Instructions for completion of

Summary of Educational Performance

All students must have a Summary of Performance (SOP) completed prior to exiting high school.This meeting includes reviewing the transition plan and IEP goals.Minutes should be kept on a separate additional notes page.Complete all pages of the Summary of Performance.Attach a copy of the transition plan after review.

IEP committee members present

All members of the IEP committee should sign here.

Summary of Academic Skills

Brief summary of ability level and graduation requirements met/not met. Describe any accommodations or modifications that were used to help the student be successful.


State the student’s past and current employment status if applicable.State any job skill training during high school. This includes Community Based Vocational Training, Work Based Learning, and Youth Apprenticeship Program. Also summarize any future employment plans that are being arranged and will begin after graduation (job coaching, adult service agencies, internships, apprenticeships etc.).

Self Care/Independent Living

If the student functions at the level of same age peers. State “______is functioning independently at the same level of his/her peers.”

If the student is not completely independent, state skills they have mastered in addition to areas where they still need assistance. For example, “______provides input regarding financial needs;however, financial decisions are made by a supervising adult.” or “______can dress himself and take care of toileting and basic hygiene needs. General supervision and periodic reminders are needed.”


This may not be appropriate. If communication is not an issue, state “______is a functional communicator.” If the student uses sign language, assistive technology or other means of communication it would be appropriate to list this here.

Post Secondary Community Agencies

These are agencies that might provide services after graduation. Resources for this section can be found in the Resource guide you have been given. Fill in all applicable areas. A minimum of one area must be filled out.

High School Team – Services could include but are not limited to: GHSGT retake additional coursework if student is not 22 years of age and received either a certificate of attendance or life skills/job readiness diploma, and information regarding the GED. The contact person could be a special education teacher, department chair, educational evaluator or guidance counselor.

Health and Family Services

This could be the health department, therapists or other services depending on the student’s needs.

Employment Agency

Include employment agencies that the team feels could benefit the student. Examples of agencies could include vocational rehabilitation, Briggs & Associates, and Job Corp.

Independent Living Agency

All students may not need this. If this is a need the committee should determine an agency that could help the student. Examples of these agencies could include Cobb/Douglas Community Services Board and Douglas County ARC.

Institute of Higher Education

This is dependent on the interests of the student. The contact person could be the person in disability services or student support services at the college or technical college. Vocational rehabilitation is also an option for this area.

Disability Services Provider

This could be any other agency that will be needed in order for the student to function successfully.

Student/Parent Contact information is extremely important.Ask for a second contact person that can reach them in the event that they move. Schools must contact students a year after graduation in order to check on their progress. This information is needed in order to fulfill that requirement.

The student must be present at the meeting and their signature must be included on the bottom in order for the summary to be complete. If the student is physically unable to sign, a notation as to the reasoning must be made and a representative of the student may sign.