Ms. Sampolesi's First Grade Class 1B

May 9th-May13th

Peek at the Week

End of the Year Program and Awards Day will be Thursday May 19th at 8:30 a.m in the storm shelter. All are welcome to attend! Please practice the script and lyrics to songs at home with your child. Please send back these papers everyday to school because we are also practicing at school. I am posting the links below for you to click on to find the songs we will use during the program. Also, we are asking each student to make their own clock to go around their neck during our "What Does the Clock Say" song. They may be any color and must be visible to the audience.

Don’t Give Up by Bruno Mars

Hard Day’s Night

What Does the Clock Say

·  May 17- Cupcakes and Creations Art Night- Every child will have at least one piece of art on display for sale!

·  May 11 and 12- G3 Exams

·  May 12- First grade's LAST day for grades

·  May 24- Last Day for Students


“"There is no substitute for books in the life of a child." — May Ellen Chase

This week, we will be discussing narrative nonfictionand focusing on the story"Winners Never Quit!"written by famous soccer player Mia Hamm.This story can be found in the Thinkcentral website library. We will be reviewing this story for the next two weeks. Please use this website to review the story with your child. There are very helpful resources on this site to better prepare your child for the test. Email me at if you have lost or forgotten your child's username and password. I will be happy to send you it again!

Former Delta State Soccer Coach Jim Allen will be here Monday at 1:00 to talk to the kids about the basics of soccer.

Target Skill:Understanding Characters

Target Strategy:Summarize



·  syllabication (CV) example (la/dy, be/gin)

·  long vowel spelling patterns a, a_e, ai, ay

Words to Know for Vocabulary Test:brothers, everyone, field, loved, most, only, people, sorry

Language Test:

nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, article adjectives, capitalization, punctuation, conjunction words, compound words


even, open, begin, baby, tiger, music, paper, zero, table, below, because, silent, field, everyone, only

Challenge Word:nonfiction This test will be a G2 grade.

Please complete one square on the Spelling Menu per night and returnall fourpapersto school onFriday. If your child turned this in last week then he or she does not have to do it again. This is our last spelling homework of the year.


For Math this week, we will will bereviewing all previous math skills that were covered this year.


How The World Works

Central Idea:

Properties of objects affect each other.

·  Motion

·  Magnetic force

·  Light and shadow

·  Properties of matter

Test Schedule for the Week

Monday: none

Tuesday: none

Wednesday:Language and Math G3

Thursday:Reading G3 and Spelling G2



Please remember that you must sign in the office before entering the building. Classroom doors will remain locked anytime children are present. Only teachers are allowed to open the doors for any visitors. Reiterate this policy with your child at home. Please do not yank the doors in the hallway.Due to a new security system, you must be buzzed in from the office in order to walk through the building. Thank you for your patience. Your child's safety is our number 1 priority!

Patriot News

Please check the Hayes Cooper Center Calendar for Important Dates.


remind: Text the number 81010 with the text @mssampoles if you are not receiving my remind text messages.