VHPA (formerly HSU VIC NO. 3 BRANCH)
Band / Level 1 / Membership Officer / Receptionist (to top of Level 2)1 / $47,170
2 / $48,451
3 / $49,958
4 / $51,014
Level 2
1 / $53,013
2 / $54,281
3 / $55,559
4 / $56,851
5 / $58,173
Level 3 / Organiser (to top of Level 4)
1 / $59,926
2 / $61,310
3 / $62,692
4 / $64,076
5 / $65,459
6 / $66,842
Level 4 / Office Manager
1 / $69,914
2 / $71,451
3 / $72,987
4 / $74,524
5 / $76,059
6 / $77,597
Level 5 / Lead Organiser
1 / $82,208
2 / $84,973
3 / $87,739
4 / $90,503
5 / $93,269
6 / $96,037
Level 6 / Senior Industrial Officer
1 / $99,109
2 / $101,804
3 / $104,509
4 / $107,215
5 / $109,922
6 / $112,640
VHPA (formerly HSU VIC NO. 3 BRANCH)
General Description
An employee, other than a trainee or an employee otherwise classified, exercisingbasic levels of administrative skill and responsibility.
Level of Supervision, Independence
Works under general supervision.
Problem Solving, Judgement
Applies knowledge to resolve routine problems.
Organisational and Professional Knowledge
Follows organisational policies and procedures and applies knowledge to effectivelycomplete tasks.
Qualifications and Experience
Secondary education, word processing and other software skills as required, basicelectronic communications skills (internet, email, fax, telephone).
Indicative Skills and Responsibilities
- Receive and pass on messages to facilitate information flow and routinecommunication
- Apply knowledge of the Union to respond to inquiries and promote Union services
- Assist processing of incoming and outgoing mail
- Follow Union policies and procedures, including OH&S
- Participate in allocation and completion of team tasks
- Collect and provide information to facilitate information flow and research
- Provide information and advice to union members within areas ofknowledge
- Handle information to maintain access and security of records
- Maintain and update information records systems – electronic or paper, libraryresources, databases
- Maintain diaries for meetings and appointments
- Assist with the booking, preparation, set-up and take-down of meeting rooms
- Assist in the organisation of travel and accommodation
- Utilise word processing, database, internet and email, and other software asrequired for the performance of tasks
- Conduct of reception responsibilities, greeting and directing visitors
- Receive incoming goods
- Distribute media releases electronically and maintain list of recipients.
Level 2
General Description
An employee exercising advanced levels of administrative skill and responsibility.
Level of Supervision, Independence
Works under general supervision, independently undertakes tasks andresponsibilities.
Problem Solving, Judgement
Capacity to resolve problems within areas of responsibility, and exercise judgementin the completion of tasks.
Organisational and Professional Knowledge
Well-developed knowledge of the organisation, follows organisational policies andprocedures, applies knowledge to answer or redirect inquiries, and exercises discretion.
Qualifications and Experience
Secondary education, post-secondary where required in a position, competence inthe use of information and electronic communications technology.
Indicative Skills and Responsibilities
- Indicative skills required at Level 1
- Participate in the training and coordination of staff at Level 1
- Word process and format complex texts, produce high quality documentation
- Produce accurate copy from aural recordings
- Provide administrative and organisational support to specified employees
- Plan appointments and meetings
- Provide accurate information and advice concerning Union services and productsto meet external inquiries and needs
- Liaise with external organisations and contacts, media representatives
- Refer and redirect telephone inquiries to relevant external organisations
- Process incoming and outgoing mail, draft responses to correspondence, andredirect mail
- Promote Union services
- Answer inquiries and provide industrial advice in accordance with organisationalpolicies and procedures
- Co-ordinate and manage own work schedule with that of others to achieve teamgoals
- Set up, maintain and update information and filing systems including electronic files
- Establish, manage and update contact lists
- Carry out daily back-up of electronic information
- Use advanced functions of a range of office equipment
- Carry out basic electronic-based and documentary research
- Dispatch regular electronic or documentary information
- Place information on the website in accordance with established procedures
- Design and develop documents, reports and work sheets
- Liaise with team members to allocate and complete tasks within time limitations
- Organise the booking, preparation, set-up and take-down of meeting rooms
- Input financial data, maintain daily financial records
- Generate invoices and issue receipts
- Assist with the production of end-of-period financial reports
- Carry out routine banking and associated record keeping
- Provide administrative support for events including registration of attendees,preparation of name cards, organisation of catering, preparation of minutes andagenda papers
- Organise travel and accommodation
- Manage the expense claims process of staff in accordance with organisationalprocedures
- Provide assistance with media and communications
- Coordinate focus groups
- Collect, sort, edit, compile and distribute daily media clippings
- Contribute to publications.
Level 3
General Description
An employee exercising specialised and advanced levels of administrative skill andresponsibility, or exercising skills and responsibilities in other specialised functionssuch as in a financial, communications or research role, at a comparable level.
