Table of Contents


Staffing 6

Handbook Details 7


Setting Setting based mentor 9

University EYP Mentor 10

UniversityTutor 11

Professional Role and Conduct 12

Setting/School’s preparation and ongoing support for trainee 12

General Principles 13

Assessment of trainees 13

Achieving a successful early years experience and Expected Attendance 14

Specific Objectives Of The Early Setting Placement 15




Record of attendance 18

Reasons for absence 19



Other University Tutor Visits 21

PRE-PLACEMENT TASKS (Weeks 1,2 & 3) 22

Personalised Placement Framework 25

Weeks 4 & 6 26

Weeks 7 - 9 28

Weeks 10 & 11…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………30

Weeks 12 & 13…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………31

Pause For Thought……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………31

Weeks 14 & 15…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………33

The Early Years Foundation Stage Planning Guide...... 35

Personal Support Plan………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………....55

Cause for Concern……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………....56


Graduate Employment Route

Week beginning / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
16/11 / Setting / Setting / Employment / Employment / Employment
23/11 / Setting / Setting / Uni / Employment / Employment
30/11 / Uni / Uni / Setting / Employment / Employment
07/12 / Uni / Uni / Setting / Employment / Employment
14/12 / Uni / Uni / Setting / Employment / Employment
11/1 / Uni / Uni / Setting / Employment / Employment
18/1 / Uni / Uni / Setting / Employment / Employment
25/1 / Uni / Setting / Setting / Employment / Employment
1/2 / Uni / Setting / Setting / Employment / Employment
8/2 / Uni / Setting / Setting / Employment / Employment
22/2 / Uni / Uni / Setting / Setting / Setting
29/2 / Setting / Setting / Setting / Setting / Setting
7/3 / Setting / Setting / Setting / Setting / Setting
14/3 / Setting / Setting / Setting / Setting / Setting
21/3 / Setting / Setting / Setting / Setting / Setting
W/C / Outline of week / Key Dates
Graduate Employment Route
16th Nov / 2 days in setting
-  Observation of good practice/building towards planning for groups
-  Preliminary Tasks / Informal Setting based mentor meeting
23rd Nov / 2  days in setting
-  Observation of good practice/building towards planning for group
-  Preliminary Tasks
-  Teaching using setting planning for some introductory sessions
-  BGU Wednesday- Phonics Conference / Setting based mentor meeting
30th Nov / 1 day in setting
-  Observation of good practice/building towards planning for group
-  Preliminary Tasks
-  Teaching using setting planning for some introductory sessions
-  BGU Monday and Tuesday
7th Dec / 1 day in setting
-  teaching whole sessions using and adapting setting based mentors planning 50% of the time
-  Observation of good practice/a.m. and p.m. daily planning for small groups/leading groups and developing provision independently from scaffold of setting based mentors planning-50% of the time
-  BGU Monday and Tuesday / Setting based mentor meeting – prior to University EYP Mentor/Tutor visit
14th Dec / 1 day in setting
-  teaching whole sessions using and adapting setting based mentors planning 50% of the time
-  Observation of good practice/a.m. and p.m. daily planning for small groups/leading groups and developing provision independently from scaffold of setting based mentors planning-50% of the time
-  BGU Monday and Tuesday / EYP Mentor/Tutor visit
11th Jan / 1  day in setting
-  Observation of good practice/a.m. and p.m. daily planning for small groups/leading small groups/teaching whole sessions and developing provision independently from scaffold of setting based mentors planning as necessary 75% of the time
-  Attending staff meetings (as appropriate)
-  BGU Monday and Tuesday / Informal setting based mentor meeting
18th Jan / 1 day in setting
