

Pages / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / Student’s Score
Chapter Title Page / Creative introductory page that has a picture, some details, is typed, and draws the reader’s attention / Has 4 of the requirements / Has 3 of the requirements / Has 2 of the requirements / Is scribbled in pen or pencil as a last minute job
Identify and describe the climate / Has a picture illustrating some aspect of the climate; includes details abouttype of climate, precipitation, high and low temperatures, and one aspect of the student’s choosing / Has 4 of the requirements / Has 3 of the requirements / Has 2 of the requirements / Has 1 requirement or does not address the topic as requested
List and describe the flora and fauna that inhabit the biome / Lists and describes at least 5 plants and 5 animals living in the biome; has pictures of each plant or animal / Has 4 of the requirements / Has 3 of the requirements / Has 2 of the requirements / Has only 1 requirement
or does not address the topic at all
Explains relationships between organisms: food web / Includes a paragraph with an introduction, body and conclusion and a food web with all plants and animals / Is missing 1 of the paragraph items or 1 of the organisms / Is missing 2 of the paragraph items or 2 of the organisms / Is missing 3 of the paragraph items or 3 of the organisms / Has only 1 requirement and the food web is sloppy
Assess the positions of their biome on the energy and water cycles / Explains in paragraphs and with drawings: water sources (lake, river, etc), amount of water available, position in water cycle, energy sources and amount of energy available / Has 4 of the required items / Has 3 of the required items / Has 2 of the required items / Has only 1 required item
Student’s Choice / Has 5 descriptors/pictures / Has 4 / Has 3 / Has 2 / Has 1
References / Has at least 2 references, one web site and one book; is set up using the link on the library website / Has 2 references but is not set up correctly / Has one reference and is set up correctly / Has one reference and is not set up correctly / NA