learning and ultimately establishes a climate in which appropriate behavior is the norm.
We not only teach academics, we also teach social skills and appropriate behaviors in group situations. As educators, we must model the expected behavior. We must also model better ways to respond to others in disagreeable situations. Our goal is to calm tense situations and help students return to appropriate behavior. We should intervene in ways that help us to connect to our students and allow them to save face so they don’t feel the need to confront, retaliate or escalate.
School-wide Expectations
- Be in your seat and prepared to work before class begins.
- Treat others and yourself with respect.
- Clean up after yourself and others.
- Complete and submit all assignments on time.
- Eat only in appropriate areas at assigned times.
- Follow all school and classroom rules.
- Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
- Walk on campus.
- Comply with Audubon’s Uniform Policy and Safety Dress Code
Classroom Expectations
Each teacher will develop and post a set of clear, specific, classroom rules, consequences, rewards, awards, and incentives.
Flexibility must be built into the system to allow for consideration of all circumstances in an attempt to administer reasonable and fair justice while helping the student to resolve the situation and learn displaying better behavior. Consequences should be educational promoting the expected behavior. The educational approach to discipline promotes restitution to those who were victimized, the making of amends to soothe a tense situation, building relationships and the learning of more appropriate behavior. Consequences that are paired with meaningful instruction and guidance offer students an opportunity to connect their misbehavior with new learning, participate in contributing to the school community, and are more likely to re-engage the student in learning.
Consistent Consequences
Teacher Assigned Consequences:
- Counsel the student
- Re-teach the expectation(s)
- Assist the student in modifying the undesirable behavior
- Telephone parent(s) / guardian(s)
- Arrange conference with parent and student
- Seek assistance from other resources (fellow teacher, Resource Specialist, School Psychologist or referral to Counselor)
- Assign class suspension
Consequences from Support Staff:
- Arrange Parent/Teacher/Student conference
- Refer student to Intervention Counselor or Specialist
- Assign Campus Beautification
- Suspend student from class
- Assign after school/Saturday Detention
- Assign in-house / at-home Suspension
- Collaborate with Magnet Administrator
- Arrange Opportunity Transfer to another school
- Recommend Expulsion from LAUSD
Incentives / Rewards
A system of positive consequences, incentives, and/or rewards is used to motivate desired student behavior, and to correct and replace undesired student behavior. Individual teachers are encouraged to give recognition to students who display appropriate work habits and cooperation. Each teacher can accomplish this by:
- Posting names of outstanding and improving students in the classroom (Example: a Who’s Who of the Week using different categories
- Giving certificates for excellent or improved behavior
- Sending Complimentary Notices to parents
- Giving verbal praise or written praise reports such as “Good Grams”
- Issuing the aforementioned when students are “caught being good” for acts such as: dissuading other students from fighting, dispute resolution/peer mediation, turning in a found valuable, voluntary campus beautification, demonstrating leadership skills during a drill or crisis situation.
- Collecting award slips for a monthly drawing for larger rewards.
Alternatives to At- Home Suspensions
Alternative means to provide students with educational and personal supports while suspensions take place and students remain on campus and are assisted in: increasing self-confidence, gaining access to counseling services as needed to eradicate the causes and effects of Anger Management, Bullying, and Substance Abuse which facilitates a student’s return to appropriate behaviors. Alternatives include:
- Intent to Suspend Notification to parents (requires immediate / mandatory parent conference prior to a student’s return)
- After school and Saturday intervention/detention
- In-School Suspension (Student assigned to InterventionCenter)
- Class Suspension (Student assigned to InterventionCenter)
- On (or off) campus community service
- Behavior modification case studies / affirmation essays
- Mandatory After School / Saturday tutoring, life skills development, academic support
- Access to counseling services to assist in personal issues that may affect academic performance
- Referral to outside counseling agencies
- Referral to Intervention counselor
General Student Expectation of Behavior
Be Respectful
- Use appropriate language
- Respect the rights, feelings and properties of others.
- Respect school property.
- Respect adult authority.
Be Responsible
- Attend all classes on time and arrive with all necessary materials.
- Use or display of cell phones is strictly prohibited during school hours
- Keep personal property in a safe place.
- Follow directions the first time given.
- Wait in lines patiently.
Be Safe
- Walk bicycles while on campus and store in designated area.
- Remain on campus in a supervised area during school hours.
- Walk at all times.
- Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
- Adhere to Uniform Policy and Safety Dress Code
- Refrain from running/gathering with/in large groups of students
Be Respectful! Be Responsible!! Be Safe!!!