Level of Supervision, Independence
Works independently in the areas of skill and responsibility, with limited andoccasional supervision, reporting to a more senior employee or manager.
Problem Solving, Judgement
Well-developed capacity to identify and resolve problems and exercise judgementwithin areas of responsibility.
Organisational and Professional Knowledge
Advanced knowledge of the ACTU, capacity to contribute to administrative andorganisational policies and procedures, exercises discretion.
Qualifications and Experience
Secondary education, post-secondary or tertiary where required in a position, highdegree of competence in the use of information technology.
Indicative Skills and Responsibilities
- Indicative skills required at Levels 1 and 2
- Coordinate staff at Levels 1 and 2
- Train and advise staff at Levels 1 and 2
- Provide advanced levels of administrative and organisational support to specified employees
- Plan appointments and meetings and organise a work schedule on behalf ofothers
- Liaise and organise work with other staff, external people and organisations, members and stakeholders on behalf of the Secretary and/or specified employees
- Draft the content of documentation for meetings, briefings, and correspondence
- Manage incoming and outgoing correspondence and communications includingpro-actively prioritising issues
- Supervise an established records system
- Initiate, research and prepare specific data and information
- Establish, organise and maintain library resources and records systems
- Input financial data, maintain daily financial records, produce routine end-ofperiodreports, and monitor cash control
- Process all payments and receipts, generate invoices and issue receipts
- Organise banking and ensure keeping of relevant records
- Prepare authorisations for payment of accounts
- Ensure correct processing of expense claims, travel authorisation and staffreimbursements and maintain accurate records
- Follow-up of debtors
- Assist in the processing of payroll
- Monitor stock levels to maintain supplies
- Maintain basic financial records for reporting purposes
- Assist with compliance with statutory requirements in relation to issues includingtaxation, insurance, workers compensation and corporations law
- Coordinate guest/delegate registration at events, assist in the planning andorganisation of major events and conferences
- Maintain equipment or software inventory
- Coordinate the production of marketing materials
- Organise and coordinate communications research, and compile and presentresults
- Prepare and present data and information to other staff and the Branch Committee
- Negotiate agreements, subject to authorisation, with external service providers orfor the provision of Union services and products
- Plan and schedule routine maintenance, repairs and modifications
- Design, print and produce high quality documents using advanced informationtechnology, printing and associated equipment
- Maintain office equipment
- Electronically assemble and combine data and images.
Level 4
General Description
An employee with specialist responsibilities in an administrative, communications,research, industrial, financial, organising, services or educational role.
Level of Supervision, Independence
Required to work independently, and establish individual goals consistent with thework program of the team. Reports to team leader, may be required to directlysupervise work of other staff.
Problem Solving, Judgement
Well-developed capacity to identify and resolve problems and exercise judgementwithin areas of responsibility.
Organisational and Professional Knowledge
Advanced and detailed knowledge of the ACTU, sound knowledge of affiliatedunions, participates in the development of administrative and organisational policiesand procedures, exercises discretion.
Qualifications and Experience
Post-secondary qualifications, tertiary education for some specialist areas.
Indicative Skills and Responsibilities
- Indicative skills at Levels 1, 2 and 3 as required
- Coordinate and supervise staff at Levels 1, 2 and 3
- Train and advise staff at Levels 1, 2 and 3
- Represent the Union in external forums, advocate Union services and products
- Establish and maintain financial records and generate financial reports
- Maintain and process payroll
- Maintain staff records
- Produce reports for cash flow forecasts and budgetary purposes
- Assist in the preparation of budgets
- Monitor and advise where action is required in relation to debtors, creditors andfinancial reporting
- Liaise with auditors, accountants
- Oversight all payments and receipts
- Oversight banking and ensure keeping of relevant records
- Oversight authorisations for payment of accounts
- Establish and maintain procedures for the processing of expense claims, travelauthorisation and staff reimbursements, ensure accurate records
- Ensure compliance with statutory requirements in relation to issues includingtaxation, insurance, workers compensation and corporations law
- Supervise cash control
- Negotiate agreements with external service providers or for the provision of Unionservices and products
- Participate in union and community campaigns
- Research and analyse industrial and economic information
- Provide advice on industrial and economic policy
- Interpret awards and agreements
- Collate and analyse statistical data, present reports
- Provide advice in order to meet current and anticipated requirements of externalservice providers, unions or union members
- Write and produce information and material concerning Union services andproducts
- Generate sponsorship for union events and activities
- Develop and implement proposals for projects and campaigns within the identifiedwork program
- Conduct educational sessions in accordance with established procedures andcurricula
- Participate in the development of union educational material and programs
- Organise, as part of a team, employees and union members
- Apply knowledge of political and industrial environment to design, organise,coordinate and conduct communications research, and analyse, interpret andpresent results
- Apply knowledge of political and industrial environment to anticipate, analyse andinterpret events and news, and develop and respond to communications andcampaign opportunities.
