COURSE OVERVIEW: The physical education program is based on the premise that physical activity and participation are important for all students, regardless of their level of competence or their skill level. Through various activities, students in our program will learn how to incorporate physical activity into their daily lives. In addition, the students will develop an enjoyment for physical activity and an understanding of the importance of maintaining physical fitness.

Student Expectations:Teacher Expectations:

1. Respect the rights & property of others.1. Respect & protect students’ rights.

2. Follow directions.2. Be fair and consistent.

3. Be prepared for class. Dress out.3. Be available for students.

4. No cell phones, headphones, food,4. Maintain open communications with

drink, or gum in locker room or parents and students.

activity area.

5. Keep locker clean.

6. Students must have a P.E. uniform.

7. Abide by the rules and procedures in

the PHS student handbook.(Strictly enforced)

EVALUATION PROCESS –The following will be used in assessing a grade:


  1. A student will start with 100 points for each of the 9 weeks. It will be their responsibility to maintain their points by following the guidelines:
  2. Attending class on time.
  3. Dressing out in the physical education uniform and wearing it properly. Underwear is not to be seen.
  4. Full participation of the day’s activities.
  5. Have a good attitude
  1. Points will be deducted for the following infractions:
  2. -5 points for any unexcused absence. No make up allowed.
  3. -3 points for any excused absence. Family/School related and any school suspensions. Can be made up. Three free passes will be given.
  4. -5 points for non-dress.No make up allowed. Students may be sent to ISS for non-dress.
  5. -5 points for not dressing out in the proper P.E. uniform. No make up allowed.
  6. -5 points for non-participation. No make up allowed.
  7. -5 points for being insubordinate, using profanity, or fighting. No make up allowed.
  8. -5 points for being tardy.

Def. of tardy - Not being in the locker room prior to the tardy bell ringing. If not in the locker room prior to tardy bell ringing, you will not be allowed in locker room to dress; therefore you will be deducted not only for a tardy but also for a non-dress. Exception: Being tardy and having a pass excusing the tardy from the office or another teacher. You will be allowed to dress out if we have not left the locker room. If out of locker room, you will not be deducted those points.

A referral will be given on the 4th tardy and detention will be assigned

B. Other Assignments/Tests (20%)

1. These will be based on the different units throughout the year, as well as, any assignments mandated by the administration.

C. Attendance/Make-Up work – If you have an excused absence, it is your responsibility to see the instructor for make-up work. There is no make-up for unexcused absences.

Semester grade: 1st 9 weeks 40%2nd 9 weeks 40%Final Exam 20%

Dress Out Policy

  1. You must be dressed out everyday for class.
  2. Students will be required to wear a Physical Education uniform. Uniforms can be purchased from the PerryHigh School bookstore.


1. 90 -100% of total points = A

2. 80 - 89% of total points = B

3. 70 - 79% of total points = C

4. 60 - 69% of total points = D

5. 0 - 59% of total points = F


  1. If you lose your lock, you will need to pay for a new lock at the bookstore before being issued a new one. You will need to show me the receipt.
  2. If a doctor has seen you regarding an injury, you must bring a doctors release before you will be allowed to participate. NOEXCEPTIONS!!
  3. Valuables (i.e. cell phones, wallets, iPods): These items should be LOCKED up at all times!!!! While we, as a staff, will do everything we can do to secure the locker room while in and out of the locker room, it is up to you to secure the item. THEY ARE NOT TO BEOUT WHILE IN THE LOCKER ROOM. If I confiscate a phone or iPod, they will be sent to attendance to be picked up.


It is my hope and desire that your student feels safe and comfortable in my class. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. I will do my best to reply within 24 hours. My e-mail address is below:


NOTE: The teacher reserves the rights to change, modify, adapt, or delete any information included in this syllabus.

I have read and understand the Physical Education policies and expectations for Mr. Hilstrom.

Student Name (print) ______

Student Signature______Date: ______

Parent/Guardian Signature______Date: ______

Phone Numbers: (Home)

