Little Falls Youth Hockey Board Meeting

Monday, September 15, 2008

President Joe Berg called the meeting to order at 6:35 pm.

Attending Board Members: Joe Berg, Paul Hanowski, Tony Couture, Liz Rydeen, Bob Stark, Missy Hirsch, Tammy Jopp, Craig Swanson, Drew Rasumssen, Mary Sue Card, Allison Czajkowski Attending Non-Board Members: Tom Riitters, Karen Anez

Joe Berg presented the agenda for the meeting. Tammy Jopp, seconded by Mary Sue Card, moved to approve the agenda; motion carried. (no written agenda)

Secretary’s Report – Paul Hanowski, seconded by Allison Czajkowski, moved to accept the minutes from the August 2008 board meeting prepared by Jeanne LeMieur; motion carried.

New Board Members – In light of Jeanne LeMieur’s resignation from the board, Liz Rydeen agreed to fill in for the rest of her term. Tammy Jopp, seconded by Drew Rasumssen, moved to approve the addition of Liz to the board. Motion carried. Attachment C

Treasurer’s Report – Craig Swanson presented the treasurer’s report. Seconded by Mary Sue Card, the motion carried. Attachment A

Mike’s Corrow’s former office at the arena is available for LFYH to use. Note that there is no lock on the door. The board agreed to continue to help cover the cost of the Internet for the Arena.

Registration – Tammy Jopp submitted a report for the skaters registered so far. She will give the report to the coaches so they can contact skaters that haven’t sign-up yet. Attachment B

The four U14 girls are asked to register with youth hockey. If they are invited by the high school coaching staff to play on the JV team in Brainerd, their registration fee will be refunded minus the $40 transmission fee.

There are 17 skaters and 3 goalies signed up at the bantam level. It will be a tough year for everyone if we can’t add a couple more skaters. One family needs a scholarship in order to play. Tony Couture will look into it.

More effort needs to be made to increase numbers at the lower levels. Missy Hirsh moved to designate Mary Sue Card to form a committee to plan a skate-for-free/bring-a-friend event at the arena. Paul Hanowski seconded the motion and it carried.

Fund Raising – Tom Riitters is interested in the position. The 2008 Sponsorship letter and related form, including the option to advertise on the web site, was reviewed. Last year $10,500 was raised. Attachment C

Joe is working on organizing another fund raiser—an ice house raffle. Attachment D. One thousand $10 tickets will be printed. Joe or Tom, if he comes on the board, will check with the Gambling Board to look into the process. Missy Hirsch moved to go ahead with the fish house raffle. Karen Anez seconded and it carried.

The Exchange Arena will raffle off an ATV at $100 per ticket. Dave Jorgenson asked for youth hockey’s help. No commitment to help was made.

Bob Stark talked about a fund raising opportunity through Famous Dave’s in Brainerd and Timber Lodge Steak House in St. Cloud where a $10 coupon in the form of a gift card is sold for $10. A percentage goes back to the promoter of the fundraiser; the rest goes to the association. It’s an easy sell. Each skater will be asked to sell 5 gift cards, which will be sold after the calendars and before Christmas. Bob Stark moved to go ahead with this new fundraiser. Seconded by Mary Sue Card, the motion carried by unanimous vote.

2008-2009 Budget -- Joe Berg presented a proposed budget and other related documents Attachment E. A lengthy discussion followed. The association is doing pretty well and working with a balanced budget, providing we add a few more skaters and the additional fundraisers are successful. Paul Hanowski, seconded by Allison Czajkowski, moved to approve the budget. Motion carried.

Publicity – Mary Sue Card – no report

Concessions Director –Allison Czajkowski, Rainya Strack: Allison was informed by Mike Corrow that the pop machines will be turned off during Aces games. She also told Mike the association wouldn’t be interested in a free-standing coffee/hot chocolate machine.

Girls Coordinator – Bob Stark: See the e-mail regarding the registration process for girls partnering with Brainerd. Attachment F. Bob moved, seconded by Tammy Jopp, to accept the process. LF girls’ registration fees will go to Brainerd; the $40 transmission will be retained by LFYH. All fundraising the U12 and U14 girls do stays with LFYH.

Coaching Committee – Tony Couture: The following coaches are interested in helping:

IM: Drew Rasmussen, Verd Anez, Tony Couture, Les Hittesdorf

Mites: Troy Bjorge, Mr. McDuffy, Doug LaBorde

Goalies: Jamie from Brainerd, Dave Stumpf, Tony Couture, Gary Sperl

Squirts: Verd Anez, Jon Majerle, Doug LaBorde, Drew Rasmussen, Bob Stark

PW: Don LaBorde, other possibilities from outside the association

Bantam: John Hanowski, Dave Stumpf, Mr. Draeger

District Meeting -- Joe Berg declared the following teams at the district meeting which need to be approved by the board: BA, BB, PWA, SQC, SQA. These teams were recommended by the Administration Committee. Paul Hanowski, seconded by Mary Sue Card, moved to accept Joe’s declaration. Motion carried.

Vice President in Charge of Tournaments – Missy Hirsch: PWA tournament is filling up, but few calls have been received for the BA tournament. A new requirement for time between games has been set by the district: 3 hours between games and 10 overnight.

Facilities Director – Drew Rasmussen: Drew asked for a motion to approve the purchase of 40 new jerseys for the mites at $18 a piece. Seconded by Paul Hanowski, the motion carried. Drew will work to organize the equipment room. Equipment handout is September 16 and 18. Larger skates are needed.

ACE Coordinator -- The association needs to find an ACE coordinator to oversee the HEP program. Dave Stumpf’s name was mentioned.

Meeting adjourned @ 9:30. Respectively submitted,

Elizabeth Rydeen