Department of Emergency Management & Homeland Security

Training and NIMS Implementation Committee

September 25, 2007 Meeting Minutes

Hartford, CT


Dave Brown

Jack Casner

David Gofstein

Dan Scace

Wayne Sandford

Sgt. Robert Grega

Jeff Morrissette

Susan Rainville

Ed Richards

Joe Sastre

Deb Smith

Steve Walsh

Mary Duley

The meeting was called to order by Deputy Commissioner Wayne Sandford at 13:42 hours.

A motion was made by Jack Casner to approve the May 29, 2007 Meeting Minutes and was Seconded by Susan Rainville. Motion passed.

Old Business

Review and Revision of State’s NIMS Plan:A discussion took place regarding a review and revision to the state’s NIMS plan. Deputy Commission Sandford recommended we hold off any action until Dave Brown has an opportunity to attend the national NIMS meeting at the end of October. Deb Smith from Yale New Haven’s Office of Emergency Preparedness spoke about the ambiguity of training and education, timeframes and evaluations. Wayne Sandford reported that the feds are seeking assistance from the states to evaluate compliance (NIMS Police). We need to begin to promote local municipalities to utilize and fill out NIMSCAST documents. Dan Scace reported that locals are hesitant to report to the Capitol Region regarding compliance. He suggested DEMHS send out a compliance reminder document. Joe Sastre had concerns about the legitimacy of data from NIMSCAST. Deb Smith stated the new five-year plan prescribes contact hours.

September 25, 2007

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Plain Language Subcommittee Update: Deputy Commissioner Sandford stated that the Interoperability Committee has our draft proposal and will be ruling on it at some point after they review a grant guidance document that may also speak on the issue.

Scholarship Subcommittee Update: Deputy Commissioner Sandford reported that training monies are not allowed to be used for this purpose from the ‘06 funds but is ok in ’07. DEMHS is looking at the budget to determine whether they can earmark any funding to this project.

New Business

DHS NIMS Five Year Training Plan: Committee members were asked to forward any comments to Dave Brown by October 5th.

2008 NIMS Implementation and Compliance: Item Tabled

DEMHS Resource Typing Activity: Deputy Commission Sandford reported that DEMHS is providing funding to the RPO’s with a new requirement mandating they facilitate resource typing on a regional level. Dave Gofstein reported that Public Works is working with DEMHS and they have added approximately 12 asset items not included in the federal resource typing guidance.

Items to be Raised by Committee Members

Dan Scace distributed information from CREPC regarding EMS Hazardous Response Training. He also reported their partnering with colleges to promote and deliver training.

Deputy Commission Sandford inquired as to Committee Members view as to overall NIMS compliance success. Generally it was thought we are a head of the curve as compared to a majority of states.

Meeting was Adjourned at 14:48 hours.

The next scheduled meeting is Tuesday, January 29, 2008.