DepartmentofEnglishComposition,Literature andProfessionalWriting



I.Instructor Information


EN001-(Addsection number,classroomlocation,andclass meeting days and

times here.)

PhoneNumber: 240-567- OfficeLocation:

OfficeHours:... and by appointment


ENG DepartmentOfficePhoneNumber: 240-567-7458

ENG DepartmentOfficeLocation:MT526


EN002(Basic English II)is thesecond-level developmentalcourse designed toimprove writingskills.This course emphasizes writingmulti-paragraph essays,includingthe study ofgrammar,mechanics, punctuation,and usage.EN002isintended for native speakers ofEnglishwho need further preparationpriorto takingcreditcoursesin English.

PRE-orCOREQUISITES:RD095(whichrequires anAccuplacerreadingscoreof 53-

65) exceptforthosestudentsexempted fromthis requirement by initial placement testing.New andcontinuingstudentswithreadingscores below theRD095levelarenot eligibleforEN002.PREREQUISITE:Completion ofEN001witha grade ofCor an AccuplacerEnglishscore of 80-89.9. Lecturehours willbe used forcalculatingstudent load andtuition(five hours lecture eachweek,plus requiredlaboratory work).NO CREDIT.

III.Course Outcomes

Writing Process

  • Demonstrate the recursive writing process (pre-writing, outlining, drafting, revising, proofreading, and editing).
  • Incorporate feedback from instructors and tutors effectively when revising writing assignments.
  • Write and edit sentences that observe the conventions of standard American English (grammar, usage, mechanics, and punctuation).

Essay Writing:

  • Write (both in and out of class) multi-paragraph essays of 450+ words (containing an introduction with a clear thesis statement, coherent 2+ body paragraphs, and a conclusion).
  • Fulfill assignment expectations and meet all requirements (such as topic, organization, and length).
  • Use rhetorical strategies, based on audience and purpose, to develop essays.

College Reading Strategies:

  • Recognize the thesis statement (main idea) and the major supporting points in student and professional essays.

College Success Strategies:

  • Demonstrate the ability to use word processing software to write, revise, and edit documentsaccording to a prescribed academic manuscript form.
  • Use time management and organizational strategies (both in and out of class) to meet deadlines for reading and writing assignments.


  • A minimum of 5 multi-paragraph essays of 450+ words
  • Exercises in grammar, usage, mechanics, and punctuation.
  • Tests and quizzes that cover assigned study material.
  • Reading assignments of college-level essays.
  • Writing Center or Lab assignments.
  • Assignments thatcover college success strategies and student support services.
  • Homework for each class session, typically requiring two out-of-class study hours for each hour spent in the classroom.
  • Additional course requirements as assigned by the instructor.
  • EN 002 Portfolio, including a minimum of 3 essays including one timed, to be assessed Using Montgomery College EN 002 Portfolio Assessment Rubric

V.Books andSupplies

Textbook (assigned by theinstructor):

Adjunct instructors use two texts: The Writer’s World: Paragraphs and Essays by Gaetz and Phadke, 3rd edition, ISBN 9780205781751, Pearson and Easy Writer by Lunsford, 4th edition, ISBN 9780312650315, Bedford/St. Martin’s.


Aone-inch,three-ringbinderto holdallessays,including the three portfolio essays oranMC CompositionFolder

Adividertoseparatethethreeportfolio essays fromadditional assignments

Loose-leaf notebook paper

Anotebook or folder tohold thepaperalongwith otherhandouts



Students are expected toattendallclasssessions.Theinstructormay failstudentsif they areabsentmore thantheequivalentofoneweek ofclass.Ifstudentsmustmiss a class,they areresponsiblefor any work assigned orcompleted during their absence. Studentsshouldnot expecttheirinstructortotaketime fromtheregularly scheduled class to tellstudents aboutwork they havemissed.Instructorsare available tomeet withstudentsduringoffice hours or by appointment.

Withdrawal fromClass:Thelastday towithdrawfromthis classis



1. Requirements:

2. Standards:

3. Make-upPolicy:

4. LatePolicy:

5. AuditPolicy:Studentsmay choose toauditaclassatthetime oftheirinitial

registration, orthey may change toaudit atany point prior tocompletion of20% oftheclass.Facultypermissionis notrequired toregister for audit.However, permissionisrequired tochange to audit afterclassesbegin.

6. FinalCourse Grades:Studentswho qualifyto pass EN002 by fulfilling theeight

courserequirementslistedinsection IVwillearn oneofthreefinal coursegrades fromtheirinstructor:

oA means studentsmay enrollineitherEN101orEN101Anextifthe

readingrequirement has beenmet.

oB means studentsmust enrollinEN101Anextifthereadingrequirement has beenmet.

oUmeans studentsmust retakeEN002.

LettergradesinEN002carry nocollegecreditand donot affectGPA.


StudentCodeofConduct:Regardingclassroombehavior,theMontgomery CollegeStudentHandbookstates thefollowinginformation:Ifastudentbehaves disruptivelyin theclassroomafter theinstructorhas explained the unacceptabilityofsuchconductand theconsequences thatwillresult,thestudentmay be asked toleave theroomfor the remainder oftheclass time.If thestudentdoes notleave,the faculty member[will] requestthe assistance ofSecurity.

The facultymember and thestudent are expectedtomeettoresolvetheissuebefore the nextclass session.If,afterareviewofthesituation andarestatement ofthe expected behaviors,thestudentrefusestocomplywith thestatedstandards ofconduct required,then thefacultymembershouldrefer theissueinwritingto thedeanofstudent developmentfor actionundertheStudentCode ofConduct.


The followingbehaviors countthesame as amissedclass:

Arrivinglate toclass two times

Leavingclass early two times

Taking unscheduled breaks duringclass two times

Earningazero duringclassparticipation

The followingbehaviors will resultinastudent’s being excused fromclass and

countedabsentfor one fullclass period:>br

Any disruptionofthepositivelearningenvironment

Any disrespectful orimpolite behavior

Any use of profanityor offensivelanguage

Any cellphoneor pager activity

Any disruptive talking

Any use ofelectronic entertainment devices Professorsreserve therightto amend this listat anytime.Studentswillbenotified about any amendments.

AcademicHonesty:Regardingacademic honesty, theMontgomery CollegeStudentHandbookstates thefollowinginformation:Studentswho engagein anyact[judged] by theclassroominstructortoconstituteacademic dishonestyormisconductaresubjectto any andallsanctions deemed appropriate by theclassroominstructor,[including]grade sanctions forviolationsof academic ethics.

SupportServices:TheRockvilleCampusWritingCenter(HU02)provides one-on-one tutoringforMontgomery Collegestudentsonawalk-in andappointment basis.Students may signinatthefrontdesk for appointmentswith tutors.For additional information, including hours ofoperation,calltheWritingCenter at240-567-7401.

Studentswhomay need disability accommodations shouldschedulean appointmentto see theirinstructor.ThesestudentswillneedaletterfromDisabilitySupportServices (DSS), authorizing theiraccommodations.Foradditional information theRockville Campus,calltheCounseling andAdvisingCenter(CB122) at240-567-5058.

CollegeClosings:Regarding emergency closingoftheCollege,theMontgomeryCollegeCatalogstates the followinginformation:Ifinclementweather forces theCollege or any campus orCollegefacility tosuspendclassesorclose,public service announcementswillbeprovided tolocal radioand televisionstationsas earlyas possible. [Students]canalsofindouttheopeningstatus by calling theCollege’s main informationline at240-567-5000or by visitingourWebsiteat .