Level 5
General Description
An employee with specialist skills, qualifications and responsibilities in a supervisory,communications, research, industrial, legal, organising, services or educational role.
Level of Supervision, Independence
Capacity to identify, initiate and carry out work independently, reporting to managersas required.
Problem Solving, Judgement
Independent capacity to identify, analyse and resolve problems, exercise discretion,and seek advice.
Organisational and Professional Knowledge
Well-developed capacity to represent the Union based upon sound organisationalknowledge, experience and qualifications. Demonstrated understanding of unions and the political environment.
Qualifications and Experience
Tertiary qualifications generally required. Experience in industrial relations, law, unioneducation, union organising, communications or in other relevant specialistdisciplines is required.
Indicative Skills and Responsibilities
- Indicative skills at Levels 1, 2, 3 and 4 as required
- Coordinate and supervise staff at Levels 1, 2, 3 and 4
- Train and advise staff at Levels 1, 2, 3 and 4
- Represent the Union in external forums and industrial tribunals
- Advocate Union policies, services and products
- Research and develop Union policy
- Interpret and analyse complex information, and provide detailed advice
- Plan, organise, manage and coordinate major events and conferences
- Develop, seek approval for, and adhere to project budgets
- Initiate and generate sponsorship for major Union events, and managerelationships with sponsors
- Initiate, negotiate and manage significant contracts and agreements for theprovision of services
- Development of day to day media strategy and liaison with media
- Provide advice concerning media strategy, prepare media statements
- Maintain and develop electronic communications, including websites
- Prepare detailed material for media resources
- Develop communications policy and strategy and advise unions
- Plan, coordinate and implement campaigns including union organising campaigns
- Organise and represent union members in workplaces
- Negotiate industrial agreements and represent employees in industrial disputes
- Coordinate the delivery of Union services with other organisations
- Work within specific communities, provide advocacy and representation, supportcommunity action
- Liaise with and represent the Union within international organisations and forums
- Organise and deliver courses of union education aimed at all levels of unionofficials, delegates and members
- Research, design and deliver courses of union education
- Facilitate strategic planning
- Deliver training, and support and monitor the progress oftrainees and assess competence
- Develop strategies for the implementation of policies and components of a workprogram
- Provide team leadership, supervise projects
- Prepare submissions to tribunals and parliamentary inquiries
- Provide legal, industrial, political advice
- Participate in political lobbying
- Convene and manage meetings to achieve identified goals
- Assist in the development of work programs
- Coordinate and ensure the efficient and effective operation of administrative,financial reporting, communications and office systems
- Plan and establish office administration systems and procedures
- Supervise and oversight financial reporting systems, and review to meet changingdemands
- Supervise and ensure maintenance of staff management records
- Analyse financial reports to assess compliance with budgets, and identify issuesrequiring action
- Prepare budgets
- Manage assets, and establish and maintain asset register and asset managementrecords
- Organise and manage administrative staff to meet organisational goals
- Apply problem solving techniques to achieve organisational and team goals.
Level 6
General Description
An employee with substantial experience, with leadership and/or supervisory andmanagement responsibility, and specialist qualifications and responsibilities in asupervisory, communications, industrial, policy, legal, organising, services oreducational role.
Level of Supervision, Independence
As a senior employee, work without supervision, advising and reporting to the Secretary and/or managers as required.
Problem Solving, Judgement
Excellent skills in independently identifying, analysing and resolving problems.Demonstrated capacity to exercise sound judgment and discretion.
Organisational and Professional Knowledge
Highly developed capacity to represent the Union based upon substantial anddemonstrated organisational knowledge, experience and qualifications. Extensiveknowledge of unions and the political environment is essential.
Qualifications and Experience
Tertiary qualifications generally required. Substantial experience in industrialrelations, law, union education, union organising, communications or in other relevantspecialist disciplines is essential.
Indicative Skills and Responsibilities
- Indicative skills at Levels 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 as required
- Coordinate and supervise staff at Levels 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
- Train and advise staff at Levels 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
- Develop and implement projects, campaigns and work programs
- Supervise and manage staff to ensure the successful completion of tasks,projects, campaigns and work programs
- Plan and conduct assessments of projects, campaigns and work programs
- Participate in the selection of staff and review staff performance
- Prepare detailed policy advice for consideration of Union Officers and policymaking forums
- Analyse income and expenditure projections to develop budgets and interpretfinancial reports to ensure that budgetary targets are met
- Analyse the political environment, provide advice, and independently conduct political lobbying
- Provide sound leadership in the workplace
- Establish and manage effective relationships in the workplace
- Advocate and facilitate change and innovation in the organisation of theworkplace
- Provide professional advice in legal, industrial, communications, educational,economic or other specialist disciplines
- Represent the Union in major hearings before tribunals and inquiries
- Represent the Union and employees in industrial negotiations, majorcampaigns and disputes
- Represent and advocate Union policies in major union and community forums.