Final Payout to Employees

Please let me know how your county pays out accrued SICKand VACATIONtime (with applicablelimits, i.e. 100% for 1st400 hours of accrued sick, then 10% of remaining hours, etc.) when someone that is VESTED voluntarily quits or retires.

St. Johns County pays as follows (unless indicated by bargaining agreement):

Vacation – paid up to 30 days (240 hours)

Sick – 25% to a maximum of 300 hours

Stacey Stanish

Director of Administrative Affairs, Office ofCounty Administrator

Interim Director, Personnel Services

St. Johns County Board of County Commissioners


Wakulla pays out 100% of annual leave up to 360 hrs and ¼ of sick leave up to a maximum of 240 hrs. The caveat to the annual leave is that your only allowed to accrue up to 240 hrs at the end of each calendar year (anything over that you lose).

Deborah DuBose

OMB Coordinator

850.926.9500 x 410 (phone)

850.728.0686 (cell)

850.926.9006 (fax)

Franklin County pays out the following upon

RETIREMENT: up to 160 Hours Vacation, up to 320 Hours of Sick Leave, up to 40 hours of Comp-Time

VOLUNTARY SEPARATION: up to 160 Hours Vacation, up to 40 Hours Comp-Time

Hope you have a great week,

Erin Griffith

Assistant Finance Officer

Franklin County

(850) 653-2275 Ext. 172

(850) 653-3148 Fax

Baker County pays for sick time ONLY if you retire. It is paid at 25 % up to 480 hours. You are paid for all your vacation if you retire or quit.


Human Resources Officer

Baker County Board of Commissioners

904-259-0207 PH- 904-259-4176 FAX

An employee who voluntarily resigns (vesting is not required) will be paid all accrued annual leave up to 240 hours at 100% pay, no sick leave is paid. An employee who is vested and retires under the FRS will be paid annual leave up to 240 hours at 100% pay. Only employees hired prior to November 3, 1987 and retiring under the FRS will be paid accrued sick leave that was on the books at that time, up to 480 hours at 100% pay.

Sandy Pettis

Bay County Human Resources

840 West 11th Street

Panama City, Florida 32401


850-248-8218 FAX

Walton County pays out a max of 120 hours of annual leave. We also pay out a max of 120 hours of sick leave, if it is a "positive termination" (sick leave only).

Hope this helps,

Brady Bearden

Human Resources Director

Walton County BCC

Santa Rosa County pays as follows:

Annual- maximum of 240 hrs upon separation.

Sick - 25%, maximum of 480 hrs. paidupon retirement. If separation is due to the death of the employee, the beneficiary receives 100%.

Cindy Williams

Human Resources Manager

Santa Rosa County

6495 Caroline Street, Suite H

Milton, Florida 32570


Sumter County’s policy:

a. Approved lump sum payment of accrued, but unused, annual leave. However, an employee who is involuntarily terminated from employment may not be approved for accrued, but unused, annual leave. Moreover, employees who separate during the first six (6) months of employment are not eligible for payment of benefits.

b. At retirement, an employee hired June 1, 2009, or after will receive payment of 25% of unused sick leave at his current rate of pay. Employees hired before June 1, 2009, will receive payment for 50% of unused sick leave at his current rate of pay through December 31, 2009. Sick leave pay-out at retirement will be paid at percentages shown in table below for employees retiring January 1, 2010 or after.

Exception to section d: Employees who have entered DROP (Deferred Retirement Option Program) before June 1, 2009, or employees having filed an application for retirement with the Division of Retirement before June 1, 2009, with a retirement date occurring before June 1, 2014, will receive payment for 50% of unused sick leave at his current salary rate. Should the employee extend their employment beyond the retirement date stated on their retirement application, the sick leave pay-out benefit will be paid according to the phase out schedule at the actual date of retirement..

Effective Date / Through / Pay-out Percentage
January 1, 2010 / December 31, 2010 / 45%
January 1, 2011 / December 31, 2011 / 40%
January 1, 2012 / December 31, 2012 / 35%
January 1, 2013 / December 31, 2013 / 30%
January 1, 2014 / Forward / 25%


Kitty L. Fields, SPHR, CPM

Annual time is paid at a maximum of 280 hours at the employees current hourly rate of pay.

Sick Leave Buy Back Program allows for payment of sick leave not to exceed 1,000 hours at retirement/resignation. The employee is not eligible for this leave until they have been employed for at least 10 years.

10-15 years 50%

15-20 years 60%

20-25 years 75%

25-30 years 90%

30 years & over 100%

This buy back is at the employees’ current hourly rate of pay.

Lennetta Loman Greene

Jackson County

This is Gadsden County’s Leave Payout Policy

Annual Leave Payout:

An employee will be paid out up to 240 hours of annual upon termination of employment (resignation, retirement, discharged). Upon the death of an employee, all annual leave hours, including those in excess of 240, will be paid to the deceased employee’s beneficiary, estate, or as provided by law.

Sick Leave Payout:

Upon the termination, resignation, or retirement of an employee, ¼ of the accumulated sick leave hours will be paid to the employee. To receive a sick leave payout, an employee must have had three consecutive years of employment.

Ms. Lonyell L. Black

HR Analyst

Management Services Department

850-875-8660 O/850.875.8652 F

Columbia County pays out as follows (for non-collective bargaining employees):

Accrued, unused annual leave: maximum 240 hours

Sick leave: An employee with vested service who terminates because of retirement or death is entitled to payment for 25% of all unused, accrued sick leave earned on October 1, 1981 and after. Employees eligible for payment of unused sick leave earned before October 1, 1981 shall be paid at the rate of 100% for those benefits earned prior to October 1, 1981, at the September 30, 1981 rate of pay.

Michele Crummitt

Columbia County

Sick Leave Pay

Employees who resign after giving the County written notice of at least ten (10) working days, department heads, managers, and superintendents who give at least thirty days (30) calendar days written notice prior to requested effective date of their resignation, or employees who are laid off by the County for lack of work, will only be paid for sick leave accrued prior to January 1, 1999 (up to 720 hours) based on the following percentages at their 1999 rate of pay. (Excludes University of Florida funded positions):

0 - 2 years of service 25%

3 - 5 years of service 50%

6 - 10 years of service 75%

11+ years of service 100%

Sick leave hours accrued after January 1, 1999 will not be paid out for any employee.

Annual Leave

Annual leave may be taken as earned subject to the approval of the department head or supervisor. The employee's wishes as to a time of taking annual leave will be considered, but in the event of a conflict among employees that would result in interference with operations and/or services, the supervisor shall schedule the annual leave giving preference on the basis of department seniority. Annual leave time accrued in excess of 480 hours must be used during the calendar year or they shall be forfeited on December 31st of each year.

Employees must also satisfy all financial obligations upon termination. Accrued annual leave pay upon termination will not include any holiday pay. Employees will normally receive their final paycheck on the next regularly scheduled payday following their last day of employment.

LaTrina Harvey
Taylor County BOCC Human Resources
587 E US Hwy 27
Perry, FL 32347
Phone: 850 838-2097
Fax: 850-838-3531