-  Observation of good practice/a.m. and p.m. daily planning for small groups/leading small groups/teaching whole sessions and developing provision independently from scaffold of setting based mentors planning (as necessary) 75% of the time moving towards independent planning.
-  Attending staff meetings(as appropriate)
-  BGU Monday and Tuesday / Setting based mentor meeting
25th Jan / 2 days in setting
-  Observation of good practice/a.m. and p.m. daily independently planning for small groups/leading small groups and developing provision with support from the setting based mentor
-  Attending staff meeting(as appropriate)
-  BGU Monday
1st Feb / 2 days in setting
-  Observation of good practice/a.m. and p.m. daily independently planning for small groups/leading small groups and developing provision with support from the setting based mentor
-  Summative assessment of children’s progress and development to inform individualised planning (22nd Feb onwards).
-  Attending staff meeting(as appropriate)
-  BGU Monday / University EYP Mentor/University Meeting
To establish trainee is established and developing appropriately. To discuss/reflect with trainee/setting mentor and collect Interim Review Grades
8th Feb / 2 days in setting
-  Observation of good practice/a.m. and p.m. daily independently planning for small groups/leading small groups and developing provision with support from the setting based mentor
-  Summative assessment of children’s progress and development to inform individualised planning (22nd Feb onwards).
-  Attending staff meeting(as appropriate)
-  BGU Monday
22nd February / 3 days in setting
-  Planning for small group and individuals independently across the week.
-  Planning for adult-led sessions a.m. and p.m. for small group
-  Planning and developing individualised provision for learning
-  Observing and assessing learning to develop and adapt planning over the week/days
-  Reviewing progression of children over time.
-  Supporting the delivery of staff meetings.
-  1 hour directed study time / Informal setting based mentor meeting
29th February / 5 days in setting
-  Planning for small group and individuals independently across the week.
-  Planning for adult-led sessions a.m. and p.m. for small group
-  Planning and developing individualised provision for learning
-  Observing and assessing learning to develop and adapt planning over the week/days
-  Reviewing progression of children over the week.
-  Supporting the delivery of staff meetings.
-  3 hours directed study / Setting based mentor Meeting
7th March / 5 days in setting
-  Planning for small group and individuals independently across the week.
-  Planning for adult-led sessions a.m. and p.m. for small group
-  Planning and developing individualised provision for learning
-  Observing and assessing learning to develop and adapt planning over the week/days
-  Reviewing progression of children over the week.
-  Supporting the delivery of staff meetings.
-  2 hours directed study / University EYP Mentor/Tutor Meeting
With Setting based mentor jointly observe trainee and assess trainee’s progress, discuss and target set with trainee.
End of Placement Standards Review on ERPD.
14th March / 4 days in setting
-  Planning for small group and individuals independently across the week.
-  Planning for adult-led sessions a.m. and p.m. for small group
-  Planning and developing individualised provision for learning
-  Observing and assessing learning to develop and adapt planning over the week/days
-  Reviewing progression of children over the week.
-  Supporting the delivery of staff meetings.
-  1 hour directed study
21st March / 4 days in setting
-  Planning for small group and individuals independently across the week.
-  Planning for adult-led sessions a.m. and p.m. for small group
-  Planning and developing individualised provision for learning
-  Observing and assessing learning to develop and adapt planning over the week/days
-  Reviewing progression of children over the week.
-  Supporting the delivery of staff meetings.
-  1 hour directed study
Trainees to complete reflection of placement and any final developments to targets.



