Warbstow Parish Council

Minutes of the AGM held on

10th May 2016 at 7.30 PM

At Canworthy Water Sunday School

PRESENT: Philip Uglow (Chairman), Trevor Shute (Vice Chairman), Roger Jones, Winston Grigg, Roger Bolt, David Uglow, Paul Wood, Coralie Short (Clerk)


1 Apologies


2 Signing of Last Minutes

/ Proposed by David Uglow
Seconded by Roger Jones

3 Election Of Chair

Philip Uglow and Roger Jones step Down.
Gerry Asked to chair meeting:
Philip Uglow is nominated by Winston Grigg and Seconded By David Uglow
No other candidates.

4 Election Of Vice Chair

Roger Jones was nominated by Trevor Shute and Seconded by Winston Grigg

5 Decleration Of Interests


6 Councillors Dispensations


7 Matters Arising from last Meeting

7.1 War Memorial – No bill as yet

7.2 Dowinney Mission Update - No Developments since last meeting

7.3 Pot Holes – A lot of Pot holes are advertised in paper as being fixed over the next couple of months

/ Review at next meeting

7.4 CALC – Update on Using email in planning decisions – No Further Information.

/ 1

7.5 Transparency fund and using money for equipment -

Agreed that a projector, screen and Laptop can be bought up to the £700 given / Proposed by
Paul Wood
Seconded by
Trevor Shute

7.6 Warbstow and Eden Youth Club – Closed

Letter received from Alison Hoather to say that the Youth club was closed on the 24th Feb 2016 due to lack of members and not being able to find a new leader.
They would like to use the money to help fund her new ' Young at Heart' meeting that meets at Eden Chapel.
We need to decide if we are happy for the money that was donated to the youth Club at the last meeting February should be used for this new club.
Councillors are opposed to the money being used and that the money should be returned and that the 'young at heart' club should come and represent themselves if they would like a donation. / Coralie to write letter to Alison and ask for the funding to be returned – review at next meeting.
7.7 Small Authority External Audit Arrangements
Further to our last meeting it seems that we may have jumped the gun when thinking that we should opt out of these audit arrangements, the cost would have been more and it would have been more complicated, so we are staying in.

8 Community Fund – update on areas that could have funding:

  • Warbstow Hall – Sound Proofing – there is worry about the hall after it becomes an academy – how will the ongoing management of the hall be affected? Should this be paid for by the school?
We need to decide our Criteria when looking at projects.
  • Bus Shelters in Trelash and Canworthy Water
  • Defibrillators in Trelash and Canworthy Water

9 Parish Planning

10 9.1 PA16/03271 Removal of Agricultural Occupancy

Parish Objected to the agricultural occupancy being lifted on the balance of the Information Presented. For – 1 Against - 4

/ Coralie to email Planning

9.2 PA16/02170 Fentringan Manor – Pole Barn Conversion

The council supports this application = For - 5 Against - 2

/ Coralie to email planning

9.3 Two Houses at Avallen Warbstow – Update

Council have asked if they can have delegated powers to approve this, planning meeting will be held and they would like someone to come and represent Warbstow

10 Councillors Register of Interest – Forms to be filled in

/ Coralie to send to Council .

11 Financial Update and Yearly Payments -

£13917.60 Bank Balance
Money due in £1250
Total £15167.60
Payment to be made to:
Clerk -£138.25
Canworthy Water Methodist Chapel and Graveyard £40 and £125
Warbstow Church £125
Bethel Chapel - £100 / Propsed by
Winston Grigg
Seconded by
David Uglow

12 Any other Business

  • Stone and Flower Pots on the Warbstow Road Dangerous
  • Mud on the roads – it is just the time of year.
/ Next meeting agenda

13 Date of Next Meeting

The 19th July 2016 7.30pm Canworthy Water Sunday School

14 Close of Meeting - 9.15pm