Hill Middle School PTSA Grant Request

Due: Friday, February 19, 2016

Hill Middle School PTSA proudly supports the teachers and school programs through this Grant Request Form. We ask that you check with the school, outside scholarships/grants, and possible donors prior to submitting this request. By performing your due diligence, it enables Hill Middle School PTSA to help fund more supplies, activities, and programs. We also ask that you check with more than one source or distributor to compare costs.

Please be advised that submittal of a grant request does not guarantee its funding. In addition, approval of a request does not guarantee funding in subsequent years. Priority will be given to requests that benefit the greatest population of students, will enhance student development, and encourage active student participation and that are in line with the mission of the PTSA.

Each request must be submitted on the attached form.

*** For teachers/staff, the form must be forwarded to the school Principal for review to ensure there is no duplication and the request is appropriate for PTSA support. All teacher/staff requests must be approved by the Principal to be considered.


1.  Complete the attached form by February 19, 2016.

2.  Submit a soft copy to PTSA Julia Ballent at or a hard copy in an envelope marked “PTSA Grant Request” to the school office, including your paperwork and/or research notes as an attachment.

3.  You will be notified via e-mail that your Grant Request Form was received.

4.  The PTSA Officers will meet with the Principal and PTSA Executive Board to discuss and vote to approve or deny the Grant Request.

5.  Grant Requests approved by the PTSA Executive Board will be discussed and presented for approval at the next PTSA General meeting.

6.  You will be notified of your grant status after the PTSA General meeting vote is finalized.

If your grant is approved:

Please submit your original receipts attached to a completed Hill Middle School PTSA Reimbursement/Payment Form (under Hill Middle School/ PTSA/ Documents, Forms, and General Info) and your PTSA Grant Request Form. Keep a copy for your own records.

Hill Middle School PTSA Grant Request – Due February 19, 2016.

Teacher/Organization/Club/Parent: ______

Point of Contact: ______

Phone number: ______Email Address: ______

Title of Proposal: ______

Approximate Number of Students that will benefit from grant: ______Grade Level(s): ______

Total funds requested: ______Date Response Needed: ______

Project Description: Please describe what the funds will be used for, how students will benefit, how it fits into the school curriculum, etc. Please attach additional pages if necessary.


Other resources/grants/scholarships that I have researched that might help fund this request. ______

Teacher/Parent Signature

I have researched this proposal and have compared prices among different sources and/or distributors to ensure I am getting the best price. I agree to submit all paperwork to the PTSA Treasurer at least 14 days before the bill is due and will submit receipts/invoices within 14 days of purchase. I understand it is my responsibility to stay within the budget parameters I have outlined above. I will do my best to communicate to parents that this was made possible through a grant from Hill Middle School PTSA.

Teacher/Parent Signature______Date______

Principal Signature (Required for Teacher/Staff requests)

I have read and support this proposal and its implementation. It is compatible with Hill Middle School and IPSD 204 policies, but cannot be funded through our budget.

Principal Signature______Date______

***PTSA Use Only Date Received ______

Grant Approved / Denied Amount Funded $______Date Approved/Denied ______

Denial Explanation______

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