Amy Stancer (Cohort Leader PGCE Early Years)

Angela Barley

Sarah Howe

Partnership Office

Partnership email address:

Partnership telephone number: 01522 583720

Elaine Howell (TD administrator)

Trainee Advice at Bishop Grosseteste also offers support for trainees in a confidential

Early Years Professional/University Tutor details (trainee to complete):

Name ……………………………………………………….. Name………………………………………………….

Contact details …………………………………………………. Contact details…………………………………………….

Early Years Experience Handbook Details

Name & Address of Setting/School


Name of Early Years University Based Mentor

Contact Details

Name of Setting based mentor

Contact Details

Name of University Tutor

Contact Details


I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to the School of Teacher Development. The School employs approximately 20 full and part time staff and has approximately 600 Higher Education students studying full time or through a range of flexible part time pathways.

In line with the Bishop Grosseteste University’s mission to be committed to being a leader in learning, to inspire excellence, and to enrich the lives of its students and staff and the communities it serves, the School aims to deliver an innovative range of higher education and initial teacher training programmes that are both satisfying yet challenging to all that study with us. As a School we strongly believe in education, learning and the facilitation of personal development, placing high value upon the academic quality of the courses we offer; we want to make a positive impact on the societies in which we live and work and this includes supporting sustainable development. With a strong commitment to meeting the needs of students, employers and clients, issues centred upon customer care, standard setting and quality provision remain high on our agenda.

The regulations relating to Initial Teacher Training now include the requirement for all trainee teachers to spend a minimum of 120 days of their training period in early years setting/school. Outside of the placement experience most trainees will attend University up to two days per week to complete the academic commitment to the post graduate programme. This booklet supports settings and schools during this early years experience. Trainees will be based in a specific age phase for the duration of the placement experience.

The assessment of trainees is a partnership task between the setting/school and the University, and the settings/school’s views should be central to the assessment.

The benefits of working in Partnership with the University are many, but include:

·  An excellent basis for staff development in a variety of contexts

·  Access to a wide range of CPD opportunities, including the provision of a master’s level

mentoring certificate.

·  Working with the programme teams on course development

·  Setting-based research

·  The opportunity to reflect on and articulate early years and primary practice


An Early Years Teacher must:

1.  Set high expectations which inspire, motivate and challenge all children.

2.  Promote good progress and outcomes by children.

3.  Demonstrate good knowledge of early learning and EYFS.

4.  Plan education and care taking account of the needs of all children.

5.  Adapt education and care to respond to the strengths and needs of all children.

6.  Make accurate and productive use of assessment.

7.  Safeguard and promote the welfare of children, and provide a safe learning environment.

8.  Fulfil wider professional responsibilities. www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/211646/Early_Years_Teachers__Standards.pdf


The trainees have had two intensive weeks of introductory taught sessions at University, covering a wide range of professional issues and some aspects of the early years curriculum. They will have up to two days in University each week to build upon their on-going knowledge and understanding dependant on the chosen pathway and trainee personal journey. The University sessions support the trainees’ subject knowledge and the pedagogy for a range of subject areas and links theory to practice. Trainees continue to have continued reading and learning activities throughout their placements to extend and support their taught sessions.


The setting based mentors within the early years setting or school agree to:

Support the Principles of Partnership, and in particular to manage the placement, provide support, guidance and assess the trainee. This includes:

·  Comply with good health and safety practice;

·  Encourage trainees to share previous experience and progress with themselves;

·  Familiarising themselves with the purpose of the placement;

·  Familiarising the trainee with the setting, the routine, expectations of staff and children etc.

·  Demonstrate the recording of children’s progress;

·  Carry out co-planning, co-teaching, co-assessment and co-evaluation exercises.

·  Arranging with the trainee a specified and regular time for talking about progress and general matters, including advice on management of tasks and reflections, in accordance with specific requirements of the course;

·  Informing the trainee of pupils’ special educational needs, emotional/behavioural issues, IEPs and other factors influencing children’s learning and development in the groups taught by the trainee;

·  Ensure that, where appropriate, trainees are informally observed teaching a range of approaches with young children. Shared discussions about any observations are given verbally for the trainee to record in their learning reflections.

·  Offer honest, constructive oral and written feedback to the trainee about strengths and possible areas for improvement;

·  Participate in paired observation with the University Mentor/Tutor;

·  Consulting with the University mentor, normally on each visit.

·  Share responsibility for the professional tuition of trainees e.g. through feedback on planning, teaching and assessment; providing opportunities to observe experienced practitioners;

·  Share responsibility for the assessment of trainee progress and complete the required documentation promptly and accurately;

·  Ensure the head teacher/ Manager/Owner is fully informed of the trainee's progress;


The setting/school senior leadership team should consider the following attributes of the setting based mentor to best support the trainee in successfully completing the EYTS standards. Such attributes may include:

·  Qualifications (Level 3 and above in an early years related subject). The setting based mentor should have the knowledge and confidence to support and challenge the trainee.