VBG Sports Nutrition / Elite Bundle

NUTRILITE® ROC2O Isotonic Drink Mix

ROC2O Isotonic Drink Mix is a powder you add to water. When mixed with 13.5 fl. oz. (400 mL) of water, it has an osmolality close to that of blood (~295 mOsm/kg) that enables optimal fluid absorption compared to water alone. It contains electrolytes, macronutrients, micronutrients, and phytonutrients not typically found in purified water. It replenishes and rebalances electrolytes (sodium and potassium) lost during physical activity.Electrolytes enhance taste and facilitate absorption of fluids, contributing to a more complete rehydration.

NUTRILITE® Protein Shakes

NutriliteProtein Shakes provide 25 g of satiating protein per serving, which helps maintain lean body mass. Protein is made up of amino acids which are the building blocks for muscle development and repair. The protein requirement for athletes is higher than that for non-exercising individuals:

·  Endurance athletes need 1.2–1.4 g protein per kg body weight, which is over 1.5 times the Daily Value for protein (0.55-0.64 g of protein per pound of body weight).

·  Strength athletes need 1.8–2.0 g protein per kg body weight, which is more than double the Daily Value for protein (0.82-0.91 g of protein per pound of body weight).

NutriliteProtein Shakes also contain the exclusiveNutriliteC-Lenium Blend, which provides antioxidant protection from harmful free radicals generated by intense and prolonged exercise.

Nutrilite®Rhodiola 110 – Blister Pack

Rhodiola 110 that helps you increase mental and physical performance … and shorten your body’s recovery time? The central ingredient is Rhodiola Rosea, an Arctic herb used as an all–purpose adaptogenic tonic since ancient times. More recently, Russian scientists have studied its ability to enhance performance and reduce stress. Rhodiola 110 also contains natural caffeine from green tea extract that, combined with Rhodiola Rosea, may promote more vigorous workouts

NUTRILITE® DOUBLE X® Vitamin/Mineral/Phytonutrient

This power-packed supplement is more than just a multi.DoubleX gives you a blend of essentials – 12 vitamins and 10 minerals. And it features 20 natural plant concentrates for even broader antioxidant protection and unbeatable health benefits. It also helps unlock natural energy stores. You get a full month’s supply of gold, silver, and bronze tablets and a reusable case. NUTRILITE® DOUBLE X® Vitamin/Mineral/Phytonutrient offers you a powerful balance of vitamin, mineral, and natural plant concentrate protection. It delivers benefits you can count on, like natural energy.And it helps with DNA stability, stimulation of protective liver enzyme activity, and heart, skin, bone, and eye health. It’s alsokosher and halalcertified(PDF).
DOUBLE X helps protect your DNA
In randomized testing, 120 subjects took DOUBLE X twice a day for 6 weeks. Blood samples were taken at baseline and week 6. At the end of the study, everyone taking DOUBLE X showed improved DNA stability. And those with DNA damage in the top half of the range at baseline showed almost twice as much improvement.
NUTRILITE Brand Position on Banned Substances
NUTRILITE products are formulated not to contain any ingredients banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), the official agency to monitor banned substances.* NUTRILITE recommends that athletes with specific concerns seek approval from a health-care professional before takingsupplements.

Perfect Empowered Drinking Water™

Any bottled waters contain names and labels with enticing images of cool mountain streams, peaceful tropical settings, or other inducements to give the appearance of pure water. However, most bottled water and even some of those with the enticing labels start out with whatever source of clean drinking water is available to the particular location of the bottling plant -- which is typically from some public water source. Many municipal water sources come from rivers, wells, aquifers, and reservoirs with water that started out as snow from the mountains. The big issue is not so much what the source of the water is, but rather whether or not the bottling company cleans the water whatever the source. Regardless of the source, to ensure a good bottled drinking water all bottled drinking water needs to be cleaned and purified. Even the water from supposedly pristine mountain streams and lakes may contain potential dangerous microbes such as Giardia and E-coli. As a society we cannot escape the harmful chemicals and bacteria that affect our water supplies. As a result, it does not matter where the water comes from … IT MATTERS WHAT YOU DO TO IT! We start with some of the cleanest drinking water available, but that’s still not good enough for us -- or for you! To ensure that you get the best water we can produce, Perfect Empowered Drinking Water utilizes a proprietary 15-step purification process as just the beginning in making water “so perfect that Mother Nature would be jealous!”

NUTRILITE® Energy Bars

The right balance of carbs and protein for a sustained workout. NUTRILITE C-Lenium Blend provides antioxidant protection from harmful free radicals generated by exercise.
WADA compliant. NUTRILITE Energy Bars help you sustain energy and endurance, with the right blend of carbohydrates and protein. The bars provide the protein you need to help you build muscle and strength for the long run. And NUTRILITE C-Lenium Blend provides antioxidant protection from harmful free radicals. No artificial colors, flavors, or preservative.

NUTRILITE® Energy Bars

XS Energy Drinks deliver a powerful punch of B vitamins to help boost mental and physical energy. XS Energy Drinks are packed with energizing vitamins and bursting with great taste, yet they don’t contain the level of sugar and carbs you see in other popular energy drinks. Choose from 13 tantalizing varieties, including three that are caffeine free, or step it up to XS Gold Energy Plus – the premium XS drink that combines Essentra®, a form of the Ashwagandha root, with herbs, vitamins, and powerful fruits such as acai and mangosteen, to really crank up the energy level!

For information please visit product websites:

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Product Descriptions: www.amway.com/vbcvbg, www.nutrilite.com, www.drinkperfectwater.com,

