Dear ……………………………………………………………………….
The law, with regard to the holding of a person’s personal data, is changing and the new rules called The General Data Protection Regulations come into force in May 2018
The main differences to current data protection legislation are as follows:
- Organisations require permission from each client and volunteer to hold theirdata such as name, phone number, address etc. and we need to inform all clients and volunteers of their rights and tell them what we will do with their data.
- Organisations need to keep this data stored safely so that a third party cannot access it.
- Organisations must not pass on a client or volunteers data to a third party without the express permission of that person
- Organisations must delete a client/volunteer’s data if that client/volunteer requests it or the client/volunteer is no longer involved with the organisation.
We take the holding of personal data very seriously. We are asking that you sign a form to allow us to hold your personal data.
We undertake to:
- Store all data securely (in a locked box/cupboard/cabinet or password protected computer)
- Never pass on your data to an outside organisation unless you have given us explicit permission or in a medical emergency
- We undertake to delete all your personal data within 30 days if you no longer need the services of ______(Organisation/Scheme)For Client
- We will delete your personal data with in 30 days if you cease your involvement with …………………………………………………………………(Organisation/Scheme) For Volunteer
- However, if you feel that we should not hold your personal data, we will delete it but if you are a client we will no longer be able to help you. If you are a volunteer you will no longer be able to volunteer with the organisation/scheme. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask us. I confirm, by signing below, I am happy that you hold my personal data.
Yours sincerely
Chairman of______
Client NameVolunteer Name
This is what we will use your data for –
We will pass necessary data to any volunteer who may help you.
We may send you occasional newsletters, information about our scheme, meeting invites or social invitations.
We may communicate with you by letter, e mail, telephone, including by tex,t if applicable.
In exceptional circumstances, such as a medical emergency, we may pass your information to medical professionals or your next of kin.
Keep data accurate, and where necessary, update it.
We may pass some of your data to a client.
We may send you occasional newsletters or information about the scheme.
We may communicate with you by letter, e mail, text or telephone.
Keep data accurate, and where necessary, update it.
Clients and volunteers have –
The right to know what information we hold and why
We will send you details of all information we hold about you, in writing, within one month of request
We will correct any incorrect information within 30 days of being informed of the error.
If you would like to know more about GDPR further information can be found on the Information Commissioner’s Office’s website -
Client or volunteer to keep this sheet for their information