Volunteers in the 4-H Youth Development program serve in a variety of ways. One way is that of a Project Leader.

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What is a Project?

A project is a topic in which the youth wants to learn more about during the year. Youth sign up for one or more projects each year. Topics are worked on through meetings, events, tours, workshops and activities. Youth also work on their projects at home.

What is a Project Leader?

A project leader is responsible for training 4-H members and parents in 4-H project work.

The project leader will work closely with members, leaders and parents within the local club as well as other members, leaders and parents throughout the county.

A project leader:

¶Guides 4-H project members in “learn by

doing” experiences to help them develop

knowledge and skills appropriate to their age

levels and related to their interests.

¶Helps members learn skills they will use

throughout their life.

¶Has patience to help members set and

achieve their goals.

¶Uses a variety of teaching methods to make

learning fun.

¶Has an interest in working with youth.

¶Informs club members and leaders about the

use and availability of appropriate 4-H


¶Has a willingness to exchange ideas and

communicate with others who have similar

interests, skills or hobbies.

¶Serves as a role model

¶Helps youth explore their potential. ¶Encourage growth and quality project work.

¶Involves youth in leadership roles.

What's in it for me?

As a volunteer you -

lHave an opportunity to make a difference in a youth's life.

lUnderstand the ages and stages of youth development.

lDevelop a meaningful relationship with youth and their families in your community.

lSatisfaction -- feel good about yourself and about volunteering.

lNetwork with others who have similar interests and hobbies.

lOpportunity to meet new individuals and groups.


The project leader will serve for one year with the understanding that if all local leaders and the Extension Office are in agreement, he/she may continue serving in this position beyond one year.

How do I get involved?

Volunteers get involved through either a community 4-H group (see listing of 4-H clubs) or by contacting the Iowa County University of Wisconsin Extension Office at 935-0391.

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